Blockouts are visual indicators on the schedule that can be used to indicate times for lunches, meetings, specific Appointment Types, etc.
In the Appointments Module, Blockouts show as colored areas.
Blockouts can allow scheduling appointments over them or can block scheduling an appointment.
The Blockouts permission is required to add, edit, cut/copy/paste, and delete Blockouts that are not flagged as Disable Cut/Copy/Paste (DC) or No appointment scheduling (NS). Users without the permission can only add, edit, and delete Blockouts flagged as DC and NS.
Blockouts cannot overlap. When adding a new Blockout that would overlap an existing Blockout, there is a warning that Blockouts cannot be overlapped or there is a prompt to remove the existing blockouts. This behavior is determined by Allow 'Block appointment scheduling' Blockouts to replace conflicting Blockouts in Preferences.
Set up and customize Blockout Types in Definitions: Blockout Types. Define the font color in Definitions: Appointment Colors. To use outlines instead of solid blocks of color, disable the Use solid Blockouts instead of outlines on the Appointments Module preference.
To view or select a Blockout option, right-click on the operatory in the schedule.
On the appointment schedule, right-click on a time block in an operatory, then click Edit Blockout or Add Blockout. Edit Blockout is only enabled when right-clicking on an existing Blockout.
Start/Stop Time: The time defaults to start where the mouse was when right-clicking and end one hour later. Manually change times or click the dropdown to select an option. 30-minute increments are not required when entering the time manually. If manually entering, use the format 00:00 AM.
Note: Optional text that shows under the Blockout label. This text box supports Right-Click Options.
Blockout Type: Determines the Blockout text, scheduling and cut-copy-paste options, and color. Customize options in Definitions, Blockout Types.
Operatories: The operatories where the Blockout is added. To select multiple Operatories, press Ctrl while clicking. If using Clinics, only operatories assigned to the clinic selected in the Main Menu are options.
When Blockouts with the same type are added to multiple operatories at once, they become connected. Deleting or replacing a blockout in one operatory also deletes or replaces any Blockouts that are connected.
Use this tool to copy and paste Blockouts for a week or day. Changes only apply to the visible operatories for the current Appointment View. Blockout Types with Disable Cut/Copy/Paste checked in Definitions are not included.
Copy Day/Paste: Once one day's Blockouts are set up, copy and paste it to other days.
Copy Week/Paste: Once an entire week's Blockouts are set up, copy and paste to other weeks.
Copy/Repeat: Copy and paste one day or one week repeatedly into the future.
Replace Existing: If checked, the day or week being pasted/repeated replaces any existing Blockouts. If unchecked, existing Blockouts are not replaced, and the paste process stops and goes no further than the first conflicting Blockout.
Hint: To clear multiple days or weeks, create one blank day or week, make sure Replace Existing is checked, then Copy/Repeat.
Block Scheduling can be set up to be enforced by Appointment Types:
Once Blockouts are created and Appointment Types are set up, users can only place appointments on the Blockouts where the Appointment Type is allowed or on areas of the schedule where there is no Appointment Type. Appointments with no Appointment Type can be scheduled on any Blockouts that allow scheduling.