Claims Not Sent Report

Run the Claims Not Sent Report to find claims that still need to be sent to insurance.

In Standard Reports, in the Monthly section, click Claims Not Sent.

The Claims Not Sent report is a list of claims that have been created, but do not have a claim status indicating they have been sent (i.e., Sent-Verified, Probably Sent, or Received).

If a claim is marked as sent (e.g., printed or sent electronically) and the status is later updated to indicate it has not been sent, the claim appears on this report.

Note: To control user access to this report, see Report Setup: Security Permissions.


Change report criteria filters to update report results.

From/To: Defaults to one week prior to the current date. To change, type a date or click the dropdown to select a date from the calendar. Click the dropdown arrow again or Refresh to close the calendar.

Clinics: Only available when Clinics are enabled in Show Features. Click to dropdown to select clinics to include in the report. Select All (includes hidden) to include all clinics, including those marked hidden.

Claim Filter: Select the type of claims to include:

Claims Not Sent

Click Refresh to close the calendar dropdowns and update report results. The Claims Not Sent grid lists each claim meeting the filter criteria.

Right-click a row and select Go to Account to open the Account Module for the selected patient. Double-click a row to open the Claim. Following is a description of each column included in the grid:

Click a column header to re-sort results. By default, results are grouped by Date of Service.

Report Preview

Click Run Report to launch a print preview of the report results. The print preview includes the same data columns as the Claims Not Sent grid described previously. For a description of toolbar buttons, see Complex Report System.

Note: If there are more than two procedures attached to a claim, it may be necessary to click Wrap Text to see all procedures on the printout.