Auto Codes

Auto Codes work behind the scenes to insert and validate the correct procedure code depending on a variety of conditions.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Auto Codes.

See our video: Procedure Buttons, Quick Buttons, and Auto Codes Webinar.

Auto Codes can be associated with Procedure Buttons. Open Dental comes preloaded with many Auto Codes, but additional can be created.


To require that staff accept Auto Code suggestions, enable Require use of suggested auto codes in Preferences.

To reset Auto Codes to the default settings, see Procedure Code Tools.

Add: Create a new Auto Code. Opens Edit Auto Code. See Edit Auto Code section below for more information.

Delete: Highlight an existing Auto Code and click to permanently remove.

Edit Auto Code

Double-click an existing Auto Code from the Auto Codes list to edit.

Description: Name of the Auto Code.

Hidden: Remove this Auto Code as available in Procedure Button Edit Procedure Button Edit.

Do not check codes in the procedure edit window, but only use this Auto Code for procedure buttons: If checked, this Auto Code is only used when entering treatment using a Procedure Button. It is not used for validating procedure codes entered on the Procedure Info window or charted using any other method.

Add: Create a new Auto Code Item. See Edit Auto Code Item section below for additional details.

Delete: Highlight an Auto Code Item in the list, then click to remove it from the Auto Code.

All possible conditions must be defined for the Auto Code to work correctly.

Click Save to keep changes.

Edit Auto Code Item

In the Edit Auto Code window, click Add to open Edit Auto Code Item to set up additional Procedure Codes and conditions for an Auto Code. Double-click an existing item row to edit.

Code: Click Change to open Procedure Codes list and select a Procedure Code to attach.

Conditions: Highlight conditions to trigger the procedure code. Available conditions are:

Multiple conditions from the same category grouping should not be assigned to a single Auto Code Item, as it is not possible for multiple conditions to be met simultaneously. If the same code is used for multiple conditions in the same condition group, create separate Auto Code Items (e.g., D2394 is used for both Four_Surf and Five_Surf).

Most of the conditions are based on tooth number.