
In the Chart Module, double-click the pink Medical area. Click the Medications tab.

Add Medication: Add a medication from the Medications List. Double-click a medication from the Medications List to open the Medication for Patient window (see below) and enter medication details for the patient.

Show Discontinued Medications: Check to display medications with a Stop Date prior to today's date.

Print Medications: Print a list of the patient's medications.


Active medications are also listed in the Chart Module, Medical area. Every time a patient medication is added, edited or removed an entry is made in the Audit Trail.

Medication for Patient

Double-click an existing medication from the Medications grid or click Add Medication and double-click a medication from the Medications List. The Medication for Patient window opens where details about the medication for the specific patient can be entered.

The Medication area lists the drug information as entered in the Medications List. Click Edit to make changes to the medication details in the Medications List.

The Medication Order area is specific to the selected patient.

Remove: Delete this medication from the patient's medication list.

Click OK to save changes.