Version 5.4

See Versions

Released on 12/20/07

Payment report: subtotals by type. Daily Payments Report.

Online Forms:PT Dental is available at Our new two-way bridge passes information from registration forms automatically back to OD.

Auto Notes: Templated scripts with textboxes and selection lists that can be used to generate procedure notes more quickly. AutoNotes.

Scanning: The Twain functions that we were using were very old (mid 90's). We have now upgraded to a completely modern version. This should help avoid errors with certain scanners, and will eventually allow extra features.

Finance Charges: Can now filter by billing type. Added undo button. User can now set date of finance charges. Finance Charges.

Main Toolbar: There is now a main toolbar at the top which is common to all modules. This provides consistency, efficiency, and better organization. Toolbar.

Labels: A few more labels added. Easy to access from anywhere. Labels.

Email: Easy to send email to any referral for the patient. Toolbar.

Popup Notes: For individual patients. User has to click to close the note. Popups.

Task list: User interface option to always show at bottom. If it does show at bottom, it no longer jumps to different module when using "goto" function. Tasklist.

Updates: The update window is now much more automated. You no longer need to call us to upgrade to a new version. Update.

Provider selection: For Aging report, Recall list, Confirmation list, and Outstanding ins claims.
Clinic selection for recall list.
The exclamation mark that used to appear for missing info now shows as yellow background in the text boxes.
Added patient title (Mr, Mrs, etc).
Added College and DivisionNo to claim print options.
More changes to Dental School Requirements. Requirements can be reused, and more than one of each can be attached to each appt.
Provider Abbr field legthened from 5 char to 255 char. Usage standardized for larger clinics.
Added commlog user field.
Added e-mail to Chart module.
A-Z Folder: Multiple locations on one virtual database are be able to set the A-Z folder path for each workstation separately.
All four appointment lists now jump to the last patient highlighted.
Added birthdate to filter and results in Patient Select window.
Billing option to exclude if insurance pending.
Billing window shows count of statements in the list.
Added procedure DateTP to permanently record the date the procedures were treatment planned.