
The Clinics feature is useful when there are multiple locations and one database.

In the Main Menu, click Clinics.

The Clinics feature allows multiple locations to be run from one database while keeping locations separate for reporting.

Use this menu to select the clinic. Only clinics the logged-on user has access to are listed as options. To set the default clinic selected in the Main Menu when logging on, see Track Last Clinic by in Preferences.

The clinic selection determines the following:

Clinic Setup

When setting up clinics, do the following:


Clinic selection: Below are some helpful guidelines about the clinic options available for selection in various areas of Open Dental.

Operatories: If an operatory has a clinic set, all appointments scheduled in that operatory are automatically assigned that clinic. If an operatory has no clinic, the appointments are assigned the patient's clinic. Operatories

Claims: To ensure claims are always credited to the correct clinic, follow these guidelines.

Patient Payments: The default clinic for patient payments is determined by Default Clinic for patient payments set in Preferences.

Claim Payments and Adjustments: Claim payments and adjustments default to the patient's clinic. If Unassigned, the default is None.

Time Clock: Each time clock event is associated to a clinic. When clocking in, the clinic selected in the Main Menu is assigned to the event. Subsequent clock out events use the same clinic.


Also see: Multiple Locations

General Information:

Patients with No Assigned Clinic:
To find patients with no assigned clinic, run the Database Maintenance tool and check results for PatientsNoClinicSet. If patients are found, then manually assign default clinics. If needed, contact Open Dental Support for a conversion service to associate clinics

Turning off Clinics:
Turning off Clinics (disabling the Clinics feature from Show Features), essentially ignores the clinics preferences that have been assigned throughout Open Dental and hides clinic information. Clinic information and preferences are not deleted. If the Clinics feature is re-enabled, the previous Clinic settings and information is visible or enabled once more.

This may affect third-party integrations. Before disabling clinics, practices may need to enable users access to all clinics.