Report Setup: Display Settings

Favorite, hide, sort, and rename Standard Reports from the Display Settings in Report Setup.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Reports.

Alternatively, from the Standard Reports window, click Setup in the upper left. Open the Display Settings tab.

Report display settings control the appearance of the Standard Reports window, including which reports are listed, the sort order of reports, and report name.

All available reports are listed, grouped by category, and sorted in the order they appear on the Reports window.

Up/Down: Select a report and click to move the order of the report in the category.

Display Name: Report name that is shown in Standard Reports and Standard Favorites. Click the Display Name cell and type a new name. The internal name of the report is shown in the lower-right of the setup window when a report is highlighted.

Favorite: Click in the Favorite column to show the report in the filtered reports menu.

Hidden: Click in the Hidden column to toggle between hiding/showing a report.

Three reports are hidden by default: Provider Payroll Summary, Provider Payroll Detailed, and Net Production Detail Daily.

Note: To remove the Patient Reviews button from the Standard Reports window, go to Podium Setup and check Hide button in Standard Reports. If the bridge is currently enabled, the button cannot be hidden.