Appointment Types

Use Appointment Types to customize appointment background colors, time patterns, and procedures.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointments, Appointment Types.

To assign Appointment Types to appointments:

The Setup Appointment Types window displays Appointment Type settings and the list of current Appointment Types.

Add Appointment Types

Click Add to create a new Appointment Type or double-click an existing type to edit.

Click Save to finish adding a new Appointment Type or keep changes.

Changing an Appointment Type

When an Appointment Type is changed, existing appointments with that type remain unchanged. Double-click the appointment and select the Appointment Type to update.

Changing an Appointment Type on an existing appointment treatment plans the procedures for the new Appointment Type. The original procedures also remain treatment planned. Procedures that are not needed can be manually deleted from the Treatment Plan Module, Procedures grid.

Changing the Appointment Type from one with a custom time pattern or attached procedures to one with no time pattern does not change the time pattern of the appointment.

Time Pattern Logic

The appointment time is recalculated based on the following logic:

Note: Logic for MobileWeb Appointments
  • If an Appointment Type is selected, and the time duration entered matches the Appointment Type, the Appointment Time Pattern is retained.
  • If no Appointment Type is selected, or the time duration entered does not match the Appointment Type, the time pattern adds assistant time to meet the full-time duration.