The eServices Setup window allows a user to enable and set up the various eService features.
In the Main Menu, click eServices.
Users must have the EServicesSetup permission to make changes in most eServices windows.
- Signup: Sign up for eServices using the Signup Portal. eServices Signup.
- eConnector Service: Install and monitor the eConnector. This service is used by, and required for, all eServices hosted by Open Dental.
- Manage Devices: Open the Device Manager for use with ODTouch and eClipboard.
- Mobile Web: Set up options for Mobile Web.
- ODTouch: Determine settings for ODTouch Security.
- Patient Portal: Set up options for Patient Portal (when hosted by Open Dental).
- Payment Portal: Copy the link used for Payment Portal and customize Message-to-Pay templates.
- Texting Services: View usage summaries for Integrated eServices Texting.
- Automated Messaging: Set up options for Automated Messaging.
- eClipboard: Set up options for eClipboard.
- Miscellaneous: Set Miscellaneous settings, such as the run time of automated emails and text messages for Web Sched Recall reminders, eReminders, and eConfirmations.
- Secure Email: Access Secure Email Setup.
- Mobile Settings: Create Mobile Settings for eClipboard, ODMobile, and ODTouch.
Web Scheduling:
Other eService setup includes ODMobile and ODTouch Setup.