Ortho Setup

For offices seeing ortho patients, set up and enable ortho features used throughout Open Dental.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Ortho.

The preferences below affect options used for Orthodontics.

See our Ortho Playlist

Show Ortho button and tab in Chart Module:

Show Auto Ortho in Account Module:

Show Auto Ortho information in the Ortho Chart:

Mark claims as Ortho if they have Ortho procedures:

Use the first ortho procedure date as Date of Placement:

Completing Debond procedure overrides months treatment:

Default months treatment: Set a default total treatment amount, in months, that shows on the Auto Ortho tab (Tx Months Total). If a patient's insurance plan is set to an ortho claim type of Initial Plus Periodic (Edit Insurance Plan - Ortho tab), this amount is used to determine the end date for generating periodic orthodontic claims using Ortho Auto Claims.

Show Ortho Chart in appointment options:

Patient Clone:

Default Ortho Auto Proc: Required if using the Auto Ortho Tool to generate claims. Set the default procedure code that will be used on the claim and sent to insurance. The default is D8670.auto, but users can select any procedure code. Click [...] to change.

  • Only the first 5 digits of procedure codes are sent to insurance. The .auto portion of the procedure code is not sent to insurance. So while D8670.auto will show on the Edit Claim window, only D8670 is sent to insurance. Using a procedure code with .auto is optional, but doing so is useful to track codes used on auto-generated claims.
  • The Default Ortho Auto Proc cannot be a banding procedure. This will prevent supplemental payments from being applied to the original claim.

Consolidate Ortho Insurance Payments:

Ortho Chart Display Fields: Click Edit to define the tabs and columns that show in the Ortho Chart. See Ortho Chart Setup.

Ortho Hardware Specs: Click Setup to add or edit Ortho Hardware Specs.

Ortho Prescriptions: Click Setup to add or edit Ortho Prescriptions.

Ortho Placement Procedures: Define which procedures can be considered as the initial orthodontic procedure. Determines which procedure will affect the Date Start in the Auto Ortho tab. If Use the first ortho procedure date as the Date of Placement is enabled above, also affects Date of Placement on claims. If no procedures are defined, Open Dental attempts to use the first procedure within the code span D8000-D8999 as the initial orthodontic procedure.

Ortho Case Procedures: Enter the procedure codes for each category. If entering multiple codes, separate them with a comma. These procedures will be used in Ortho Cases. Enter a code in at least one category to enable the Ortho Case feature.

Turn on Logging: Only use as directed by Open Dental Support.