See Versions
Released 1/23/2008
Appointment module: Multiple appointments may be placed on the pinboard.
Recall: Schedule for entire family at once. Patient Appointments.
Inventory Management: Track supplies needed, organize suppliers, organize supplies by supplier and category, organize orders in progress, keep history of orders, and print lists. Supply Inventory.
Email pdf's: Treatment plans and statements may both be sent by email as pdf's with one click.
Task lists: Users may now 'subscribe' to certain lists. This gives them a central place to manage all their tasks. Task lists that have incomplete tasks within them now turn orange and show a number. When logging in, users are notified if they have any incomplete tasks. Tasklists.
Sign each TP digitally. Treatment Plan module.
Planned appointment tracker and Unscheduled list: Provider selection. Sort by status, alph, or date.
Popups can be disabled for custom amounts of time.
Print Planned Appt Tracker list.
Option to show the ! again at the upper right of appointments for procedures not attached to claims.
Option to hide the discount column in the TP module.
Provider income transfer window no longer shows by default after entering an insurance payment.
Send claims window: Filter by clinic.
Send claims window: Drop down list to pick clearinghouse to send to. Useful when there are multiple clinics, each with their own clearinghouse account.
Database maint: Fixed situation where user changed status of proc to TP, but it was still attached to claim.
Please see Electronic Attachments for some recent changes regarding this feature.