Rx / Prescription Alert

Users can set interaction alerts when prescribing medication.

In the Rx / Prescriptions List, add a Problem, Medication, or Allergy to the Alerts field.

Open Dental drug interaction alerts occur when creating a new Rx / Prescription using a Rx Template that has interaction alerts set up. Interaction alerts can be based on a medication, allergy, and/or problem. These warning alerts are always enabled.

Rx Alerts can be connected to problems, medications, or allergies. The alert is triggered when creating a prescription for a patient with the associated medical information.

Note: To ensure alerts work correctly, make sure the Problem List, Medications List, and Allergy List do not contain duplicates.

Set Up Alert Rules

Once the problem, medication, or allergy is selected from the master list, Rx Alert Edit opens. Alternatively, double-click an existing alert to edit.

Details about the interaction for the alert are read-only and displayed at the top.

Trigger an Alert

When alerts are set up for a prescription, and the patient has the alert type (e.g., medication, allergy, problem) entered in their Medical information in the Chart, the alert is displayed when the prescription is created.

EHR Users

In EHR Measure Reports, paper prescriptions for permissible drugs count toward the denominator, but not towards the numerator. Only rely on paper prescriptions and its drug interaction checks if you qualify for the e-prescribing exclusion (write less than 100 prescriptions).