Kiosk Manager

The Kiosk Manager is used to load patient forms for the kiosk and eClipboard.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Kiosk Manager.

The Kiosk Manager displays active kiosks for the office. Kiosks can be a computer or Windows tablet, or a device running the eClipboard Feature.

Use the Kiosk for patients to fill out forms electronically.

Clinic: Select the clinic to view devices active for that location.

Active Kiosk: Displays active kiosks and eClipboard devices.

Patient on Device: Displays the patient for the selected device.

Send eClipboard BYOD Text: Send a text message to the patient with a link to BYOD. See eClipboard Setup and BYOD: What Patient Sees.

Password: When using Kiosk on a Windows device, create a password needed to close the Kiosk window. To close the Kiosk, there is a hidden Close button in the lower right of the window. Click in the area to close or prompt for the password.


When using Kiosk, there are two options for launching forms (such as Consent Forms, Health History, etc.)

Note: Consent forms must be enabled from Patient Forms Setup Options to show in the list.

Option 1: Load forms to a different device.

  1. Select the patient to load forms for.
  2. Open the Kiosk Manager.
  3. Highlight the device the patient will use.
  4. Click Add or Remove forms.
  5. In the Patient Forms For window, click Add then highlight the needed forms.
  6. Click To Kiosk, then close. The forms will list in the Kiosk Manager.
  7. Click Load for the device. Forms will automatically list on the device.

Option 2: Load forms to the current device.

  1. Select the patient, then click Forms.
  2. Click Add then highlight the needed forms.
  3. Click To Kiosk.
  4. In the Patient Forms For window, click Kiosk. The kiosk will launch with the selected forms.

Software and Hardware

Requirements vary on the type of kiosk: