Account Module
The Account Module is where a patient's financial information and claim history is viewed.
Set default Account Module options in Preferences and Allocations Setup.
See our Account Module Playlist.
Payment: Click the button to enter a patient Payment.
Adjustment: Select a single procedure and click the button to enter single negative or positive Adjustment. Select multiple procedures and click the button to Add Multiple Adjustments at once.
New Claim: Click the button to Create a Claim based on the patient's currently active insurance plans. Claims are automatically created for both primary and secondary insurance plans. Click the dropdown for additional options:
Payment Plan: Click to open a dropdown and select a payment plan type to create a new plan.
Installment Plan: Set up Installment Plan. This is a simple alternative to a Payment Plan.
Quick Procs: Quickly chart a procedure to the account. See Quick Procs.
Repeating Charge: Add Repeating Charges to the patient's balance on a monthly basis.
Statement: Click the button to send a statement to the printer. Prints all transactions within Start Date / End Date set in the Show tab (see below). If no date range is set in the Show tab, uses the Start Date Last # Days set in Billing Defaults. Click the dropdown to select another option. See Statement.
Questionnaire: This feature is obsolete. Button only appears when the Questionnaire feature had been previously enabled.
Third-Party Integrations: Other third-party integrations and Program Links (i.e., bridges) may show a button in the toolbar, depending on setup. The following buttons show by default, but can be hidden from Program Links:
Family Aging: Displays the aging for the family balance. These amounts show the full balance, regardless of insurance estimates or expected write-offs. Every time a patient's account is opened, Aging is updated for accuracy.
Total: The total balance for all family members. The total does not take into account insurance estimates or expected write-offs.
Ins Est: Displays expected insurance payments for the entire family (estimated insurance payments + estimated write-offs). This number updates automatically when a claim has been created or received. If insurance estimates are changed on a NotReceived Claim Procedures ( claimprocs ), use the Recalculate Estimates button on the Claim to update.
Est Bal (bold red): The total estimated balance for the family after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs. (Total - InsEst = Est Bal)
Pat Est Bal: The selected patient's balance after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs.
Unearned: The total Unearned / Prepayment balance for the family.
Ins Rem: Hover over the box to see Insurance Remaining Calculations.
DPlan Rem: Hover over the box to see remaining discount plan benefits. This replaces Ins Rem when a patient has a Discount Plan.
When the patient attached to a payment plan, as guarantor or patient, details are shown in the Payment Plans grid. Double-click a plan to view terms, amortization schedule, or to edit.
For details see: Payment Plan, Insurance Payment Plans, Installment Plan, and Old Payment Plan.
The Patient Account tab displays line item details of the patient's account history. This includes all procedures, grouped by date with related claims, insurance payments, patient payments (and pay splits), adjustments, statements, invoices, and receipts. Depending on the option selected for the Pay Plan charge logic preference, payment plan credits, debits, and payments may also show.
The sort order is as follows:
Double-click an item to edit. Click a claim or adjustment to highlight attached procedures.
Procedures marked as (In Process) are part of a group of procedures. These cannot be sent out on claims until all other procedures in the group have also been completed.
Right-click options: Options vary depending on the selected rows (e.g., payment vs. claim). Some options may be grayed out due to the user's Permissions.
This tab only shows if Show Auto Ortho in account module is selected in Ortho Setup.
Displays the patient's Auto Ortho details.
This tab only shows if procedures are added to Ortho Case Procedures in Ortho Setup.
View the patient's Ortho Case details.
The Hidden Splits Tab appears if an existing paysplit on the account is attached to an Unearned Type marked Do Not Show on Account.
These are commonly paysplits attached to treatment planned procedures.
The Communications Log shows all Commlog entries for the family.
Entries with a blank Name are for the currently selected patient. Entries for other family members list their first name. There is a splitter between the main account grid and the log. Drag the splitter up or down to shrink or expand the log.
Fam Urgent Fin Note: This note applies to the entire family. It shows in red and is meant for very important financial notes. It also shows in red in a variety of other places throughout the program. This text box supports Right-Click Options.
Service Date View: Click to open Service Date View.
Credit Card Manage: Manage stored patient credit cards. See Credit Card Manage.
Select Patient: Lists all family members. Click on a patient to switch patient accounts, or click Entire Family to view the account history for all family members.
Family Financial: These notes are not tracked in the Audit Trail. This is an older version of the Commlog. This text box supports right-click options.
Select which information displays in the Account Module.
Start/End Date: Filter transactions by date on the Patient Account. Enter a start and end date manually then click Refresh, or click a button to select today only, Last 45 Days, Last 90 Days, or All Dates (no date range).
Show Proc Breakdowns: Display additional financial information in the description column for each procedure (e.g., patient portion, insurance paid, write-off, adjustment). This checkbox is user specific. To show the breakdown on statements, select Show procedure breakdown in Preferences.
Show Family Comm Entries: Show Commlog entries for the entire family rather than just for the current patient. Set whether this option is checked or unchecked by default in Preferences, Show family commlog entries by default.
Show Automated Commlogs: Show Commlog entries that have been automatically generated (e.g., Recalls, FHIR, web sched, etc). This checkbox is user specific, and affects automated Commlogs in the Account Module, Chart Module, and Appointment Edit window.
Show Completed Pay Plans: Affects all workstations. Show closed payment plans in the Payment Plans grid. When Entire Family is selected, the Payment Plans grid is always displayed.
This grid only shows fields are added to Display Fields, Account Patient Information.
Billing Type and Patient Fields can be displayed here.