Patient Portal

Construct the Patient Portal URL and customize the Patient Portal Notification Email.

In eServices Setup, click Patient Portal.

Patient Portal is hosted by Open Dental and available to all customers on support.

Patient Facing URL

The patient facing URL is the web address given to patients to access the portal. It can be the hosted URL, or, can be a page on the office website that redirects the patient to the hosted URL. This URL shows on the printout generated when granting access.

Construct Hosted URL

The hosted URL is a unique URL linked to the practice's database.

Notification Email for Secure WebMail

The notification email subject and message are used to create unsecure email notifications that alert a patient when a new Secure WebMail message is available in the Patient Portal.

The email address set as WebMailNotify in Email Setup is used to send WebMail notifications.

Additionally, Secure Email messages can be viewed in Patient Portal.