Version 17.1 was released on 6/29/2017. EHR certified 2014 edition.
Note: Open Dental 17.1 requires a minimum 1280 x 768 resolution. Before updating, please evaluate your monitors and determine if you need to upgrade.
New tool changes providers on future appointments based on the providers assigned to the operatory. Update Provs on Future Appts
[famRecallDue] static text field in Sheets will only include family members that are due for a recall and are not scheduled. Static Text Fields Descriptions
[dueForBWYN] and [dueForPanoYN] static text fields now take disabled recall into account based on date and family balance. Static Text Fields Descriptions
Preference to use the transaction date as the Payment date (instead of the scheduled recurring charge date) when running Recurring Charges. Account Module Preferences
Chart Module
Use slider on the tooth chart to show procedure changes to the tooth chart over time. Graphical Tooth Chart
When a medication is marked as 'discontinued' in eRx, the same medication will be marked 'discontinued' in Open Dental upon refresh of the Chart module. eRx Medications
New preference to prompt user on how to handle fees when a provider changes on a procedure. Chart Module Preferences
For Canada, lab fee procedures now show on claims and lab fee estimates are based on the coverage of the associated procedure. Canada Lab Fees
Claims and Claim Payments
Process claim payments via virtual credit cards using X-Charge or PayConnect. Finalize Claim Payments
Process ERA 835s from a central window. Options to filter ERAs by date, amount, clinic, carrier, trace or check #, and status. Electronic EOBs (ERA 835s)
Finalize Payment button added to the Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) window. Electronic EOBs (ERA 835s)
Preference determines which procedure description is used on printed claims when chart procedure code differs from a base procedure code description. Family Module Preferences
Header on Ortho Chart printout reflects chart name and selected tab. Ortho Chart
Add an electronic signature stamp in the Ortho Chart for the person currently logged in. Ortho Chart
Option to define procedures that can be considered orthodontic placement procedures (used to determine the Date Start for claims created using the Auto Ortho Claim tool). Ortho Setup
Option to override the Date Start on the Ortho Case tab. Ortho Case
Payment Plans
Attached to Payment Plan checkbox removed from Payment window and replaced with label indicating the number of splits attached to a plan. Payment Plan window
When patient has a payment plan and a payment is entered, a prompt will ask the user whether the payments should be attached to a plan or not. Entering Payments to a Payment Plan
Preference for 'Payments prompt for auto splits' includes option to force allocated payments to have pay splits attached to a procedure. Account Module Preferences
Changing the provider on a completed procedure attached to a pay split will also change the provider on the pay split. Editing Procedure
When allocating a prepayment, new credit filter options when selecting procedures (include all, only explicitly attached, exclude all). Prepayments
Option to include procedures with no insurance estimates in the Procedures not Billed to Insurance report.
Filter the Treatment Finder Report by clinic. Users only see clinics they are restricted to. Treatment Finder Report
Treatment Finder Report "TP Date Since" now includes same-day treatment. Treatment Finder Report
In the Outstanding Insurance Claims report, new option determines whether the date a claim was last sent shows, or the date the claim was originally sent shows. Outstanding Insurance Claims Report
Option to force users to change their password at next login attempt when passwords are required to be 'strong' and their password does not meet the criteria. Security
After five consecutive failed log-on attempts, a user will be temporarily locked out of Open Dental, the CEMT, and/or the Mobile Web for 5 minutes or until the account is manually unlocked. Security User Profiles, CEMT Security
After a patient merge, history for both the merge 'from' and 'to' patient can be viewed in the Audit Trail. Audit Trail
Reports - Daily permission allows/blocks a user from running daily reports for adjustments, payments, procedures, and writeoffs. Permissions
Daily - View All Providers permission allows/blocks a user from viewing other provider information in a daily report. Permissions
Production and Income, View All Providers permission allows/blocks a user from viewing other provider information in the Production and Income report. Permissions
Patient Restriction Edit permission allows/blocks user from changing the 'Appointment Scheduling is Restricted' checkbox. Permissions
Patient Billing Type Edit permission only allows/blocks user from changing billing type. Permissions
Graphics Edit permission allows/blocks user from changing graphic settings. Permissions
Sheet Delete permissions allows/blocks user from deleting sheets associated with a patient. Permissions
Update Custom Tracking permission allows/blocks user from updating tracking status from the Outstanding Insurance Report. Permissions
Insurance Plan Ortho Edit permission allows/blocks user from editing insurance plan ortho information. Permissions
Insurance Plan Edit permission is required to add or edit discount plans. Permissions
Option to collapse/expand large tasks. Determine default behavior in Task Options. Tasks Area
When retrieving Web Forms, email address and phone number are also considered when matching forms to patients. Retrieve Submitted Forms
When entering data in linked Web Forms, once first name, last name, and birth date are entered, they are inherited on each subsequent form. Web Forms: What the Patient Sees
Default host server address redirects to Upload Web Forms
URL arguments for Dental Office ID, Web Sheet ID and Next Form ID updated. Upload Web Forms
Right click on a URL in a wiki list to open it in a browser.
Search option in wiki lists filters results.
Advanced search option added to wiki lists.
Recall List and Confirmation List Setup windows divided into separate windows. Recall List Setup, Confirmation List Setup "Show Graphical Tooth Chart" has been removed from Treatment Plan Module preferences. Treatment Plan Module Preferences Secondary insurance with Carve Out COB type includes deductible in calculation. Coordination of Benefits (COB) EHR Modified Stage 2 dashboard now shows correct description for Objective 9 - Secure Messaging. EHR Dashboard Clicking "Add Estimate" on a procedure on an insurance plan will open only the currently existing estimate instead of creating another estimate. Procedures - Financial Tab "Action Needed" toolbar button moved to Alerts menu. Enter and Approve CPOE Radiology Orders Added a ClinicDesc display field to the Account module and the Chart module. Customizing Chart Views Add a custom referral type (in addition to referral from and referral to). Referrals One referral per provider shows in the Patient Information grid. Referrals Dropbox reenabled. Dropbox Dropbox works with statements, email and claim attachments, summaries of care, wiki files and more. Dropbox Create appointments and patients using FHIR RESTful API Service. Open Dental FHIR - RESTful API Service Ability to add more messaging buttons. Messaging Buttons User is no longer required to run Open Dental as Admin when using X-Charge. X-Charge Include procedure status in PR1 segment of HL7 inbound ADT messages. HL7 Generic Message Structure Email PDF button added to the Edit Deposit Slip window. Deposits and Deposit Slips New FeeScheduleHiddenWithPatient DBM unhides fee schedules if they are associated with patients. Database Maintenance Galera enterprise users can manually disable the MySQL integrity check during database maintenance. Database Maintenance DPlan added as option in Display Fields, TreatmentPlanModule. Display Fields Providers marked 'hidden' cannot access eRx. Edit Provider Window Practice by Numbers bridge. Bridge - Practice by Numbers Carestream bridge name changed to Carestream Ortho/OMS from Bridge - Carestream i-Dixel bridge. Bridge - i-Dixel NewTom bridge. Bridge - NewTom NNT ADSTRA Imaging bridge. Bridge - ADSTRA Imaging