Use the Treatment Finder report to identify active patients who have treatment planned procedures.
In Standard Reports, in the Lists section, click Treatment Finder.

See our Webinar: Treatment Finder Report
The Treatment Finder report can stay open in the background while users work in other windows (e.g., Account Module, Appointment Module) of Open Dental.
When first generated, the list includes patients who:
- Have treatment planned procedures (does not include procedures with a $0 fee).
- Have no scheduled appointment.
- Have insurance with a benefit year that follows the Calendar Year.
Different settings affect the results of the report. Set the report criteria in the View section.
Treatment Finder Grid
After setting report criteria, click Refresh List to update the results in the Treatment Finder grid. Click a column header to sort results in ascending or descending order.
The Treatment Finder grid displays results for the selected criteria.
- LName / FName: Last name and first name of the patient.
- Contact: Preferred Recall contact method from Edit Patient Information. If no Preferred Recall Method is set for a patient the Home Phone Number displays under Contact instead.
- Annual Max: View individual (I) or family (F) annual max insurance benefits. Patients with no annual max entered show a Amt Rem of $0.
- Amt Used: View amount of insurance used for completed procedures attached to received, supplemental, or adjustment insurance claims. Individual and family amounts show.
- Amt Pend: View pending insurance claims with attached completed procedures. Individual and family amounts show.
- Amt Rem: View remaining insurance benefits. Individual and family amounts show. Amount remaining includes completed procedures.
- TreatPlan: Total procedure fees for the individual patient's active treatment planned procedures.
- Insurance Carrier: Patient's primary insurance carrier.
- Clinic: Patient's assigned Clinic.
Click a patient in the grid to open the Chart Module for the selected patient.
Right-click options:
- See Family: Click to open the Family Module for the selected patient.
- See Account: Click to open the Account Module for the selected patient.
At the bottom of the Treatment Finder window are additional options
- Letters Preview: Select patients and click to generate a letter preview. Select the patient letter template to use then click OK. A PDF preview of all letters is generated. Patient letter templates are defined in Sheets.
- Export to File: Export all results as a .txt or .xls file that can be merged or imported into another program. For all patients, PatNum, Last Name, First Name, Contact Method, Address, City, State, Zip, Annual Max, Amount Used, Amount Pending, Amount Remaining and Treatment Plan total is exported.
- Single Labels: Select patients and click to send directly to a label printer. Patients' names and addresses are printed on individual sheets.
- Label Preview: Select patients and click to generate a PDF preview of labels. Patients' names and addresses are printed multiple per sheet. Click Print from the preview window to send to the printer.
- Print List: Click to print all results in the Treatment Finder grid. See Print Preview below.
- Go to Family: Click to view Family Module for selected patient.
- Go to Account: Click to view Account Module for selected patient.
Print Preview
Click Print List to print the results in the Treatment Finder grid. The information on the printout matches what appears on the Treatment Finder grid. An example is below.