Outstanding Insurance Claims Report

Track outstanding insurance claims and preauthorizations and assign to users for follow-up using the Outstanding Insurance Claims Report.

In Standard Reports, in the Monthly section, click Outstanding Insurance Claims.

This report is useful for tracking claims that have been sent, but not received. From here users can also update tracking status for many claims at once or delegate staff to follow-up on claims.

To control user access to this report, see Report Setup: Security Permissions.


Select filters to update the claims or preauthorizations listed in the grid.

Claims Grid

Click Refresh after setting filter criteria to update the results in the Claims grid.

Click a column title to sort results in ascending or descending order. To view a claim, double-click it. The following columns are displayed on the report by default:

By default, the following fields are not displayed on the report. They can be added to the report in Display Fields.

Total: Shows the total fee billed to insurance (i.e., Amount) for all claims in the grid.

Right-click options: Right-click on a claim row to select one of the following options:


Assign User: Select claims from the grid and click to assign to a specific user. To remove user assignment, click Assign None from the Pick User window.

Zero Claims: Select claims from the grid and click to automatically mark as received. If no items are selected, all claims in the grid are received. Requires the "Security Admin" Permission.

Export: Click to export the list of claims and preauthorizations as a TXT or XLS file.

Print: Click to send the report to the default printer.

View Carrier/Plan and Patient/Subscriber Info

Click a row in the Claims grid to view information for the selected row.

Custom Tracking

Use this tool to change the Track Status or Error Code of all claims currently in the grid. Only enabled for users with the Update Custom Tracking security permission. See Definitions: Claim Custom Tracking for additional information.

To update Custom Tracking Status on all claims currently listed in the Claims grid (the total number of claims to be changed is noted in the bottom-right corner):

  1. Change report filter criteria as needed.
  2. Click Update Custom Tracking.
  3. Click the dropdown to select a status.
  4. Add a note if desired.
  5. Click Save. The Custom Tracking Status details are added for all claims in the Claims grid.