Net Production Detail Daily Report

The Net Production Detail Daily Report (Provider Payroll Transactional Report) is a true daily report that lists net production by transaction in a specified date range.

In Standard Reports, in the Daily section, click Net Production Detail Daily.

This report is useful for offices that use accrual accounting. The estimated write-off is reported on the date of service and any variance in that write-off is reported on the insurance payment date as the change from estimate to actual.


Filters and Report Options

Set the report filters and options before running the report.

Providers: Select the providers to include, or check All to include all providers, including providers marked Hidden on Reports, that have activity (i.e., production) for the reporting period.

Clinics: Only available if Clinics are enabled in Show Features. Select the clinics to include in the report, or check All (includes hidden) to include all clinics, including those marked hidden.

Today's Date: Automatically populated with the current date for reference. If Today is selected as the Report Type, this is the reporting period.

Pay Period Date Range: Select the date range of the report. The default is based on the current Pay Period (see: Time Card Setup), if one is set up. Otherwise, it defaults to one week prior to today's date.

Report Types: Determine which transaction dates are included in the reporting period.

Report Preview

After setting report options and filters, click OK to generate a print preview of the report. Below is an example of the report and explanation of the report columns.

For a description of toolbar buttons, see Complex Report System.