eServices Bundle

Sign up for the eServices Bundle and get most eServices for one low discounted price (per location, per month). See Fees.

It is recommended to contact Open Dental Support to schedule a free eServices Bundle installation appointment. This two-and-a-half-hour appointment will ensure each eService is properly installed and running according to the needs of your practice.

The eServices Bundle includes:

eClipboard Feature
eConfirmations (see Automated Messaging Feature)
Integrated Texting Feature
Secure Email
Web Sched Recall
Web Sched New Patient
Web Sched Existing Patient
Web Sched ASAP

eServices included in Support:

eReminders (see Automated Messaging Feature)
Automated Thank-Yous (see Automated Messaging Feature)
Patient Portal Feature
Web Forms Feature

*Integrated texting fees for outgoing messages still apply, and rates vary by country code.