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Previous Versions 

This page is no longer used. Starting with Version 5.3, please see the new page:

New "Previous Versions" page.

Version 4.4
Version 4.5
Version 4.6
Version 4.7
Version 4.8
Version 4.9
Version 5.0
Version 5.1
Version 5.2
Version 5.3
Version 5.4
Version 5.5

The following is a list of changes for each build:

Version 5.2 new features listed here

known issues:
Confirmation postcard printing, the adjustment settings do not work.

5.2.18 not released
Importing an image to a procedure button might have caused program to not open.

5.2.17 Released 12/17/07
Task list was crashing.

5.2.16 Released 11/19/07
Creating a preauthorization for a plan that did not use calendar year was giving an error message.
Speed optimization added for Appointments module.

5.2.15 Released 11/13/07
If trying to break an appointment, but none was selected, it was giving an error.
Was not able to hide users from the login list.

5.2.14 Released 10/12/07
Fixes error when trying to print medical 1500 claim.

5.2.13 Production Version Released 10/11/07
Appts module optimized for speed.

5.2.12 (beta) Released 10/11/07
Payment splits were not getting saved when editing.

5.2.11 (beta) Released 10/7/07
Trojan Collect: operator name field added.
Autonote setup hidden.
Ins Plan eligibility button hidden.
Renaissance bridge added NPIs.

5.2.10 (beta) Released 10/3/07, Foreign version also released
Writeoffs were not affecting calculated provider balances.

5.2.9 (beta) not released
It was possible for the schedule day edit window to give an error on closing if a provider was hidden.

5.2.8 (beta) Released 10/2/07
Database maint tool enhanced to delete appointments will length of zero, and procedures with codenum of zero.

5.2.7 (beta) Released 10/2/07
When scheduling recalls, the appointment sometimes didn't get created, or got created with a blank procedure.

5.2.6 not released
Provider Edit window would not open.
Preview of a newly scanned image was not showing before the scan options appeared.
Database maint tool enhanced to clean up entries that might cause schedule to print starting at midnight.

5.2.5 (beta) Released 9/25/07
InsPlan changes were not being applied to all similar plans.  Only happened when no employer was attached.

5.2.4 (beta) Released 9/24/07
InsPlan window was not showing all similar plans in dropdown list. Only happened when no employer was attached.

5.2.3 (beta) not released
Writeoffs with no payment amount now have the payment date set so that they will show on dated reports.

5.2.2 (beta) not released
If a procedurecode was entered twice in the database, then the program would crash on startup.

5.2.1 (beta) Released 9/18/07
The patient payment screen and the insurance payment screen might have bugs.

Version 5.1 new features listed here

no known issues

5.1.30 not released
Importing an image to a procedure button might have caused program to not open.

5.1.29 Released 10/12/07
Fixes error when trying to print medical 1500 claim.

5.1.28 Released 10/11/07
Appts module optimized for speed.

5.1.27 Released 10/3/07 Foreign version also released.
It was possible for the schedule day edit window to give an error on closing if a provider was hidden.

5.1.26 Released 10/2/07
Database maint tool enhanced to delete appointments wilth length of zero, and procedures with codenum of zero.

5.1.25 Released 10/2/07
When scheduling recalls, the appointment sometimes didn't get created, or got created with a blank procedure.

5.1.24 not released
Preview of a newly scanned image was not showing before the scan options appeared.
Database maint tool enhanced to clean up entries that might cause schedule to print starting at midnight.

5.1.23 Released 9/27/07
InsPlan changes were not being applied to all similar plans.  Only happened when no employer was attached.

5.1.22 Released 9/24/07
InsPlan window was not showing all similar plans in dropdown list. Only happened when no employer was attached.

Writeoffs with no payment amount now have the payment date set so that they will show on dated reports.

5.1.20 Released 9/21/07
If a procedurecode was entered twice in the database, then the program would crash on startup.

5.1.19 Released 9/18/07
Fine tuned double buffering in attempt to find best performance.

5.1.18 Released 9/18/07
Some users were having graphics issues with the 3D tooth chart.  Turn off double buffering for everyone.

5.1.17 Released 9/13/07
Fixes an infinite loop that was sometimes locking up the program on startup.

More logging turned off.

5.1.15 Released 9/13/07
Logging turned off in attempt to fix TS issue.

5.1.14 Released 9/10/07. Foreign version also released.
Font change at top of Account module.

5.1.13 not released
Small changes to medical claims.

5.1.12 Production Version Released 9/7/07
Graphics options window overhauled to be more user friendly.

5.1.11 (beta) Released 9/6/07
3D chart speed enhancements (blazing fast now).

5.1.10 (beta)
Some changes to fonts.

5.1.9 (beta) Released 9/5/07
Images module was unusable because no image paths were valid.
Printing claims was giving error message.

5.1.8 (beta) Released 9/5/07
Fixes error when trying to create a new appointment.
Database maint enhancement: Fix patients with invalid guarantor number.
Enhancements to graphics selections to address slow 3D tooth chart.

5.1.7 (beta) Released 9/4/07
Appointment search was giving wrong times if using 2 rows per time increment.

5.1.6 (beta) Released 9/4/07
Dental School Requirements: Now allows multiple requirements to be filled on a single appointment. Can also be multiple students on one appointment.

5.1.5 (beta) Released 9/3/07
Note field added to etrans at bottom of claim send window.

5.1.4 (beta) not released yet
Claims tracked by transNum, not just batchNum.

5.1.3 (beta) Released 8/31/07
Improvements to 3D chart options in effort to increase speed.
The last repeating charge entry in a series was not going in on update.

5.1.2 (beta) Released 8/31/07
Account module could not open.

5.1.1 (beta) Released 8/30/07

Version 5.0 new features listed here

5.0.21 Released 9/5/07
Database maint enhancement: Fix patients with invalid guarantor number.
Big tooth chart should load faster now.

5.0.20 Released 9/5/07
Fixes error when trying to create a new appointment.

5.0.19 Released 8/30/07
Database maint enhancement: It was possible for an insurance payment total to show differently on a deposit slip.

5.0.18 Released 8/28/07
Enhancement: Procedures that are attached to other appointments are again visible inside another appointment.
Deleting a procedure was giving an error.
If using Tesia clearinghouse, checks to make sure TesiaLink is running.

5.0.17 Released 8/23/07
Attempted to fix: Deleting a procedure was giving an error.

5.0.16 Released 8/20/07
Made it easier to see ChartNumber on appointments.
X-charge link updated.
Printing the daily appointments was not working for some days.

5.0.15 Production Version Released 8/7/07. Foreign version released.
Provider for new patients was not setting according to default practice provider.
Provider list edit window, up and down arrows were not working.
Deductible was showing for multiple procedures in tp instead of just one.
Procedures that are attached to other appointments no longer show as available to schedule from another appointment.
Name no longer shows twice in grid at lower left of appointment edit window.
Double and triple booking show when single or double booked.
The production total at the right of the appointments was wrong (second cause).

5.0.14 (beta) Released 8/6/07.  Foreign version released.
Appt confirmed status was reflecting last status clicked instead of current status.
The production total at the right of the appointments was wrong.
Appointment bubble was not refreshing after appointment changed.
Global fees update was setting fees to zero for any patient who did not have insurance.
Printing the Progress Notes for hospital was printing more than one day.
Lab cases and fees were not showing on graphic of planned appointment.
Appointment creation was not being saved in audit trail.
Lab cases were not getting transferred from planned appointment to scheduled appointment.
Appointment descriptions were not accurate after deleting an attached procedure in Chart module.

5.0.13 (beta) Released 7/31/07
The version number was wrong.

5.0.12 (beta) Released 7/31/07
Mediadent bridge was given a "1 F not valid integer" error.
When entering a recall appointment from the week view, it was jumping to the wrong date.
Enhancements to the script functions.

5.0.11 (beta) Released 7/30/07
ADA code descriptions standardized for everyone.
After update from trial version, autocodes were not getting set.
Laymans term now shows instead of description, since descriptions cannot be edited.
Some minor changes made to the stationary feature.
ApptProcsQuickAdd list can now be set to default for new users.

5.0.10 (beta) Released 7/27/07
A long blockout that was pasted late in the day might not have shown.
Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste, the Clear Day button was not functional.
Option for prognotes at bottom of Account module removed.
X-Charge link was not clickable.
Student Requirements- fixed an obvious bug.
Enhancement: ADA codes now load after converting from trial version. Not perfect yet, but much better.

5.0.9 (beta) Released 7/20/07
When sending e-claims to Renaissance, "P7Date not valid" error.

5.0.8 (beta) Released 7/19/07
Major Issue: Program wouldn't load on 64 bit operating systems. (this was not fixed in 4.9, only 5.0)
Suni dll is included in the general release.

5.0.7 (beta) Released 7/17/07
Path to Tesia clearinghouse was changed.
Was not able to change status of appointments.
Fixed error message when setting password for users.
Printing TP using simple tooth chart might fail, leaving an image of the teeth on the screen.
Image module description: sometimes it was saving changes and sometimes not. And sometimes it showed nothing when editing, even though it showed in the main list.

5.0.6 (beta) Released 7/11/07
Blockouts were not allowing user to edit.
Chart module 'EO' radio button text alignment was off.
Exiting the program in the middle of a Suni image capture was preventing the program from fully terminating.
Claimform total was showing in cents instead of dollars.

5.0.5 (beta) Released 7/6/07
The conversion to 5.0.4 was failing if running MySQL 4.1.
Some appt module buttons weren't working, such as set complete.

5.0.4 (beta) Released 7/6/07
Support for Suni sensor size 1.
Support for two Suni sensors on one computer.

5.0.3 (beta) Released 6/28/07
no changes.

5.0.2 (beta) Released 6/28/07
(only applies to us) edit registration key is working again.
Claimform background now prints from the setup window, too.
In the simple tooth chart, the X for extraction was too wide.
Highlight appt, then search for patient, was bringing up old patient instead of new patient.
There were multiple planned appointments in some situations.

5.0.1 (beta) released 6/26/07

5.0.0 (beta) released 6/26/07.
Appointment module probably has a few bugs since it was completely overhauled internally.
Everything else should be quite stable.

Version 4.9 new features listed here

4.9.13 Released 8/20/07
Printing the daily appointments was not working for some days.

4.9.12 Released but not posted to website.
Global fees update was setting fees to zero for any patient who did not have insurance.
Printing the Progress Notes for hospital was printing more than one day.

4.9.11 Released 7/11/07
In the simple tooth chart, the X for extraction was too wide.
There were multiple planned appointments in some situations.
Using search for appt was giving error if provider didn't have future schedule set up.

4.9.10 Released 6/20/07
Printing TP had rare issue of not showing graphical tooth chart.  This should be less likely now.
Appt edit: pinboard button was not working.
Moving an appointment after using search was putting appointment on wrong day.
Appointment popups now have address notes in red.
If outside the USA, then it no longer sets the ADA2006 claimform as the default during the upgrade to 4.9.

4.9.9 Assigned status of Production Version 6/12/07

4.9.9 Released 6/6/07
RDL reports that use dates are working again. New RDL report posted on website for unscheduled TPs.
Schedule edit window was giving error when double click on a day, null reference.
Changed grid fonts back to original.

4.9.8 Released 6/1/07
When printing perio chart or TP, occasional "blue screen of death". The issue was caused by bold gray fonts malfunctioning on some printers.
Conversion from Open Dental 2.8 was failing.

4.9.7 Released 5/24/07
Critical Bug Fix: If using MySQL 4.1, the conversion to Open Dental 4.9 would fail.
Emdeon users are now forced to set up the Clearinghouse page properly.

4.9.6 Released 5/23/07
Old labcases no longer show when attaching to planned appt.
Labcase edit window, date/time due was not valid after editing.
Labcase was not showing on planned appt.
Rx report was giving error.

4.9.5 Released 5/22/07
Family module was giving error if code not found.
Attaching a lab case to an appointment was giving an error.

4.9.4 Released 5/22/07
Appointment bubble no longer runs off the lower edge of the screen.
Referrals internal changes (removed hashlist).
Week view buttons were not behaving properly.

4.9.3 Released 5/21/07
Procedurecode tools fixed.
Claim form should now print from CDT.dll if available.

4.9.2 Released 5/21/07
Images module, the previous patient's image remains on the screen.
Repeating charge update was giving error about unknown column ProcCode in where clause.
Added a CodeNum index to procedurelog table for speed.
Fixed one procedurecode tool: delete unused codes.
Chart module "add key" button wasn't supposed to be there.

4.9.1 (beta) Released 5/18/07
Average stability for a beta version.

Version 4.8 new features listed here.

4.8.18 Released 6/1/07
When printing perio chart or TP, occasional "blue screen of death". The issue was caused by bold gray fonts malfunctioning on some printers.
Conversion from Open Dental 2.8 was failing.

4.8.17 Released 5/17/07
Appointments module up-down arrow was sometimes getting stuck on.
Topaz signature box was sometimes hidden.

4.8.16 Released 5/14/07
Attempt to resolve occasional blue screen of death when printing.

4.8.15 Released 5/14/07
E-claims treating provider which is different than billing provider, secondary prov ID (like BCBS) not sending.

4.8.14 Released 5/14/07
E-claims clearinghouses other than Emdeon were not correctly showing the sender's first name.

4.8.13 released as trial version 5/14/07
After editing the info for an image and changing the type, the icon in the tree list would not update properly

4.8.12 Released 5/10/07
Trojan bridge was not saving all the benefit notes.

4.8.11 Released 5/8/07
Payment Plan viewing was giving an error.
Added check to Database Maint tool for claimprocs with different status than claim.
Conversions from previous versions are a little more reliable now.

Released 5/7/07
The posted printout for the ADA2006 claimform had the checkbox in #1 too low.

4.8.10 Released 5/7/07
Signature window buttons were sometimes not showing.
Commlog in appointment was not ordered correctly.
P&I daily report was showing duplicate entries with zero amounts for insurance payments.
Appointment calc time button was being ignored.
TIF images now open in Windows viewer when double click. For viewing multiple page tif's.
Patient picture in Family module was looking very washed out.
Scan sometimes was not saving when image wasn't showing up.

4.8.9 Released 5/3/07
Enhancement: A button was added which deleted unsused codes that match the pattern D####.
Enhancement: Autocodes can now be set to default.
Enhancement: Procedure buttons can now be set to default.
All mediumint columns were changed to int to better handle conversions from other software and to better handle random primary keys.
Treatment plan tooth numbers were not showing.

4.8.8 Released 5/1/07
If using random primary keys, error message was coming up about computerpref table.
In e-claims, the View Reports button was giving error if Emdeon and invalid mail folder.
If using random primary keys, it was impossible to add a quicknote to a new category.

4.8.7 Released 4/30/07
Dragging images from one module to another was not permanently moving them when you left the module and returned.
Setup | Miscellaneous was giving an error message.
ADA Code Update Tool was not giving enough information about which codes were missing.
ADA Code Update Tool was not letting you edit a description you previously entered.
In e-claims, the clearinghouse number was getting cut off.

4.8.6 source code released 4/28/07
Enhancement: New procedure code entry tool to automate all settings for typical codes.
Appointment edit window patient info section is finished.

4.8.5 Released 4/27/07
Appt Audit button was giving an error.
Appt Edit: Pinboard and Task buttons are now functional again.
Appointments module, clicking on the lower portion of an appointment was resizing it even though no drag.

4.8.4 Released 4/27/07
TP now prints properly in simple graphical mode.
Main module graphics are brighter.
Missing Teeth button was not working.
Fixes error when trying to send e-claims.

4.8.3 Released 4/27/07
3D tooth chart now has two options to fine tune the display on a per-computer basis.
Renamed ADA Code Update Tool.

4.8.2 Released 4/26/07
Appointment edit window commlog is now functional.
Appointment edit now allows changing provider time.

4.8.1 Released 4/25/07
There is no "beta" for 4.8. This release was rushed due to copyright issues. All users need to be on this version.

Version 4.7 new features listed on here.

4.7 never made it out of beta.  All users should go straight to 4.8.

4.7.4 (beta) never released, but changes are part of 4.8.
Changes made to Tesia clearinghouse.
Secondary provider ID's turned back on in e-claims.
Primary e-claims no longer send COB amount paid=0.
Trying to edit Setup | Operatories was giving an error.

4.7.3 (beta) Released 4/13/07
Billing was giving error when creating list.
TP print was giving error.
Chart module "missing teeth" button was not working.
Appointments module, clicking on the lower portion of an appointment was resizing it even though no drag.

4.7.2 (beta) Released 4/12/07
After scanning or pasting an image, screen would not refresh.

4.7.1 (beta) Released 4/12/07
First beta version. Fairly stable, with most bugs likely to be in Images module or related to images.

Version 4.6 new features listed here.

4.6.31 Released 4/19/07
Primary e-claims no longer send COB amount paid=0.

4.6.30 Released 4/16/07
Secondary provider ID's turned back on in e-claims.

4.6.29 Released 4/4/07
Conversions from earlier versions would sometimes fail if new tables already existed.
Claimform download wasn't installing.

4.6.28 Released 4/2/07
When selecting pixel format, it now tries to not select full hardware accelleration. This makes it more likely to work on a variety of computers.

4.6.27 Released 3/30/07
Red X on one user's 3D teeth due to ATI graphics driver malfunction.

4.6.26 Released 3/29/07
Wouldn't start on some Win2003 servers.

4.6.25 Released 3/25/07
Conversion from 3.9 to 4.0 was failing.

4.6.24 Production Version .  Released 3/25/07
Choose Database window: Small fix to database dropdown list, and db type list.
When moving an appointment, the clinic was not getting automatically changed based on the operatory.

New Trial Version released, 4.6.23.

4.6.23 (beta) Released 3/24/07
Reverted back to MySQL.Data.dll 1.0.9 because 5.0.x was too unstable.  This fixed:
If network connection goes down, then a workstation might create a series of small boxes that say "Object reference..."

4.6.22 (beta) Source code posted 3/16/07
A faulty sound stored in database was able to cause all workstations to give error when sending a message.
Sound import was not working for long sounds (this issue remains intentionally unresolved for version 4.5)
Task item edit, if date blank, then it was giving an error message.
Added to database maint: Fix procs and claimprocs without providers.

4.6.21(beta) Released 3/5/07
Prevents 00-00-00 on all outgoing dates.
Might prevent random "obj ref" errors that one user was having.
Progress notes, right click, set complete was setting the wrong procedures complete if show selected teeth.
Choose database screen was coming up even though checkbox selected to not show.
Claim edit, preview, print, was not changing status.
Claim Send window refreshes history better.
Eliminated useless print history item button in claim send window.
Edit benefits, exams frequency was not saving.
PatNum and ChartNumber were not showing in title bar of Images module.
Appt module, select pt, make/find appt, cancel. Was resulting in patient name not showing in title bar.
In User Query favorites, save as filename field was being ignored.
Messaging buttons added to the bottom of the list sometimes weren't showing.

4.6.20 (beta) Released 2/27/07
ClinicNum added to userods classes. Can be used to block access to other clinics.
Procedure edit had EC and EO statuses switched.
NPI added to e-claims (and now required).
Installer properly removes all previous installations of Open Dental from Add/Remove Programs.

4.6.19 (beta) Released 2/23/07
List, Insurance Plans, double click on plan was giving an error, but only on some plans.
Vipersoft and Owandy bridges added.
Tigerview bridge now restricts length of phone number to prevent error.
ClinicNum column added to userod table.

4.6.18 (beta) Released 2/19/07
The installer works better now.
NPI fields added to claimform printing. ADA2006 and 1500 are done.

4.6.17 (beta) Released 2/13/07
The version number might have been wrong for version 4.6.16.

4.6.16 (beta) Released 2/12/07
Database maint tool: Negative writeoffs and sums corrected.
Database maint tool: Payment plans were reporting wrong number fixed.
Negative writeoffs not allowed in claimproc edit window.
Conversions between versions were saying "successful" even if they really failed.
Quick add notes sometimes disappeared immediately after entered below tooth chart.
Appointment edit window, when selecting procedures, no longer scrolls down after click.
Completing an appointment was hiding any existing proc notes.
International tooth numbers were not displaying in Progress Notes.
In general accounting, if a date range was selected, then the wrong transaction would be opened when double clicking.
Claim send window, after preview claim, row now remains highlighted.
With one customer, a series of small error boxes would come up if nobody was using the computer for a while.

4.6.15 (beta) Released 2/9/07
When adding a favorite report, it was possible to get an obj ref exception.
Space was made for the slightly wider Windows Vista calendar
Installer program on Vista computers is fixed.

4.6.14 (beta) Released 2/7/2007
Fixed a small error when getting benefits, but no plans.
Duplicate recalls fixed in database maint tool. The underlying cause of duplicate recalls has not been identified.
Oracle connection string added.

4.6.13 (beta) Released 1/28/07
Insplans list and claimpayments list rewritten for Oracle compatibility.
Claim edit window, if select from list, then blank, was giving syntax error.
Ins Plan List, when edit, the number of similar plans was incorrect.
3D tooth graphic speed increased about 30 fold on certain computers.
Graphical tooth chart was hiding a number if tooth moved to mesial.

4.6.12 (beta) Released 1/26/07
Added features: Import and export procedure codes.
Added AdmitDate to patient table for hospitals.
No longer blocks user from using MySQL 5.1.
Added provider to appointment view options.

4.6.11 (beta) Released 1/22/07
Update window overhauled.
OracleInsertId added.

4.6.10 (beta) Released 1/22/07
Signal ack was not working.

4.6.9 (beta) Released 1/22/07
Changed commlog.Mode to Mode_ for Oracle compatibility.
Added feature in Select Patient window: Only one phone search field which looks at all phone numbers and ignores non-numbers.
Added feature: Select Patient window hides deceased and archived patients by default.
Added feature: Contact preferences tracked separately for recall, regular, and confirm.  Integrated into various screens.
Improvement: Allowed to edit patient info within recall list detail window.
Improvement: Confirmation list remembers last patient selected.
Improvement: Can print recall list, unscheduled list, and confirmation list as displayed on screen.

4.6.8 (beta) Released 1/19/07
Gets rid of message box that was coming up every time a password was entered.

4.6.7 (beta) Released 1/18/07
Changed name of table "user" to "userod" for Oracle compatibility
All varchar database columns changed to allow null for Oracle compatibility
Switched to Mysql.Data.dll version 5.0.3 for Vista compatibility.
Appointment search feature now includes searching by time also.
Right click to delete blockout.
Check numbers always show in Account module.
Right click to delete rows in Progress Notes.
Onscreen keyboard added in the select patient window for touchscreen users.
Trying to delete procedures from Chart module was causing an error.

4.6.5 (beta) Released 1/12/07
Security log entry added when an accounting transaction is deleted.
Export fees was malfunctioning.
Enhanced the tool that fixes insurance plan fee schedules.
Added a small splash screen so that users would know the program is loading.
Database maint tool gave a small error about pri prov.
Added a check to database maint tool: Undeletes procedures which are attached to claims.
Notes were not showing if editing a procedure from the Account module or TP module.
Double clicking a procedure in Chart module sometimes opened wrong procedure.

4.6.4 (beta) Released 1/8/07
Added features to allow comparing 3 fee schedules while editing.
3D graphics: turned off double buffering in 3 more places to fix rare error message.

4.6.3 (beta) Released 1/8/07
ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra video card was giving error on 3D tooth chart when swapping buffers.
Feature added: Export fee schedule.
Added Import fee schedule.
Added Global Update Fees.
Fees can be decreased by a percentage.
Tool added to find and fix insurance plan fee schedules that are not correct.

4.6.2 (beta) Released 1/3/07
WebMD bridge was not launching
Added CDAnet clearinghouse and enabled the network fields.

4.6.1 (beta) Released 1/1/07
Added PatNum to routing slips.
Balance Sheet report added.
Date option added to top of Chart of Accounts.
Extra features added to Chart of Accounts, including showing balances for income and expense accounts.
Was not able to open two instances of the program at same time.
Payment split was not getting added automatically when entering a payment.

4.6.0 (beta) Released on 12/29/06
Very safe to use compared to other beta releases. Very few core changes.   The main purpose of this release is for offices that require the general accounting reports for year end.  General Ledger report is now functional.

Version 4.5 new features listed here.

minor issue that we can't duplicate:
Mediadent bridge still seems to be failing if Mediadent doesn't get closed between each patient.

minor issues/enhancements needed:
When using the server component (which nobody is using yet), colors don't save in Def edit.
InsPlan edit shows wrong number of similar plans.
Deceased patient might show on bill.

4.5.37 Released 3/25/07
Conversion from 3.9 to 4.0 was failing.

4.5.36 Released 3/24/07
Reverted MySqlData.dll back to version 1.0.9.  Version 5.0 of the connector has been responsible for a number of bugs over the last few weeks.

4.5.35 Released 3/22/07
There were annoying small error boxes, "Object reference not set to instance of object" after workstation momentarily lost connection to server. It was not a bug in OD, but in MySql.Data.dll. Updated it to version 5.0.5.

4.5.34 Source code posted 3/16/07
Edit benefits, exams frequency was not saving.
In User Query favorites, save as filename field was being ignored.
A faulty sound stored in database was able to cause all workstations to give error when sending a message.

4.5.33 Released 2/28/07
Prevents 00-00-00 on all outgoing dates.
Might prevent random "obj ref" errors that one user was having. (actually it doesn't)

4.5.32 Released 2/23/07
List, Insurance Plans, double click on plan was giving an error, but only on some plans.

4.5.31 Released 2/12/07 source code
The version number was wrong for 4.5.30.

4.5.30 Released 2/12/07
With one customer, a series of small error boxes would come up if nobody was using the computer for a while.

4.5.29 Released 2/12//07
When adding a favorite report, it was possible to get an obj ref exception.
Database maint tool: Duplicate recalls fixed. The underlying cause of duplicate recalls has not been identified.
Database maint tool: Negative writeoffs and sums corrected.
Database maint tool: Payment plans were reporting wrong number fixed.
Negative writeoffs not allowed in claimproc edit window.
Conversions between versions were saying "successful" even if they really failed.
Quick add notes sometimes disappeared immediately after entered below tooth chart.
Appointment edit window, when selecting procedures, no longer scrolls down after click.
Completing an appointment was hiding any existing proc notes

4.5.28 Released 2/5/07
Added better description to error message for claim failure to Emdeon.

4.5.27 source code released 1/29/07, exe not released yet.
Claim edit window, if select from list, then blank, was giving syntax error.
Ins Plan List, when edit, the number of similar plans was incorrect.

4.5.26 source code released
Switched to Mysql.Data.dll version 5.0.3.

4.5.25 Released 1/11/07
3D graphics: turned off double buffering in 3 more places to fix rare error message.
Added a check to database maint tool: Undeletes procedures which are attached to claims.

4.5.24 Released 1/4/07
ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra video card was giving an error on 3D tooth chart when swapping buffers.
Posted version of 4.5.23 might have had trouble updating.

4.5.23 Released 12/29/06
Added PatNum to routing slip.

4.5.22 Released 12/29/06
There might have been a problem with the installer for version 4.5.21.

4.5.21 Released 12/28/06
Added patient.PreferConfirmMethod, patient.SchedBeforeTime, patient.SchedAfterTime, and patient.SchedDaysOfWeek fields to database.
Email attachment was not able to save the first time.

4.5.20 Released 12/20/06
If a Konica printer was default, then claim preview wasn't showing on screen.
User query favorites was giving an error when run.
XML error the first time the program is run.
Insplan filing indicator was not showing properly in the plan list.
Dragging to select rows in any grid could cause a malfunction if dragging started in the header.
Recall cards for family were not using guarantor's last name.
Writeoff column was too narrow in P&I daily report.
RDL designer query window is now bigger and 3 tabs hidden.

4.5.19 Production Version Released 12/15/06
Added writeoff report.
Attempting to delete an appointment was giving an error.
Moving the mouse over the lightsignal grid was giving an error.

4.5.18 (beta) Released 12/13/06
Server component batch files now included in installation.
A variety of graphical malfunctions in the 3D teeth were happening on certain computers. Rare and hard to duplicate. Should all be working well now.

4.5.17 (beta) Released 12/12/06
Printing a timecard was sometimes failing.
Deductibles applied wrong on Dec 1.
Cropping was resulting in degraded image quality.
Database maint tool enhanced to delete future entries in signal table.
User query favorites were giving an error when run.
Graphical tooth chart was showing big red X sometimes.
Report fixed: Incomplete procedure notes. All reports should now be functional
Printing a simple letter sometimes resulted in an error.
TP was printing slightly too high.
The provider color bar on the left of the appointment screen was wrong for hygiene appts.
It was possible to schedule an appointment that completely overlapped another appointment.

4.5.16 (beta) Released 11/8/06
Perio chart was malfunctioning when saving.
Estimates on new claims were sometimes showing too low.
Letter merge had some malfunctioning fields.
Planned appointments were not showing production.

4.5.15 (beta) Released 10/27/06
Mediadent bridge fixed.  It also closes current Mediadent program before opening new one.
Database maint tool enhanced to fix timecard entries set for a future date.
The update fees button fixed in the TP module.

4.5.14 (beta) Released 10/23/06
Age of children now displays months also.
Direct submission of e-claims to BCBS of Nebraska was verified.
Enhanced XDR bridge.
Patient preferred name no longer shows in address for billing.
Date entry automation was failing in foreign countries if a hyphen was used.
Recall postcards to families now try to use the guarantor last name if included.
Graphical tooth chart tooth numbers were frequently not showing up, and background was sometimes the wrong color.
Added filing code field to insplan table for e-claims.
If preauth exists, then the account for that procedure was sometimes showing patient portion too high.
Server component "low user" implemented in user query section for higher security.
Printing a saved TP now shows the original date.
Overhauled the provider list window.
Show primary provider in the Family module and in the Select Patient window.
Swiss features fine tuned.

4.5.13 (beta) Released 10/15/06
Swiss billing features completed.
Risk level is now low. No changes have been made to the core for quite some time. It has proven to be quite stable.

4.5.12 (beta) Released 10/14/06
In patient terminal, update patient was asking for a referral source.
The server component is now a Windows Service. So it can run in the background even when no user is logged on to the server.
When using server component, updating versions was failing at the point of making a backup.
Swiss billing features started.

4.5.11 (beta) Released 10/11/06
Employee list, double clicking on empty white space caused error.
Postcard preview or printing was going into infinite loop
If using payment plans to track insurance estimated portions, the calculations were showing incorrectly in the accounts.
User queries were not working at all.
Language section was not working at all. Now, it's alphabetized, too.

4.5.10 (beta) Released approx 10/5/06
All database calls now pass through the business layer.
Replaced the 3D chart with a slightly newer version. It solved the generic GDI+ error and the memory leak, but it only seemed to make the issue with the missing tooth numbers worse.
FormChooseDatabase completely overhauled to handle both types of connections.

4.5.9 (beta) Released 9/28/06
The automatic backup was failing during the upgrade from previous versions.

4.5.8 (beta) Released 9/26/06
Task list error.

4.5.7 (beta) not released yet
TreatPlanEdit window was giving an error.
Added support for a second mysql user with low privileges if using the server component.
Check register was giving an error.
If add insurance, then check "not subscriber", gives an error.
ProcTP capitalization changed for Linux servers.

4.5.6 (beta) Released 9/25/06
The startup speed issue was fixed again.
Viewing timecards was causing an error.
Fixes occasional error when entering new tx.

4.5.5 (beta) Released 9/24/06
Core overhauled for all remaining classes, I through Z, no doubt introducing a few bugs.

4.5.4 (beta) Released 9/18/06
This build is a good stable build to use.
Error when displaying diseases.
Signal buttons weren't working.

4.5.3 (beta) Released 9/18/06
Error when adding patient.

4.5.2 (beta) Released 9/17/06
Core overhauled in all classes beginning with A through H.
The remaining issues through version 4.4.16 were fixed here as well.
Sometimes, when adding new tx, the procedure edit window was coming up with an error.
Adding a .doc file from the new form feature was causing an error.
TP graphics a little smaller now.
Shows practice phone at top of TP printout.

4.5.1 (beta) Released 9/13/06
No major problems so far, but we will still be making major changes to the core over the next few weeks.
Ins Pending added to routing slip.
Deleted procedures were still showing as attached to appointments.
Update repeating charges was giving an error.
Saving default billing types in the billing window, and then adding a billing type in defs, caused the wrong default billing types to be selected.

4.5.0 (beta) Released 9/12/06
Risk level: Medium-high.(low as of 10/15/06) There are likely to be bugs, since the core is being overhauled. Areas most likely to be affected are Procedure notes, Images, Email, Users, Definitions, and Preferences.

Version 4.4 new features listed here.

4.4.24 not released yet
If a Konica printer was default, then claim preview wasn't showing on screen.

4.4.23 Released 12/11/06
Printing a timecard was sometimes failing.
Deductibles applied wrong on Dec 1.
Cropping was resulting in degraded image quality.
Database maint tool enhanced to delete future entries in signal table.

4.4.22 Released 11/8/06
Estimates on new claims were sometimes showing too low.
Letter merge had some malfunctioning fields.
Planned appointments were not showing production amount.

4.4.21 Released 10/26/06
Database maint tool enhanced to fix timecard entries set for a future date.

4.4.20 Released 10/23/06
Mediadent bridge closes current Mediadent program before opening new one.

4.4.19 Released 10/23/06
In patient terminal, update patient was asking for a referral source.
If preauth exists, then the account for that procedure was sometimes showing patient portion too high.
Printing a saved TP now shows the original date.
MediaDent bridge fixed.

4.4.18 Released 10/5/06
Employee list, double clicking on empty white space caused error.
If using payment plans to track insurance estimated portions, the calculations were showing incorrectly in the accounts.

4.4.17 Production Version Released 9/29/06
no changes

4.4.16 (beta) Released 9/15/06
Database maint tool enhanced to handle claimprocs with invalid claimpaymentnum.
Postcard preview was going into an infinite loop.
If a recall appointment was scheduled, the procedure descriptions weren't get saved.
E-claims, enhanced employer name for EMS clearinghouse for secondary coverage as well.
A completed procedure is no longer allowed to be set complete again.
Daily P&I report was slightly too wide.
Aging report had some columns that were too narrow to show large totals.
TP printout was not quite centered, and lower box was getting cut off on right.
When creating a claim, the insurance estimates were sometimes too low for the last procedures on the claim.

4.4.15 (beta) Released 9/14/06
Database maint tool enhanced to handle images with a category of 0.
In TP module, when preauth was selected, the highlighted procedures were sometimes not right.
A serious speed issue was identified that only happened during startup.

4.4.14 (beta) Released 9/12/06
Printing was going into an infinite loop for users of Konica printers and for one office not using a Konica.

4.4.13 (beta) Released 9/11/06
Rightclick | Set appt complete was not working properly.
Dr. Ceph bridge enhanced to stay open after each patient.
Some carriers wouldn't show in the dropdown list.
Setting a family member to the guarantor was causing an error if the family financial notes had an apostrophe in them.
If a claim was deleted and then recreated, the insurance estimates were different.
If a procedure was marked "do not bill to ins", a deductible was still getting applied to it in the TP.
Daily writeoff report sometimes was not exactly matching monthly writeoff report.

4.4.12 (beta) Released 8/22/06
Previewing recall postcards was triggering automatic entries in commlog. It now prompts you before making the entries.
When running a recall report, the RecallInterval field was malfunctioning.
When using insurance max in TP module, it was not take ins pending into account.
There was a problem with the version number in 4.4.11.

4.4.11 (beta) Released 8/22/06
A file was missing for the Dr. Ceph bridge.

4.4.10 (beta) Released 8/20/06
Prevents error if hide certain insurance categories.
Added to database maint: check for orphaned medicationpats.
Added to database maint: if using payment plans to track ins, set the guarantor to 0.
Added EMS clearinghouse and enhanced e-claims to pass employer name for them.

4.4.9 (beta) Released 7/29/06
Ins Plan window suggestion box for carrier placed too high.
Insurance benefits were sometimes not saving.
Export translations enhanced to work with Russian.
New procedures no longer have an override color set.
Anyone can check version, regardless of security level.
Remote support menu item wording changed to "Remote Support Now"
Added option to delete all blockouts for one day.
Added patient.Ward field for hospitals.
Added hospitals to Easy Options.
schedule.ScheduleNum changed to a mediumint.
Daily progress note printout for hospitals which can be signed and put into a paper chart.
Show subscriber id on main screen of Family module.
Statements printed now display differently than bills sent.
Print function added to accounting screens.

4.4.8 (beta) Released 7/28/06
e-claims Medicaid validation was failing sometimes, causing send claims window to crash.

4.4.7 (beta) Released 7/27/06
Finally fixed printing issue with 3D tooth chart.

4.4.5 (beta) not released yet
Rx landscape version getting clipped on the left.
Attempted to fix printing issue with 3D tooth chart.

4.4.4 (beta) Released 7/27/06
Attempted to fix printing issue with 3D tooth chart.

4.4.3 (beta) Released 7/27/06
Hiding all insurance was causing a bug.
Attempted to fix printing issue with 3D tooth chart.

4.4.2 (beta) Released 7/26/06
Added database check for patplan.Ordinal set to 2 instead of 1.
Tooth numbers now print on TP.
Attempted to fix printing issue where 3D tooth chart would sometimes print all black or gray.

4.4.1 (beta) Sourcecode released 7/14/06, exe released 7/18/06
Database maint tool now contains all queries listed on query examples page.
Conversion to 4.3 would fail sometimes if it couldn't create a report folder.
Secondary claim not created if medical.

4.4.0 (beta) Released 7/14/06
Very stable compared to other beta versions. Database maintenance tool is worth upgrading for.

Version 4.3 new features listed here.

4.3.9 (not released)
Rightclick | Set appt complete was not working properly.
In patient terminal, update patient was asking for a referral source.

4.3.8 Released 7/29/06
Ins Plan window suggestion box for carrier was placed too high.
Insurance benefits were sometimes not saving.

4.3.7 Released 7/28/06
e-claims Medicaid validation was failing sometimes, causing send claims window to crash.

4.3.6 Production Version Released 7/27/06
Conversion to 4.3 would fail sometimes if it couldn't create a report folder.
Hiding all insurance was causing a bug.
Fixed printing issues with 3D tooth chart.

4.3.5 (beta) only sourcecode released on 7/9/06
e-claims validates MedicaidID.

4.3.4 (beta) Released 6/24/06
TP module error avoided if patients don't have a prov assigned.
In foreign countries, the program would crash on startup.
Eclaims: If carrier electronic id is 3 char or less in length, sends 06126.
FormTransactionEdit, clicking Add button was causing error.
Deleting an Account in the accounting section was causing an error.
Quickpaste notes, ? not allowed inside abbreviation.
Deposit slip list now scrolls to the bottom.
Tab order in InsPlanEdit now starts with Carrier.
ODR component version number reset.
Procedures sort by ADAcode.
Program links: Option to pass patnum as a parameter in the name of the file to launch.
When adding an InsPlan, the MedicaidID is used as the subscriber number if present, rather than the SSN.
Schick bridge rewritten.
DateFirstVisit update logic changed a little bit to try to preserve first visit dates after conversions.
Patient terminal questionnaire was adding duplicate questions.
Grid in recall window changed to new style and family members show red.
Patient terminal enhanced in a number of ways, including validation of name, birthdate, ins, and referral.

4.3.3 (beta) Released 6/12/06
Labels moved up slightly to handle second address line better.
Ins Plan synchronization refined and simplified slightly. Added Search by GroupName and GroupNum.
Fixed a number of small bugs in plan synchronization. Version 4.2 and earlier should not be used by offices that do plan synchronization.
Added feature to combine Ins Plans.
Rdl reports able to be launched directly from within the program.

4.3.2 (beta) Released 6/8/06
TP module would crash if no patient on startup.
Error when creating a TP.
Added RDL function Query.GetParameterValue().
International tooth numbers now showing for hidden teeth.
Capitation option on insplan was backwards from the easy options checkbox.
Ins Plan list was showing the same payer id for all plans.
Progress notes now sort better, taking priority and tooth number into account.
Support for quadrant codes in Renaissance e-claims.
Easy Notes Pro released a new version, so we don't need the old bridge anymore.
Diseases are more obvious now.
Premed flag can now show on appointments.

4.3.1 (beta) Released 6/5/06
Report margins a little wider on the bottom to avoid cutting off info.
Printing TPs went into infinite loop.

4.3.0 (beta) Released 6/3/06
Minimally tested, but very few changes to existing features, so it should be fine. Any bugs are likely to be in the new features only.

Version 4.2 new features listed here.

4.2.13 (not released)
Rightclick | Set appt complete was not working properly.

4.2.12 Production Version Released 6/7/06
Report margins a little taller on the bottom to avoid cutting off info.
Capitation option on insplan was backwards from the easy options checkbox.
Ins Plan list was showing the same payer id for all plans.

4.2.11 (beta) Released 5/15/06
Class V surfaces converted to B or F for claims.
Can now set a primary tooth missing.
Annual max calculations were malfunctioning if the current date was the first day of any month.
Patient report had some fields available which were no longer in the database.

4.2.10 (beta) Released 5/5/06
Commlog rows in Chart module can now be assigned a different color.
Added ability to set graphic colors by procedure instead of status. It's just a simple override with no way to switch it back and forth.
Class V surface and graphics are now functional.
Fixed the big X for extractions drawing behind the teeth.

4.2.9 (beta) Released 5/4/06
Manual updated through version 4.2.
3D implants replace the simple polygons
FormCheckDatabase renamed to FormDatabaseMaintenance.
Procedure search window made shorter.
Florida Probe bridge.
DrCeph bridge.

4.2.8 (beta) Released 4/30/06
Enhancement: Images module now allows import of multiple images at the same time
Added an additional validation for eclaims that checks for invalid or missing tooth number.
Timecard math completely reworked. This fixes various errors in calculating weekly totals, making the overtime feature work properly.
International tooth numbers fixed for progress notes and big tooth chart.
In Security setup, rows were sometimes disappearing.
When typing in a procedure code in the chart module, a D is no longer required.
Procedure notes now added when entering completed treatment directly in the Chart module.
Fixes error when assigning a fee after adding a new fee schedule.
Partial and full dentures now show properly in the graphical chart.
An existing RCT, followed by an extraction, then setting to a pontic was causing the RCT to be visible again.
Implants showing (as simple polygons)
Sealants now show as "S" instead of as light fillings.

4.2.7 (beta) Released 4/23/06
Task list date entry feature added.
International tooth numbers fixed for new graphical tooth chart.
Printing progress notes is completely finished.
Aging report columns wider so they are less likely to overlap.
Graphical tooth chart, hide tooth feature completed.
RPD graphics fixed mostly.

4.2.6 (beta) Released 4/19/06
no changes

4.2.5 (beta) Released 4/19/06
Error message was still coming up when main window was minimized.

4.2.4 (beta) Released 4/17/06
Fixes an error message that was coming up whenever main window was minimized.

4.2.3 (beta) Released 4/16/06
Schedule background color sometimes wrong when holidays involved.
Insurance remaining was sometimes showing negative numbers.
In the TP module, the term "current" was replaced with "default" or "done" for clarity.
Marking extractions complete was not causing the teeth to be added to the list of missing teeth.
RCT graphics made a little thicker for visibility.
All RCT, post, and BU graphics done.
Commlog added to Chart module.
Graphical chart will no longer crash if it encounters an invalid tooth number.
Enhanced linking to accounting module to keep payments synchronized better if user tries to change.

4.2.2 (beta) Released 4/14/06
Progress notes grid overhauled.
Pt Info grid in Chart module overhauled.
The "big" button on the graphical tooth chart was crashing if no patient selected.
The large X for planned extractions was moved and resized for better visibility.
Most maxillary RCT's now showing.

4.2.1 (beta) Released 4/9/06
Many new graphic features and bug fixes. Nearly all the new graphic features are now turned on for this version, so it's much more useful.

4.2.0 (beta) Released 4/7/06
This was a very early beta version. Most RCTs were not showing in the graphical tooth chart yet. Primary teeth were not showing. Tooth movement features were not yet turned on. Functionally, there was no improvement over version 4.1. Very low risk to the database.

Version 4.1 new features listed here.

4.1.4 Released 4/24/06 (source code posted 5/2/06)
Schedule background color was sometimes wrong when holidays involved.
Insurance remaining was sometimes showing negative numbers

4.1.3 Released 4/2/06 (only the source code was posted)
Some file and folder names changed to work better with Mono
Visual Basic code moved to a separate solution to make it easier for programmers to compile.

4.1.2 Production Version Released 4/2/06
Dropping a plan, then trying to delete a claim was causing an error.
Insurance check in alphabetical order for very large offices.
In ProcButton setup, the delete button and the up and down buttons were malfunctioning.
Check database integrity tool: date function was not working.
Recall list run report was failing if select PriPlaNum or PriRelashionship.
In the new ins plan benefits window, simple view is not allowed unless all insurance categories are setup properly beforehand.
Preventive and diagnostic deductibles were tweaked.
Statements now have an option to leave off the return address, and if patient is assigned to a clinic, then the return address now reflects that.
Chart number or patient number shows in titlebar optionally.
Age can show on appointment
Providers added to routing slip.

4.1.1 (beta) Released 3/17/06
Adding a plan, selecting an old plan from the list, and then clicking on cancel was resulting in error message and attempted deletion of the old plan.
Medicaid was still not setting to default of 100%
Single routing slip was failing sometimes.
Setting up procedure buttons was malfunctioning.
Procedure button image size changed to 20x20.
7 procedure button images added for users to pick from.
Limits codes sent on eclaims to 5 char.

4.1.0 (beta) Released 3/15/06
Should be very safe to use since almost no changes were made to the database. There are probably a few bugs in the new benefits entry window.

Version 4.0 new features listed here.

Version 4.0 never made it out of beta. Use version 4.1 instead.

4.0.17 (beta) not released yet
Dropping a plan, then trying to delete a claim was causing an error.

4.0.16 (beta) Released 3/17/06, but not posted.
Adding a plan, selecting an old plan from the list, and then clicking on cancel was resulting in error message and attempted deletion of the old plan.
Medicaid was still not setting to default of 100%
Single routing slip was failing sometimes.
Limits codes sent on eclaims to 5 char.

4.0.15 (beta) Released 3/11/06
Dexis bridge was not able to use chartNumber

4.0.14 (beta) Released 3/4/06
Enhanced daily reports: Procedures, Adjustments, Payments
Routing slip added for a single appointment.
MedicaidID was not showing for treating provider on claim form.
Extractions no longer show as missing teeth on claim forms.
The new buttons now have orange highlights when hovering.
If a note is locked, you can no longer paste into it.
Definitions window no longer allows hiding chart colors categories.
There was an error in Procedures window if a category was hidden.

4.0.13 (beta) Released 3/2/06 (source code posted)
Fixes error when trying to add an insurance category.
Basic Trojan functionality tested.
Trojan monthly update utility completed and awaiting approval by Trojan.
There was no way to delete a reconcile.
Reconcile lock was not saving transactions first.
In Chart module, the error "Could not create folder for patient" has been replaced by a more informative error message.
Employee list was getting wider with each use.
Timecard weekly totals were not adding correctly if an adjustment immediately followed a week total.
Umbrella icon added on various insurance buttons.
Family module ins button now disabled if no patient loaded.
Icon added to backup button.
Sales tax field added to the database, but not planned to be implemented yet.

4.0.12 (beta) Released 2/23/06
Better error message on some reports.
Reports fixed for use with MySQL 5.0: Daily procedures, Daily P&I.

4.0.11 (beta) Released 2/23/06
If there is an sql error, a better error message now comes up, and it allows copy-paste in order to test the query.
Ins plan window deductible amount of 0 now shows as $0 instead of blank.
Ins Plan list window was giving an error when ordering by carrier.
Ins Plan list window was missing insurance plans with blank employer field.
Ins Plan edit, when switching type to medicaid or capitation, all percentages are now deleted.
Any percentages for medicaid plans that resulted from the conversion from 3.9 have been deleted.
Insurance plans of type Medicaid are now calculating at 100% again, like they should.

4.0.10 (beta) Released 2/22/06
Enhancement: Jump from Claim Send window directly to the Account of that patient.
Enhancement: Stick appointment on pinboard directly from the Chart module.
Enhancement: Right click-copy appointment to pinboard.
RDL reporting was having trouble locating database.
RDL reporting MakeReadable.PatNum is now functional.
Referrals were not working if you were using random primary keys.
If an annual max was not entered, then it was not computing estimates.
Repeating charges were not responding to date range.
Enabled the repeating charge button.
Accounting journal pages now auto scrolls to the bottom.
Medical e-claims are now disabled by default to prevent accidental sending.

4.0.9 (beta) Released 2/18/06
Includes option to not perform aging every time account is opened. Might increase speed. Only to be used temporarily for troubleshooting.

4.0.8 (beta) Released 2/17/06
TP procedures now always paint on top of existing procedures in graphical tooth chart.
After adding a new family member in Family module, that patient is now selected when switching to another module.
Cancelling out of an image import was causing an error.
Accounting has better enforcement of preventing deletion of cleared transactions.
Fixed error when trying to save a payment.

4.0.7 (beta) Released 2/16/06
Accounting bank reconcile tool finished.
Payment error when using payment plans.

4.0.6 (beta) Released 2/16/06
Accounting bank reconcile tool mostly finished (don't use it yet).
Linux servers getting an error on startup related to payperiod.
Accounting section was giving an error when adding a transaction.

4.0.5 (beta) Released 2/14/06
Accounting bank reconcile tool partially added.
Enhancement: changes to pay splits are no longer saved until you save the payment itself.

4.0.4 (beta) Released 2/13/06
Deposits and cash payments now linked to general accounting transactions.
Slight change to the payment calculations in Account module.
Wasn't allowing cancel out of creating deposit slip.
Task list handles deleted appointments now.

4.0.3 (beta) Released 2/8/06
General accounting: colors added to each account.
General accounting setup section added, but linking not functional yet.
Check database integrity tool, insplan function fixed
Timecard break view was malfunctioning.
Timecard weekly time was adding wrong.

4.0.2 (beta) Released 2/6/06
General accounting enhanced with balances and inactive accounts.
Added security to general accounting.
The conversion to 4.0 was taking too long for large databases. (it can still take over 1/2 hour).
Select patient window now starts with first row highlighted.
Planned appointment 'done' checkbox was not working.

4.0.1 (beta) Released 2/2/06
Operatory header appearance fixed.
Routing slip report was malfunctioning if day had no appointments
Some of the grids were getting too wide.
General accounting, added ability to edit splits.

4.0.0 (alpha) began use on 2/1/2006, but not released generally
Risks. The data at risk during the conversion to 4.0 is all insurance plan benefits such as percentages and maximums. They are all converted to an entirely new format. Insurance plans are now better synchronized, so there is also a slight chance that you may inadvertantly change insurance info for another patient. There might be errors in estimate calculation which we have not noticed yet.

Version 3.9 new features listed here.

3.9.22 Released 3/15/06 (source code posted 3/30/06)
Adding a plan, selecting an old plan from the list, and then clicking on cancel was resulting in error message and attempted deletion of the old plan.

3.9.21 Released 2/16/06
No changes.

3.9.20 Released 2/14/06
Planned appointment 'done' checkbox was not working.

3.9.19 Released 2/8/06
Check database integrity tool, insplan function was broken

3.9.18 Released 2/1/06 (source code not posted)
If using random primary keys for the multiple servers feature, the planned appointment and referral were malfunctioning.
The format telephone number tool was malfunctioning.
Eclaims to ClaimConnect were failing if subscriber address was missing.

Production Version 3.9.17 Released 1/20/06
Claim form setup offsets were not saving.
New VixWin bridge to replace old bridge.

3.9.16 (beta) Released 1/12/06
There was a problem with the version number in 3.9.15

3.9.15 (beta) Released 1/12/06
Ins Plan type was not correct when selecting a template.
Repeating procedures are now better automated for our use.
Lightyear Speedvision bridge no longer shows dialog when using.
Choose database window is now optional on startup (specific to each workstation)
If security is not being used, it now skips the user logon window when starting up.

3.9.14 (beta) Released 1/9/06
Critical Bug Fix:
Recall was not updating from appointments. After updating, synchronize all recall in Tools. Then, review recall list.

3.9.13 (beta) Released 1/9/06
Second remote connection option added to main menu.
Printing with all default printers without prompt was giving prompt anyway.
Procedure list window drawing logic reworked. Also resizes correctly.
Progress Notes printing centered a little better.

3.9.12 (beta) Released 1/4/06
The filter for the batch billing was letting some extra statements through.

3.9.11 (beta)
Finance charge tool was assigning wrong dates

3.9.10 (beta) Released 12/15/05
Support for PostNTrack clearinghouse
In clearinghouse setup, we now enforce / on the end of paths
In Security Admin, we now prevent moving all users out of the admin group

3.9.9 (beta) Released 12/14/05 (source code posted)
Slight change to the Renaissance bridge for secondary insurance.

3.9.8 (beta) Released 12/13/05
Dent-X ProImage bridge added.
Lightyear SpeedVision bridge added.

3.9.7 (beta) Released 12/11/05
MySQL connector version 1.0.7 included to allow use with MySQL version 4.1.14.

3.9.6 (beta) Released 12/11/05
PatNum column in referral table and refattach table increased in length to match patient.PatNum length
Renaissance claims: Other ins name added.
Patient Import from XML is complete.

3.9.5 (beta) Released 12/7/05
If server connection was lost, a series of error messages was coming up. Required forcefully terminating program on workstation.
Restore from backup is now functional.
Backup and restore now includes A-Z images folder.
Production summary can be hidden in Appt module.
If using insurance templates, you can now create a blank insurance plan.
Procedures not billed to ins report fixed
Ins Plan report fixed
Batch billing now includes any accounts that have an ins payment since their last statement.

3.9.4 (beta) Released 12/2/05
Batch billling now includes any accounts with procedures since their last statement.

3.9.3 (beta) Released 12/1/05
Added third option for default billing provider on claims
Medical claim form finished.
Treatment plan bug fixed for Linux servers (capitalization issue)
Recall was not updating except from appointments
Fixed error when open insplan from family list.
Medical e-claims finished.

3.9.2 (beta) Released 11/9/05
For users in USA, it no longer tries to convert the language translations.
Bridge to DBSWin.

3.9.1 (beta) Released 11/8/05
Repeating charges feature refined slightly
Fixed infinite loop in update repeating charges
Image scanning was malfunctioning.
Fixes error after editing ins plan.
Backup feature rewritten except for restore.
Family module was crashing if no patient selected

3.9.0 (beta) Released 11/7/05
Risks. The only data at risk during the conversion to 3.9 is the way that insurance plans are attached as primary and secondary coverage and the percentage overrides for individual patients. The insurance plans themselves are not at risk of being altered. Neither are the insurance plan percentages. Also, some reports might not work in this earliest beta.

Version 3.8 new features listed here.

3.8.12 Released 1/9/06
Renaissance claims: Other ins name added.
Finance charge tool was assigning wrong dates
Critical Bug Fix: Recall was not updating from appointments. After updating, synchronize all recall in Tools | Misc Tools. Then, review recall list.

3.8.11 Released 11/27/05
Version numbers were slightly off in last release

3.8.10 Released 11/23/05
Recall was not updating except from appointments
Treatment plan bug fixed for Linux servers (capitalization issue) .

3.8.9 Production Version Released 11/7/05
Error fixed when opening insurance plan window if a percentage category was hidden.
TP notes weren't printing right.

3.8.8 (beta) Released 11/4/05
Main icon fixed
When printing a saved TP, graphics now only show for that TP
Fixed error message when clicking on a procedure in TP module.

3.8.7 (beta) Released 10/6/05
Billing was still including extra family members

3.8.6 (beta) Released 10/5/05
Billing was including extra family members.

3.8.5 (beta) Released 10/4/05
ENP bridge completed
Search results show small x at upper right to close
Message buttons were not showing
Fixed billing error when click print button.

3.8.4 (beta) Released 10/2/05
Works with Win98 and Win2000
Check database integrity tool improved to automatically fix any invalid default or schedule block.
Aging on individual accounts was not refreshing properly.
Main icon was missing
Confirmation list no longer jumps to the bottom each time you edit.
Deposit slip total now calculates properly.
Graphical tooth chart is more resiliant to invalid data, preventing error messages.

3.8.3 (beta) Released 9/29/05
HouseCalls bridge, added a column for New Patient.
Ins Plan window: when selecting Carrier, included address in drop down list.
Eclaims subscriber birthdate format fixed.

3.8.2 (beta) Released 9/27/05
Fixed error if someone scheduled an appointment that extended past midnight.
Deposit slip details finished up.

3.8.1 (alpha) Released 9/26/05
Fixed bug when adding a new provider

3.8.0 (alpha) Released 9/26/05
For testing purposes

Version 3.7 new features listed here.

3.7.15 not released yet
Relationship on claim not saving properly.

3.7.14 Released 10/2/05
Version 3.7.13 was not working on Win2000

Manual updated for version 3.7

3.7.13 Released 9/29/05
Eclaims subscriber birthdate missing bug fixed.

3.7.12 Released 9/26/05
Fixed error if someone scheduled an appointment that extended past midnight.

3.7.11 (beta) Released 9/26/05
Fixed bug when adding a new provider

3.7.10 (beta) Released 9/26/05
Uses WinXP style of graphics
Adds a few features to Import tool

3.7.9 (beta) Released 9/16/05
Fixed critical bug when trying to run on Win98, WinMe, and Win2000.

3.7.8 (beta) Released 9/14/05
Add clinic was failing.
Date column was too narrow on progress notes printout.
Report export formatting had an extra column header.
Error when dragging appt off pinboard.
Wrong tooltip provider on appointments module
Trojan ID not saving

3.7.7 (beta) Released 8/31/05
Insert task list was failing

3.7.6 (beta) Released 8/27/05
Secondary relationship not saving properly on claims.
Even larger numbers alowed for foreign county currency.
critical bug fix: if you use the clinic feature, program was failing to start up.

3.7.5 (beta) Released 8/21/05
Loop structure for subscriber and dependent on same claim was changed for e-claims
Security on timecards is now optional.
Option to not show return address on recall cards.
Patient was not showing selected in Account module on the right.
Preauth e-claims no longer send date of service for procedures.(actually probably fixed in 3.7.1).
Validates missing teeth before including them on e-claims.
E-claims: validates secondary carrier info and treating provider license number
E-claims: Amt paid by pri ins gets sent on secondary claims.
Patient info site field dropdown list was behaving slightly wrong
Print Patient Progress Notes
Fee Schedule Tools: Clear a fee schedule, increase a fee schedule by a percentage, copy a fee schedule.
Fixed error inserting a new task.
Enhanced backup to also backup the Setup.exe file and to prevent version mismatch.
Trojan: all remaining fields included so we can be 'certified'.
Allow larger numbers in order to handle Rupiah currency.

3.7.4 (beta) Released 8/12/05 (source code not posted)
Finished Easy Notes Pro integration, but it still needs to be redone.

3.7.3 (beta) Released 8/11/05 (source code not posted)
All appointment changes tracked through the audit trail.
fixed foreign language translation error on apostrophy
Added entry date to tasks for sorting purposes.
Supernumerary tooth number support
Button to split a claim into two separate claims. Used when insurance only pays on some procedures.
Added default place of service to clinic table.
E-claims: if sending extractions, don't also show those teeth as missing.
Option to track patient balances with or without insurance estimate taken into consideration.

3.7.2 (beta) Released 8/9/05 (source code not posted)
Backup button password protected
Fixed another error when scheduling some appointments
Security added to timecards.
Many appointment changes tracked through the audit trail.
Error when opening unscheduled list
Error when opening track planned appointments

3.7.1 (alpha) Released 8/3/05
It's been running smoothly except for some malfunctions when scheduling appointments. That's mostly fixed now.
Fixed accountNum in patient import tool.
Risk level: low for most users. But if you have existing payment plans, risk level is medium-high.

3.7.0 (alpha) Released 8/1/05
Mostly for testing purposes
You may use it with real patient data if you want, and you will be able to upgrade if you do use it.
Risk level: medium. We will probably find a bug in the payment plan section because of the complexity

Version 3.6 new features listed here.

3.6.10 Released 9/16/05
Fixed critical bug when trying to run on Win98, WinMe, and Win2000.

3.6.9 Released 9/15/05
Tried to fix issue with Win98, WinMe, and Win2000, but unsuccessful.

3.6.8 Released 8/29/05
When editing plan for all, it wasn't updating the display in the insplan window.
Added writeoff column to production and income report.
E-claims: validates secondary carrier info and treating provider license number
Secondary relationship not saving properly on claims

3.6.7 Released 7/23/05
More tolerant of invalid tooth numbers. Helps with some conversions.
When entering preauth by procedure, status is now preauth
Patient Import: another improvement to guarantor tool.
Thumbnails high quality instead of medium quality

3.6.6 Released 7/22/05
Login window set to always be topmost.
Patient Import: enhanced guarantor matching.

3.6.5 Production Version released 7/21/05 (source code not posted)
Prevents error if a bridge graphic is set with area=mouth.(extremely rare)
Payment plan update was not working.
If you deleted a procedure with an attached adjustment, the adjustment was not getting deleted.

3.6.4 (beta) Released 7/13/05
Procedure code report error
Was not refreshing when edit fee schedules from within procedures window.
In the Edit Ins Plans for All window, the Carrier Allowed Fee Schedule not saving.
Patient import was not recognizing some files.
Multiuser mode eliminated for simplicity.
Select payment plan window applying to wrong payment plan.
Better descriptions for payment plans
Error if you delete the last claim in the Account module.
The set complete button in procedure edit window was not getting blocked by security
Delete Rx was not working
Age of patient might have been one day off.
Select payment plan window: include patient name
Billing dentist provider ID was not available as a choice in claim form setup

3.6.3 (beta) Released 7/10/05 (source not posted)
Patient import tool: Many enhancements

3.6.2 (beta) Released 6/26/05 (source not posted)
Enabled the claimproc table for random primary keys.

3.6.1 (beta) Released 6/26/05
Finished up the last few details and completed testing.

3.6.0 (beta) Released 6/25/05 (not posted)

Version 3.5 new features listed here.

3.5.9 Released 8/27/05
Secondary relationship not saving properly on claims

3.5.8 Released 8/1/05
If you deleted a procedure with an attached adjustment, the adjustment was not getting deleted.
Added AOS clearinghouse.
Added writeoff column to production and income report.

3.5.7 Released 7/16/05 (source code not posted)
Prevents error if a bridge graphic is set with area=mouth.(extremely rare)

3.5.6 Released 7/12/05
Procedure code report error fixed
Was not refreshing when edit fee schedules from within procedures window.
Delete Rx was not working
In the Edit Ins Plans for All window, the Carrier Allowed Fee Schedule was not saving

3.5.5 Released 6/25/05
Fixed bug when trying to edit permissions.

3.5.4 Production Version released 6/22/05
In the Select Patient window, no longer allow sorting by clicking on column headers
Some appointments were showing on left in some appt views
Error when put some unscheduled appointments on pinboard
Preauth was saying 'not supported'
Letter merge was giving an error.
Images module: items in tree were jumping unexpectedlly

3.5.3 (beta) Released 5/29/05
Bridge to DentForms from medictalk.com
Patient import tool added
Report export to text had an extra tab in the first row, causing some issues with letter merge
Telephone reformat tool now also includes ####### to ###-####
Future dated payment error message is more informative
Insurance max was not refreshing in Family module
Repeating tasks no longer allowed to be marked complete.
In repeating tasks, only the main items are now allowed to have a datetype, not children.
Task check boxes work better.

3.5.2 (beta) Released 5/19/05
Date supplied on all procedures in e-claims for better compatibility.
E-claims format fix for multiple carriers in a single transmission.
Letter merge was not working sometimes

3.5.1 (beta) Released 5/18/05
Payment reports refined to use pay date, not proc date.
Renamed gradeschool field to site in the user interface.
A few of the reports were displaying a confusing message box before running.
Treatment plans were tending to print note on second page.
Task window should not start maximized
When attaching a procedure to a paysplit, only completed procedures show now.
Blockout notes were too short
Rows in Appointments module slightly shorter so you can fit more appointments on the screen.
Dark line across the top of each blockout to help see better.
Should not ask for date creating a preauth.
Couldn't delete some blockouts.
If using blockouts, schedules were printing oddly.

3.5.0 (beta) Released 5/8/05
This version is safe to use with real patient data. But it may have a few bugs, especially in the newer features.

Version 3.4 new features listed here.

3.4.31 Released 5/27/05
Patient import tool added
Report export to text had an extra tab in the first row, causing some issues with letter merge
Telephone reformat tool now also includes ####### to ###-####

3.4.30 Released 5/8/05
Some schedule blocks at 12am with zero length were causing schedule to print wrong.

3.4.29 Released 5/6/05
E-claims: fixes issue when sending multiple claims for family members who share an insurance plan.

3.4.28 Released 4/28/05
If using Inmediata clearinghouse, provider commercial ID available.

3.4.27 Released 4/26/05
If using Inmediata clearinghouse, fields ISA06 and GS02 have been changed.

3.4.26 Released 4/22/05
bug: the tool to reformat telephone numbers was overwriting work numbers with wireless numbers.
Send carrier address with e-claims in case clearinghouse wants to mail them
Allow # symbol to be sent in e-claims. Prevents rejections of "NEA#..."
If provider was a hygeinist, e-claim would not go through.

3.4.25 Released 4/21/05
Sirona bridge requires ascii-8 instead of utf-8 for file formats. Only makes a difference in foreign countries.
No longer requires child SSN for electronic claims.
ADA2002 claim form now shows numerical quadrants.

3.4.24 Released 4/10/05
Support for Inmediata clearinghouse
Account information blank when viewed from recall list.
Ocassional harmless error message fixed after switching databases.
Some offices having trouble with procedurecode table after converting to MySQL 4.1.
Account module not refreshing properly after moving the horizontal slider.

3.4.23 Released 4/4/05
Sometimes it was not prompting before printing.
Daily payments report had extra character between Date and Name columns.
Removed 10 digit requirement for registration numbers.
Insurance plan report now excludes inactive plans
Remote connection in main menu.
Warning if mysql is not version 4.1.
Made columns slightly wider on custom reports to prevent cutoff numbers.
Annual P&I production showing zeros.

3.4.22 Production Version released 4/2/05
Sometimes the new update feature was freezing without downloading the update.

3.4.21 (beta) Released 4/2/05
Daily payment report bug fixed
Alignment changes in various places for Dutch translations.
Dates handled more intelligently in payment window.
Procedure report and P&I report were showing $0 amounts in places.
When joining families, an apostrophe in the notes would cause an error.

3.4.20 (beta) Released 3/25/05
E-Claims area of mouth changed again to be usually blank.

3.4.19 (beta) Released 3/24/05
E-Claims bug fixed for area of mouth =00

3.4.18 (beta) Released 3/22/05
Deposit slip not showing total.
Label font switched back to size 10 temporarily to make it work on a variety of models

3.4.17 (beta) Released 3/15/05
Full support for MySQL 4.1.
Deleting certain appointments caused invalid date in database. It was harmless but annoying.

3.4.16 (beta) Released 3/10/05
Better error message if invalid date encountered in database.
WebClaim changed to ClaimConnect
Printing bills is now smoother with only one print job instead of multiple print jobs.

3.4.15 (beta) Released 3/8/05
Bug: Paysplits not showing in second account.
A few more language translations enabled (submitted by Ann)
ClaimConnect (WebClaim) bridge might be functional

3.4.14 (beta) Released 3/5/05
Label font 12 instead of 10.
Give user on second computer option to redownload or cancel when updating.
Modified to work with MySQL version 4.1.10 (except char collations)
Switched to slightly newer MySql Connector (v1.04).

3.4.13 (beta) Released 2/28/05
Same permissions bug when starting program.

3.4.12 (beta) Released 2/27/05
Bug fix: permissions when starting program.

3.4.11 (beta) Released 2/27/05
When entering insurance payment, cursor automatically starts on pay amount.
Bridge to Planmeca
Bug fix: permissions error sometimes when starting program

3.4.9-10 (beta) Released 2/25/05
Simply to test the issue with version 3.4.8

Bug: if you are using versions 3.4.0b through 3.4.8b and are upgrading to a version above 3.4.8b, you must shut down Open Dental on all computers except one before performing the upgrade.

3.4.8 (beta) Released 2/25/05
The update process was erroneously tagging the database as corrupted (it's easy for us to fix it).

3.4.7 (beta) Released 2/25/05
WebClaim functional (did not work. Use 3.4.15)
When downloading an update, you can now cancel the download.
Negative insurance payments now working properly

3.4.6 (beta) Released 2/23/05 (not posted)
Birthday report finished.
Deposit slip date picker improvement.
Bug fix: very rare. If paint type didn't match tooth number.

3.4.5 (beta) Released 2/22/05
If you split a payment by procedure, the patient balance now displays correctly.

3.4.4 (beta) Released 2/22/05
Ability to enter negative insurance payments

3.4.3 (beta) Released 2/22/05
This version has proven remarkably stable.
Shows which version is available for download in the Update window.
Enhancement - deposit slip shows the calendar again.

3.4.2 (alpha) Released 2/21/05 not posted
Statements now print instead of just preview

3.4.1 (alpha) Released 2/21/05 not posted
Tx Plans now print instead of just preview

3.4.0 (alpha) Released 2/21/05 not posted

Version 3.1 new features listed here.

3.1.17 not released yet
When initially entering a payment, it was disregarding if you changed the date.
The Edit patient button is now disabled until a patient is selected.

3.1.16 Released 2/9/05
Double click on appt module, then enter new patient, was crashing.
Fixed error when opening send claims if a provider was hidden
Enhanced the tool to check for missing insurance plans. Solves random error messages due to problems with database.

3.1.15 Released 2/4/05
Some payment plans were showing on other family members
Operatory names showing wrong on Appointment printouts with certain views.

3.1.14 Released 2/3/05 (not posted)
Clicking New ins plan, then Delete was crashing.
Tool to check database for insurance plans that no longer exist.

3.1.13 Released 1/28/05 (not posted)
Added e-claim support for RECS.
Refined WebMD reporting functions and more info if error.
Deleted any unattached patient medications.
Fixed bug when double clicking on family list in Other Appointments
Better error message if problem when click on send claims.

3.1.12 Released 1/20/05
Auto chart numbering was stopping on 10,100, or 1000.
Prevents error when multiple program links added by user.
Some payment plans not showing in Account.
X-12 e-claims: small issue with previous date of prosthesis

3.1.11 Released 1/12/05
Error when open Planned Appointment Tracker

3.1.10 Released 1/11/05
Recall postcards previewing correctly, but printing blank pages.

3.1.9 Released 1/8/05
WebMD link working now
Allowed amounts on procedures were not being saved.
Error when copy claim form.
Treating provider always provided on X12
Some reports were going into infinite loops.
No longer require patient SSN for e-claims.

3.1.8 Production Version Released 1/5/05
Light filling hatch changed from 50% to 60% so the colors can be more subdued without washing out.
Procedures now show in recall setup window.
Recall notes enabled for Quick Paste.
Updated user manual.
Tested e-claims with WebMD (very minimal testing)
Error fixed when double clicking on Appointment module

3.1.7 (beta) Released 1/3/05 (not posted)
Finance charge bug.

3.1.6 (beta) Released 1/3/05 (not posted)
WebMD interface approved for live data, but needs testing.
When breaking an appointment, the adjustment was not getting saved.
Database switching was a little buggy
Added e-claim support for WebClaim. Not functional yet.
The RS232 project was removed from the download because some users can't compile VB code.
Next appointment renamed to Planned appointment

3.1.5 (beta) Released 12/31/04
Tx plan note size in Tx Plan module enlarged.
Changed the payor id description field in InsPlan to a combo box and changed it's behavior.
Statement Sent Commlog entries no longer show in appoinments.
Billing printing was causing error.
Insurance Plans list was causing error.

3.1.4 (beta) Released 12/23/04 (not posted)
Primary teeth now setting properly.
Medical summary no longer starts highlighted, minimizing chance of deletion.
Added clearinghouse.LoginID field.
Added custom hightlight outline color for appointments.
Adding a non-patient referral had been causing an error.

3.1.3 (beta) Released 12/19/04
Time pattern calculations for appointments refined to handle single procedures better.
Force a commlog entry if user adds a recall note.
Many parts of the program were running unacceptably slow. Speed is now back to normal.
Added a tool to fix invalid dates in the database. This can improve the speed of the program after a conversion from another dental software.
Set the IsProsthesis flag for all prosthesis ADA codes in database
All CommLog types now show in appointment, with appt related ones showing highlighted
When set complete from inside procedure, window automatically closes.
If any procedures are added to an already completed appointment, then they are automatically marked complete.
When recall list closes, selected patient is retained.
It is no longer possible to end up with an appointment that is too long if multiple long procedures are added.
E-claims reports defaults to default clearinghouse
Clicking on a disabled toolbar button no longer causes error.

3.1.2 (beta) Released on 12/17/04
This is acceptable to use with real patient data as long as you can tolerate a few bugs.
Continue to use Renaissance for e-claims while we test WebMD.

3.1.1 (alpha) Released 12/17/04 (not posted)

3.1.0 (alpha) Released 12/15/04 (not posted)
Used with real patient data in one office.

Version 3.0 new features listed here.

3.0.16 not released yet
Auto chart numbering was stopping on 10,100, or 1000.

3.0.15 Released 1/7/05
Error when copy claim form (changed ClaimForm.Copy)
Allowed amounts on procedures were not being saved. (changed ClaimProc.ComputeBaseEst & Procedure.ComputeEstimates)

3.0.14 Released 12/13/04 (not posted)
Schick bridge fixed.

3.0.13 Released 12/11/04
Estimates were automatically being added to old procedures, and you couldn't delete them.

3.0.12 Released 11/30/04
Appointments not printing if using 15 minute intervals.

3.0.11 Released 11/21/04
Capitation procedures were showing entire amount in Account instead of just copay amount.
When entering a procedure with an initial status of complete, the capitation portions now compute correctly.

3.0.10 Released 11/15/04.
Clicking on Chart procedure buttons in white area was causing error. This was an old error.
ClaimProc dates were reversed when creating a check: Procedure Date and Entry Date.
Better lockdown of Claim edit window if user does not have permission. Especially editing an insurance check.
If email fails to send, it now gives more information about why it failed.
Appointments using 15 minute increments showing wrong length numbers within appointment edit window.
If using multiple rows per increment, appointments were slightly off when scheduled.

3.0.9 Released 11/11/04
Fixed bug that happened if trying to print or send a claim that already had a total payment on it.
Next appointments were showing double the time length in the Chart
When launching VixWin, the harmless message no longer shows.

3.0.8 Released 11/8/04
Search by SSN fixed.

3.0.7 Released 11/4/04 not posted
When a claim was deleted, the claimProcs remained attached. As a temporary fix, you could delete the claimProc manually.
Procedure edit window: now opens with tab order starting on note like it used to
Right-click progress notes no longer shows the print option because that's for the next version.

3.0.6 Released 11/2/04
Many reports were going into infinite loops.

3.0.5 Production Version Released 10/25/04
Deleted patients were still showing up on the aging report.
Perio: crtl+numberpad replaces shift+numberpad to enter values over 9.
Perio: when backspaced on MGJ #32, crashed
Appointment overlap calculations were slightly off, making it a little harder to drop an appointment into a timeslot.
Production and Income report, monthly, error message.
Schedule background was a little bit off when using 15 minute increments
Schedule setup window was not refreshing.
Recall due dates were showing 01/01/0001
Recall date and some similar dates were all showing same date for all family members.
If an image scan was cancelled, it would lock up.
The selected thumbnail tab wasn't being retained when switching modules.
ClaimForm import/export finished
Walkout statement now includes total balance instead of subtotal for a single day.
Exporting to text file refined to handle carriage returns.
Belgian claimform added for Dutch region.
Added language translation functionality to some items that had been missed.
Some procedures were showing as unsent even though they had been sent. Only happened when patient had switched insurance.

3.0.4 (beta) Released 10/19/04
Remaining features finished.
Image thumbnails bar starts minimized.

3.0.3 (beta) Released 10/14/04
If perio chart is used without entering an exam first, it now notifies the user instead of crashing.
In appointment view edit, entering a 'rows per time increment' value of 1.5 caused a crash.
Payment plans no longer continue to accrue charges even after being paid off.

3.0.2 (beta) Released 10/9/04
This is acceptable to use with real patient data as long as you can tolerate a few bugs.

3.0.1 (beta) Released on 10/7/04 (not posted)

3.0.0 (alpha) Released on 9/25/04
Do not use with real patient data. This was just a preview version.

Version 2.9 new features listed here.

2.9.14 Released 10/8/04
Changes to primary relationship in a claim window were not being saved.
If a claim had more than 8 procedures, then the first 8 were getting dropped before sending to Renaissance.

2.9.13 Released 8/20/04
An error message was coming up sometimes on MySQL Config window. Just click continue.

2.9.12 Production Version Released 8/17/04
If you deleted the only item showing in the Account module, an error would come up as it tried to refresh the display.

2.9.11 (beta) Released 8/17/04
Carrier name now appears properly in the insurance check section.
Carrier name now appears properly in Capitation Utilization report.
All instances of 'can not' replaced with 'cannot'.
If adding an insurance plan and cancelled, it would malfunction, including an error message in the Chart module.

2.9.10 (beta) Released 8/9/04
Perio chart with no exams now opens without error message.
Toggle primary teeth was sometimes not working.
MySQL config window now opens properly if using OpenDental.exe directly over network (nobody does this anyway).
International tooth numbers showing on appt edit window.

2.9.9 (beta) Released 8/3/04 (not posted)
Fixed bug when using the change button within the procedure edit window.

2.9.8 (beta) Released 8/3/04 (not posted)
Perio chart now prints.
Claim form changes made.
Tested and debugged perio charting with more than 6 exams.
Installer program updated to handle databases for UK, Canada, and demo version.

2.9.7 (beta) Released 7/30/04 (not posted)
Fixed recent bug in appt proc quick add.

2.9.6 (beta) Released 7/30/04 (not posted)
Provider window now gets very big if there are more than 20 providers (for dental schools).
Found a couple of bugs in recent procedures changes.

2.9.5 (beta-not very stable) Released 7/29/04 (not posted)
Claim form edit window more resiliant if image not found.
Claim form edit delete button fixed.
Added the Ins Plans report back.
Refined the first visit date automation to be intelligent.
The procedure update routines enhanced to handle user concurrency issues.
Made autocodes less intrusive in procedure edit window.

2.9.4 (beta) Released 7/27/04
Fixed the conversion bug from 2.5 to 2.8 again.
Refined setting tp priorities
The appointment and patient update routines enhanced to handle user concurrency issues
Fast database switching added.
Canadian claim form finished

2.9.3 (beta) Released 7/22/04 (not posted)
Minor changes
Fixed bug that prevented billing window from opening.

2.9.2 (beta) Released 7/21/04 (not posted)
Finished a few more of the listed misc features, optimizing for paperless.

2.9.1 (beta) Released 7/18/04
This version is acceptable to use with real patient data.
The perio chart won't print and the daily procedures report doesn't work.
Also, the minor changes to some claim forms have not been done.

2.9.0 (alpha) Released 7/6/04
Was not for use with real patient data, since upgrading would not be possible.

Version 2.8 new features listed here.

2.8.17 Released 7/18/04
Rarely, a statement prints many extra pages. This bug had previously been fixed, but the change was lost in one of the versions. Fixed it again.
For UK, ins plan window more resiliant if no claim form.

2.8.16 Released 7/15/04 (not posted)
Allowed 255 instead of 50 characters in procedure code description.

2.8.15 Released 7/10/04
In the Ins Plan Edit window, the checkbox for 'Don't send electronically' was not working.

2.8.14 Released 7/8/04 (not posted)
If more than 256 definitions were added, then adjustment and payment types would malfunction.

2.8.13 Released 6/29/04
Critical bug fix: Some conversions from 2.5 to 2.8 were unsuccessful, requiring restoring from a backup.

2.8.12 Released 6/23/04
Edit Ins Plans for All-The Change and Edit buttons were fixed.
In the Edit Ins Plan window, using the Edit All button now works properly.

2.8.11 Released 6/13/04. not posted..
Ins Plans window was not centered.

2.8.10 Production Version Released on 6/10/04.
Added more fields to Employer.

2.8.9 (beta) Released 6/9/04 not posted
Made Chart module more resiliant to handle certain note conversions from other programs.

2.8.8 (beta) Released 6/6/04
If you started to add a definition, and then cancelled, it would crash.
Outstanding insurance claims report was not showing carriers.
It is now easier to add a new plan if patient already had a plan.
The Ins Plans window was slightly too tall for some monitors.
Auto capitalize first letters of address in Ins Plan window.
Employer name was not displaying on claim forms.
If patient already has Employer entered, then a new plan will show the same employer.

2.8.7 (beta) Released 6/3/04 not posted
Feature added to the database integrity tool to add missing procedure codes to the codes table, making new conversions easier.
If SSN left blank, then patient edit window would crash when trying to close.

2.8.6 (beta) Released 6/1/04
Account screen- All insurance estimates and payments now show on the same line as the procedures. Lines with claims no longer affect the balance unless by total.
Two columns added to Account screen: Adjustment and Patient Paid.
Autoformat telephone numbers in Ins Plan window
In ins Plan window, the dropdown lists now responds to single click also.
Sometimes if all splits for a payment were deleted, the payment was not deleted.
Auto attach payments to payment plan and checkbox added in main payment window
Provider abbreviation not allowed to be blank.
When typing in a code in Chart module, doesn't show dialog unless necessary.
Patient City and State fields enhanced to allow direct edit and more flexibility.
SSN field formatting enhanced for foreign countries.
Some Canadian fields renamed: Postal Code, Province, SIN. Some GB fields renamed: Postcode.
Capitation co-pay not allowed to be overridden unless patient has insurance.
Deposit slip wasn't showing carrier names.
Changed daily payments report to itemize by patient.
Improved capitation handling in Prod and Income report.

2.8.5 (beta) Released 5/25/04 (not posted)
More options in patient search: Guarantors only, Chart Number, City, State, Patient Number, BillingType, SSN.
Fixed bug when entering a procedure directly from the main list without selecting a surface first.
Small change to timecard time calculation.

2.8.4 (beta) Released 5/24/04
Added custom interface to Renaissance electronic claims to avoid having to use printer capture. It has now been tested and works perfectly.

2.8.3 (beta) Released 5/24/03 (not posted)
Double clicking on new plan from list wasn't working.
Further simplified new insurance entry, initially bypassing plan list.
Fixed blank claim print feature.
Added right click appointment options.
Colored buttons at top of provider bar were not showing correct color in different appointment views.
Timecard now refreshes automatically when changing viewing type.
Set all new claims to use the practice default provider as the billing dentist.
Revised tab orders in various windows.
XP style buttons for family edit
In definitions window, rows now stay highlighted after arrowing up or down.
When you manually change a procedure to Complete, date updates and note is copied.
If alternate code is blank, regular code is used on claim.
Slightly different times on different computers were making timecards inaccurate. Server time is now used.

2.8.2 (beta) Released 5/20/04
Set the statements option window to accept return.
Fixed paste from clipboard and scan in Images module.
Made extensive changes to simplify insurance entry, for instance allowing direct typing in Employer and Carrier fields, and hiding extra buttons.
instemplate table deleted from database since it was redundant with the improved insplan table.
Some columns were not showing in the send claims window.

2.8.1 (beta) Released 5/17/04, not posted
Scrolls correctly to selected carrier in list.
Added "new ins plan" button to main screen of Family module

2.8.0 (beta) Released 5/16/04
This first beta version was never tested full time in a real office.

Version 2.5 new features listed here.

2.5.8 Released 4/28/04
Payment plans could not be deleted.
After deleting an autocode, it would not let you add another one with the same procedure code.
Slightly more resiliant conversion of claim form.
In the Payment Plan window, the value for the last payment was not refreshing quite right.
Capitation report changed to not include treatment planned procedures.
Production and income report changed to exclude capitation procedures.

2.5.7 Released 4/23/04
The background for the ADA2002 claim form has been replaced. This is due to a problem with Windows, not Open Dental.

2.5.6 Production Released 4/8/04 (same version number as the beta on 4/4/04)
There are no known issues in this version. No further changes are planned.
There was a bug in claim print.
Feature added to generic e-claims printing to allow claim form selection separately from the ins plan claim form..

2.5.5 (beta) Released 4/3/04
Unlimited number of procedures can be attached to a claim now instead of just 10.
If too many procedures are attached to a claim, then multiple claims will be printed.
Truth in Lending printout finished for payment plans.

2.5.4 (beta) Released 4/2/03
After editing claim forms in setup, the other workstations will now refresh.
When adding hygiene procedures in the Chart module, the secondary provider will be assigned.
Added button for generic e-claims printing, so that any clearing house can intercept a batch printing job.
Fixed dates for Thai calendar.
Enhanced the new Reporting classes and used them to complete the Utilization report.
On claims, the tooth ranges show as a series of numbers again instead of just U or L.

2.5.3 (beta) Released 3/25/04 (not posted)
Alphabetized medications.
Chart module did not refresh after editing Next appt.
Fixed claim printing alignment to match the setup window.
Sometimes, if an appointment was on the pinboard, the program would crash.
Enabled editing program links.
Enabled editing computers on the network.
Birthdates for very old patients fixed to not show negative age when first entered.

2.5.2 (beta) Released 3/24/04
In the InsPlan window, the other subscriber check box was a little buggy.
Improvements to a variety of reports.
Occasional out of memory error fixed.
ClaimForms would not save a negative offsetX or Y.

2.5.1 (beta) Released 3/17/04
This version is very safe to use with real patient data. It is just missing the capitation utilization report and the payment plan truth in lending statement.

2.5.0 (alpha) Released 3/5/04
This version was for development purposes only..

Version 2.1 new features listed here

2.1.8 Released 4/21/04
After deleting an autocode, it would not let you add another one with the same procedure code.

2.1.7 Released 3/6/04
In the Account module, the 'patient' portion no longer displays when procedures are attached to insurance. No change in the math; just makes it a little clearer.
In the Claim Edit window, the Recalculate Estimates button caused an error sometimes.
For Medicaid and capitation plans, if the annual max is left blank, it now interprets this correctly as no maximum rather than 0.
Performs more checking before allowing a procedure to be deleted. Prevents deleting a procedure that has an insurance payment attached.

2.1.6 Released 2/18/04
Annual insurance remaining calculations fixed.

2.1.5 Released 2/16/04
When you quick add a procedure from within a Next appointment, it now properly attaches it to the appoinment.
Enhancements: Enabled the escape key to close a few more of the popular windows. Auto capitalization of D in new procedure codes.
Changed ADAcode field in database to be able to accept both lowercase and uppercase codes.
The date of service fields were gettting cut off on DentiCal claims.
Fixed bug when printing a claim using a subscriber from another family.
Fixed preauthorizations.
Co-pay fees were showing as ins portion instead of patient portion.

2.1.4 Released 2/6/04
The first production version of 2.1
While editing Appointment Views, if the Appointment module refreshed in the background, it might cause an error message.
Enhancement: Contacts opens to first category now.
After editing appointment Views, sometimes the screen didn't refresh.
The names of the operatories showing at the top were sometimes wrong in different views even though the correct ops were showing.

2.1.3 Released 2/3/04
When editing a medication, if you clicked Change generic, then Cancel, you would get an error message.

2.1.2 (beta) Released 2/1/04
Acceptable to use with real patient data for those offices that need the new features ASAP.

2.1.1 (alpha) Released 1/14/04
For development purposes only. Fairly complete, but has some bugs.

2.1.0 (alpha) Released 1/4/04
This version was for development purposes only.




Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432