Claim Procedures ( claimprocs )
View and edit details of a procedure attached to an insurance claim or estimate from the Edit Claim Procedure window.
In a Claim, double-click on a procedure.
Alternatively, in the Procedure - Financial Tab double-click an estimate.
A claim procedure (claimproc) is used for the following purposes:
In a typical situation:
Ins Plan: Displays the insurance carrier and subscriber name. Claimprocs are always associated with one insurance plan whether they are an estimate or attached to a claim.
Status: The status of the claim procedure.
Payment Tracking: Document information about the payment of the procedure. Useful to track why payment was rejected. Customize options in Definitions: Claim Payment Tracking.
Provider: Provider attached to the claimproc. By default, this is the provider who performed the procedure, but can be changed to a different provider. This provider is assigned to any insurance payment. Click [...] to change. The provider can only be changed when the status is set to Not Received. See Claimproc Provider for more details.
Clinic: Only visible if the Clinics feature is enabled in Show Features. Normally the clinic assigned to the Procedure (e.g., treating clinic), but it can differ. This affects some reports.
Pay Entry Date: The date the related insurance payment was entered. Used to track account aging. Only displays after an insurance payment has been received.
Payment Date: Can be edited until attached to an insurance check. Once attached to an insurance check, see Finalize Insurance Payment to edit payment information.
Procedure Date: The date the procedure was performed. This is pulled from the Date attached to the Procedure. Used to track annual benefits used.
Description: The procedure code description.
This is an estimate only/This is part of a claim: Indicates if this claimproc is an estimate or has been attached to claim. If part of a claim, the following information is shown:
Do Not Bill to Insurance: Only used when the claimproc is an estimate. Indicates that this claimproc will remain an estimate and never be attached to a claim. Estimate information is hidden when this box is checked. This box is greyed out when the procedure is attached to a claim or preauthorization.
Fee: The actual fee billed to the patient as entered on the Procedure.
Fee Schedule: The fee schedule of the insurance plan listed first in the Family Module. If this is a medical procedure code, this fee schedule may not accurately indicate where the fee is pulled from.
Substitution Code: The Ins Subst Code entered for the procedure code. Used for situations like posterior composites, where the insurance company downgrades it to the rate of an amalgam.
PPO Fee Schedule: The Fee Schedule assigned to a PPO Plan Type insurance in the Edit Insurance Plan window.
Allowed Fee Schedule: The fee schedule assigned to Carrier Allowed Amounts on the Edit Insurance Plan window.
Allowed Amt: Insurance allowed fee (e.g., contracted fee). Frequently, insurance companies do not allow the full fee because they claim it is above UCR for the area. In these cases, enter the allowed fee that should be used for all calculations instead of the Fee.
Changing information does not change the patient's balance. To update a patient's estimated balance and see updated estimates on a claim after making changes, click Recalculate Estimates in the Edit Claim window.
Patient Copay: For most plan types, based on the insurance plan's Patient Co-pay Amounts fee schedule.
For Fixed Benefit Plan Types, this Patient Copay is calculated as (Fee or Allowed Amt) - Fixed Benefit Amount. Fixed Benefit Amount is determined by the Fixed Benefit fee schedule assigned to the insurance plan.
Deductible: Indicates any Deductible amount applied to the estimate. The patient must pay this amount before insurance coverage is applied. This affects the Insurance Estimate and Patient Portion.
Percentage %: The percentage that insurance is expected to cover, based on a plan's benefits.
Paid By Other Ins: Adds up all amounts paid by insurance plans that are lower in order. For example, it never contains an amount if this is primary insurance. Enable Auto update secondary claim estimates when primary is received in Preferences to update this amount automatically.
BaseEst: Base insurance estimate before considering any deductible or maximums (e.g., annual max). Calculated as (Fee or Allowed) - Copay) x (Percentage or Percent Override)
Insurance Estimate: This value is the one shown in most places as the estimate.
Click Blue Book Log to open the Insurance Blue Book Log (see below).
Write-off Estimate: Usually only used for PPO plans. This is shown as a column in the Treatment Plan. Requires the Insurance Write-off Edit permission.
Estimated Patient Portion: The estimated amount the patient is responsible for after insurance estimate and write-offs (Fee - Insurance Estimate - Write-off).
Estimate Note: Contains automatically generated notes about maximums, limitations, exclusions, etc. that may affect the insurance calculations and also display in the Treatment Plan.
This section is only shown when the procedure is attached to a claim and can only be edited from within a claim.
Deductible: The actual deductible amount applied as reported by the insurance company.
Insurance Estimate: The official amount estimated to be paid. Affects patient balance. Gets copied from Insurance Estimate when claim is created. After that, it can only be changed manually.
Insurance Paid: The actual amount insurance paid on the procedure. Entered when receiving a claim. Cannot be edited once the procedure is attached to a check.
Write-off: Amount not covered by insurance that the office decides not to charge the patient. This is how Capitation is handled as well as assignment of benefits where provider has agreed not to charge above a set amount. Requires the Insurance Write-off Edit permission.
Estimated Patient Portion: The estimated amount the patient is responsible for after insurance and write-offs If the claimproc is Not Received, calculated as . If the claimproc is Received, calculated as Fee - Insurance Paid - Write-off.
Attached to Insurance Payment Plan: This box is automatically checked if this claimproc's insurance payment is attached to an Insurance Payment Plan. This box can be checked manually if payment is entered first and an Insurance Payment Plan is created after the fact.
Delete: Remove the insurance estimate (claimproc) from a procedure.
Click Save to keep changes. Insurance estimates are updated when clicking Save from Procedure Info or clicking Recalculate Estimates on an associated Claim.
When Blue Book is enabled, the Blue Book Log button is visible. Click to see the history of the blue book fee for this procedure code.
The history of the fee is shown. As allowed amounts are entered, or manual fees change, they are logged here.