Automated Messaging includes eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Arrivals, General Messages, and Patient Portal Invites. Automated Messaging helps you manage and automate your appointment process.

Watch our video: Automated Messaging.
Getting Started
There are multiple Automated Messaging eServices. Practices must be on support and have a unique, active registration key to sign up for Automated Messaging eServices. Practices must remain on support while using the service.
Feature Highlights
- Reminders are automatically sent via text and/or email for upcoming appointments
- Help patients to remember their appointments by sending reminders shortly before the appointment date
- Messages are logged in the Commlog for easy tracking
- Easily customize message text and lead times to suit your practice needs
Getting Started
eReminders can be sent via email at no additional cost. To send via text message, Integrated Texting is required. See Fees for Support and Services for pricing.
Feature Highlights
- Confirmation messages are automatically sent via text and/or email and allows patients to confirm
- Messages are logged in the Commlog for easy tracking
- Once the patient replies to the text with the confirmation code or confirms via the URL in the confirmation email, the appointment is automatically marked confirmed in Open Dental
- Easily customize message text and lead times to suit your practice needs
- Includes New Patient Thank-You service (see below)
Getting Started
eConfirmations are included with the eServices Bundle or are available for a standalone monthly fee. See Fees for Support and Services for pricing.
Feature Highlights
- A text message is automatically sent to patients at a specified time a message requesting they wait in their vehicle before their appointment.
- When a patient arrives for their appointment, they respond to the text and their appointment status is automatically changed to arrived and a text is automatically sent asking them to wait outside.
- An Alert is generated in Open Dental to notify staff the patient has arrived.
- Staff can easily right-click the appointment to send a Come In text to the patient once they're ready.
Getting Started
Arrivals are included with the eServices Bundle or require the standalone eConfirmations eService. See Fees for Support and Services for pricing.
Automated Thank-You
Feature Highlights
- A Thank-You Message is automatically sent via text and/or email when a patient schedules an appointment
- Patients can save the appointment to the calendar on their device from the message
- Messages are logged in the Commlog for easy tracking
- Easily customize message text and lead times to suit your practice needs
Getting Started
Automated Thank-You messages can be sent via email at no additional cost. To send via text message, Integrated Texting is required. See Fees for Support and Services for pricing.
New Patient Thank-You
Feature Highlights
- A New Patient Thank-You Message is automatically to new patients when a patient schedules their first appointment
- A customizable URL is sent in the message for patients to fill out patient forms online via Web Forms
Getting Started
New Patient Thank-You messages are included when signed up for the standalone eConfirmations service or the eServices bundle.
General Messages
Feature Highlights
- A message is automatically sent via text and/or email after a patient's appointment has been set complete
- Messages are completely customizable and can be used to thank patients for coming to their appointment, invite them to leave a review, etc.
- Messages are logged in the Commlog for easy tracking
Getting Started
General Messages can be sent via email at no additional cost. To send via text message, Integrated Texting is required. See Fees for Support and Services for pricing.
Patient Portal Invites
Feature Highlights
- If Patient Portal and Patient Portal Invites are set up, Open Dental sends an email message automatically before or after the appointment, inviting the patient to utilize Patient Portal.
- Messages are completely customizable and includes a link to Patient Portal, as well as the patient's username and password.
Getting Started
Patient Portal Invites can be sent via email at no additional cost. Patient Portal is required.