Add Multiple Adjustments

Use the Add Multiple Adjustments window to add adjustments for multiple procedures at once.

In the Account Module toolbar, click the Adjustment dropdown and click Add Multiple.


Adjustment Info

In the Adjustment Info section, enter the adjustment details.

Date: Typically the same as the entry date. Modifying this date could potentially change historical data. Date changes must be made prior to clicking Add for the entered date to be used for the adjustment(s).

Only show TSI excluded adjustment types: Only available when TSI Collections is enabled and the selected patient has a Billing Type marked as C (Collections). Determine which Adjustment Types are listed:

Adjust Per Procedure: In the text box, enter the adjustment amount to attach to selected procedures.. The tex box label changes (Percent/Amount) depending on the radio button selection. Adjustment Create Permission is required to create an adjustment other than $0.

Provider: Provider assigned to the adjustments. Defaults to inherit the provider on the attached procedure. Click the dropdown or [...] to select a different provider. This affects the production of the provider.

Clinic: Clinic assigned to the adjustments. Defaults to inherit the clinic on the attached procedure. Click the dropdown or [...] to select a different clinic. This affects the production of the selected clinic.

Note: The clinic and provider of the adjustment must match the attached procedure. If the provider and clinic do not match, the procedure value is not be updated and the adjustment is considered a separate charge when a payment is applied.

Additions: List of adjustment types that increase the procedure fee. Customize options in Definitions: Adj Types.

Subtractions: List of adjustment types that decrease the procedure fee. Customize options in Definitions, Adj Types.

Account Entries, Note, and More

In the bottom section of the Add Multiple Adjustment window, select procedures to apply adjustments, add note, add adjustments, and more.

Account Entries Grid: Highlight procedure(s) to attach adjustments to. Listed procedures are dependent on the selected Credit Filter (see below).

Note: Custom text that appears on each adjustment. To show this note on statements enable Show notes for adjustments in Preferences.

Credit Filter: Determine which procedures are available in the Account Entries grid.

Add: Click to create adjustments in the Account Entries Grid for selected procedures with the entered Adjustment Info and Note.

Update: Update adjustments based on the settings in Adjustment Info. This allows users to alter adjustments as needed before saving.

Delete: Select adjustment(s) and click to delete from the Account Entries grid.

Click Save to close the window and post adjustment(s) to the patient's account.