Version 17.3 was released on 12/28/2017. EHR certified 2014 edition.
Major Features ASAP Appointments
Send text messages about available openings from the ASAP List. ASAP List
Web Sched ASAP eService: Notify patients about last minute appointment openings to patients on the ASAP list and include a clickable link they can use to reschedule their appointment online. Web Sched ASAP
Payment preferences determine behavior and requirements when entering a payment, such as allocation requirements, auto pay split suggestions, and pay split logic. Patient Payment Preferences
View scheduled and completed appointments, as well as action needed items such as Web Sched Recall notifications for appointments not yet scheduled and eConfirmation links for scheduled appointments not yet confirmed. What the Patient Sees
Mark favorite user queries as 'released' vs 'not released'. Released queries can be run by users with less security permissions. Query Favorites
When running a query favorite, user is prompted to set user variables. Query Favorites
User Query Admin permission allows/blocks user from writing or editing query favorites, running unreleased queries, adding or removing favorites, and marking favorite queries as released/not released. Permissions
User Query permission changed. Allows/blocks user from running released queries. Permissions
Payment preferences determine behavior and requirements when entering a payment, such as allocation requirements, auto pay split suggestions, and pay split logic. Patient Payment Preferences
Account module preference determines default logic for auto pay split suggestions: adjustments then FIFO, or FIFO only. Account Module Preference
Account module preference for Enforce Valid Paysplits determines whether or not Open Dental automatically suggests pay splits allocated to procedures, and whether or not allocation to procedures is required. Account Module Preference
Generic: General notifications (e.g. Open Dental Service cannot install properly).
Patient Requests Callback: Notifies user about patients who have requested a callback about an eConfirmation.
Web Sched New Patient: General notifications about the Web Sched New Patient eService (e.g.
Web Sched New Patient Appointment Create: Alerts user about appointments scheduled by new patients via Web Sched New Patient.
Numbers Barred from Texting: Notifies user about wireless phone numbers that have rejected text messages.
Multiple eConnectors: Notifies user that multiple different computers are running an instance of the eConnector.
ASAP Appointments
Send text messages about available openings from the ASAP List. ASAP List
Web Sched ASAP eService: Notify patients about last minute appointment openings to patients on the ASAP list and include a clickable link they can use to reschedule their appointment online. Web Sched ASAP
Abbreviation and Layman's Terms added as an available field for AppointmentEdit Display Fields. Display Fields
When LateColor is added to an appointment view, it will no longer override the color of completed appointments. Appointment View
An appointment can have a status of scheduled and be marked for the ASAP list. Edit Appointment Window
Right click from the appointment schedule to mark an appointment as ASAP. Appointments Module
If the provider on the appointment does not match at least one provider on an attached procedure when setting the appointment complete, user will receive a prompt. Set an Appointment Complete
Web Sched ASAP eService: Notify patients about last minute appointment openings to patients on the ASAP list and include a clickable link they can use to reschedule their appointment online. Web Sched ASAP
View scheduled and completed appointments, as well as action needed items such as Web Sched Recall notifications for appointments not yet scheduled and eConfirmation links for scheduled appointments not yet confirmed. What the Patient Sees, View Appointments
When constructing a Web Form URL, checkbox determines whether &AFNAB is added. This controls whether Last Name, First Name, and Birthdate are inherited from form to form. Upload Web Forms
Option to compress images that are too large when uploading a Web Form. Upload Web Forms
Web Forms added to the setup menu. Setup permission is required. Main Menu
Web Sched New Patient
Option to prompt patients to validate if they are a new patient, and if they are over 18 years of age or the legal guardian/parent of a minor. Web Sched New Patient Setup
Ortho Chart Edit (full) permission allows/blocks user from creating, signing, or editing any ortho chart. Permissions
Ortho Chart Edit (same user, signed) permission allows/blocks user from editing and signing ortho charts created or signed by others. Permissions
Procedure Note (full) permission allows/blocks user from editing and signing procedure notes. Permissions
Procedure Note (same user) permission allows/blocks user from editing procedure notes signed by others. Permissions
Group Note Edit (other users, signed) permission allows/blocks user from editing signed group notes. Permissions
Separate audit trail log for tracking changes to insurance plans and their attached carriers, employers and benefits. Insurance Plan window
Pay Plan Edit permission allows/blocks user from creating, editing, closing ,and deleting payment plans. Permissions
Claim Edit permission logs an entry in the audit trail when a claim is created, cancelled, or saved. Permissions
User Query Admin permission allows/blocks user from writing or editing query favorites, running unreleased queries, adding or removing favorites, and marking favorite queries as released/not released. Permissions
User Query permission changed. Allows/blocks user from running released queries. Permissions
Auto note button added to the Task Note Edit window. Tasks
Tasks refresh if they are edited by another user while open. Tasks
Treatment Plans
Active and Inactive treatment plans won't reflect the patient's current insurance type. Treatment Plans
When checking for frequency limitations, tooth number, surface, and tooth range are considered. Insurance Frequency Checking
Option for users to a classic view version of the treatment plan for patients who have a treatment plan that was saved prior to version 17.1. Treatment Plans
Mark favorite user queries as 'released' vs 'not released'. Released queries can be run by users with less security permissions. Query Favorites
When running a query favorite, user is prompted to set user variables. Query Favorites
User Query Admin permission allows/blocks user from writing or editing query favorites, running unreleased queries, adding or removing favorites, and marking favorite queries as released/not released. Permissions
User Query permission changed. Allows/blocks user from running released queries. Permissions
Claim Snapshots are captured when the claim is created, unless another trigger has been set in a previous version. Family Module Preferences
'Skip for now' option added for Auto Note prompts. If edited later, the prompt will reappear. Auto Notes
'Skip Altogether' option in an Auto Note prompt skips the prompt completely and blanks it out. If edited later, the prompt will not reappear. Auto Notes
Clear button added to the Commlog window. Commlogs
Reply all and Forward added to the Email Inbox. Email Inbox
Progress bar on Open Dental splash screen when launching the program. Programming Resources