Consent Form

Quickly create Consent forms from the Chart Module to print or have patients sign digitally.

In the Chart Module toolbar, click Consent.

Alternatively, in the Treatment Plan Module click Consent.

If only one Consent form exists, it is generated. If more than one Consent form exists, click the dropdown, then select the form to generate instead.

Generating and Filling Out Consent Forms

If the Consent form includes the ProcsWithFee or ProcsNoFee Sheet Grid:

To include information for all treatment planned procedures in the Active Treatment Plan, the sheet must include the treatmentplanProcs or treatmentplanProcsPriority static text fields.

The form is opened in the Fill Sheet window. Enter information as necessary. Pale yellow areas (e.g., Tooth numbers) indicate input areas.

Signing Consent Forms

Electronic Signatures are supported for Consent forms.

There are multiple ways a patient can sign a Consent form: