Audit Trail Permissions
In the Audit Trail, there is a list of Permissions.
Refer to the table below for details about each permission and its behavior.
Permission | Event |
Accounting | Accessed Accounting. |
AccountingCreate | Accounting entry was created. |
AccountingEdit | Accounting entry was edited. |
AccountModule | Accessed the Account Module. Logged as AccountModuleViewed in the Audit Trail. |
AccountProcsQuickAdd | Procedures were added via Account Procs Quick Add. |
AddNewUser | New user added in User Edit. |
AdjustmentCreate | Created an Adjustment. |
AdjustmentEdit | Adjustment was edited. |
Advertising | A patient list was generated and uploaded to Advertising Postcards. |
AgingRan | Aging was run. |
AllowFeeEditWhileReceivingClaim | |
AllowLoginFromAnyLocation | |
ApiSubscription | Subscriptions were created, updated, or deleted via the API. |
AppointmentCompleteDelete | Completed appointment was deleted. |
AppointmentCompleteEdit | Completed appointment was edited. |
AppointmentCreate | New appointment was created. |
AppointmentDelete | Scheduled appointment was deleted. |
AppointmentEdit | Scheduled appointment was edited or Broken. |
AppointmentMove | Scheduled or completed appointment was moved to new operatories or to the Unscheduled List. |
AppointmentTypeEdit | Existing or Appointment Type was edited. |
ApptConfirmStatusEdit | Appointment Confirmation Status was edited. |
AuditTrail | Accessed the Audit Trail. |
AutoNoteQuickNoteEdit | Created, edited, or deleted Auto Notes or QuickPaste Notes. |
Backup | Accessed Backups. |
BadgeIdEdit | Edited a user's Badge ID from Security Badges. |
Billing | Accessed Billing. |
Blockouts | Blockout was added, edited, deleted, cut, copied, pasted, or cleared. |
CarrierCreate | Created Carriers. |
CarrierEdit | Carrier was edited. |
ChartModule | Accessed the Chart Module. Logged as ChartModuleViewed in the Audit Trail. |
ChooseDatabase | Accessed the Choose Database window. |
ClaimDelete | Deleted a Claim or Preauthorization. |
ClaimEdit | Claim or preauthorization was created, cancelled, or saved. |
ClaimProcClaimAttachedProvEdit | Edited providers on Claim Procedures that are attached to a claim. |
ClaimSend | Printed or sent a claim or preauthorization. |
ClaimSentEdit | Edited claim or preauthorization that has already been sent. |
ClinicEdit | Clinic details were edited or a clinic was added to the Clinic List. |
CloseOtherSessions | |
CommandQuery | Ran SQL commands (non-SELECT statements) on normal tables in the User Query window. |
CommlogCreate | Commlog was created. |
CommlogEdit | Commlog was edited. |
CreditCardEdit | Any field was changed for an existing card in the Credit Card Edit window. In Credit Card Manage, a new credit card was added, or an existing credit card was deleted. A new card was added from the Payment window. |
CreditCardMove | Credit card was moved from one patient to another. Makes a log for both patients. |
CreditCardTerminal | A credit card transaction was started on a credit card terminal but failed to process due to an error. |
DashboardWidget | |
DefEdit | Edited Definitions. |
DepositSlips | Edited Deposit Slips. |
DiscountPlanAdd | Discount plan was created. |
DiscountPlanAddDrop | Discount plan was added to or dropped from a patient's account. |
DiscountPlanEdit | Discount plan information was edited (adjustment type, fee schedule, description, plan note, annual max, frequency limitations). |
DiscountPlanMerge | Discount plans were merged together. |
EHRMeasureEventEdit | Edited the date of an EHR measure event (action that affects an EHR numerator). |
EmailSend | Email Message Edit was sent. |
EmployerCreate | Employer was created. |
EServicesSetup | Logs an entry when the eConnector is installed for the first time. Logs changes to eServices made by HQ. |
FamAgingTruncate | Occurs when the family aging table was truncated. |
FamilyModule | Accessed the Family Module. Logged as FamilyModuleViewed in the Audit Trail. |
FeeSchedEdit | Edited details of existing Fee Schedules or created a new fee schedule. |
FormAdded | |
GraphicalReportSetup | Setup or edited Graphic Reports. |
GraphicsEdit | Accessed and changed Graphics Preferences. |
GraphicsRemoteEdit | User changed graphical settings for another workstation. |
ImageCreate | Image or Mount was created. |
ImageDelete | Image or Mount was deleted. |
ImageEdit | Document was created, moved, or edited. |
ImageExport | Exported an image. |
ImagingModule | Accessed the Imaging Module. Logged as ImagingModuleViewed in the Audit Trail. |
InsCarrierCombine | The Combine Carriers tool was used. |
InsPayCreate | Received a Claim, Finalize Insurance Payment, created a Batch Insurance Payment, accessed ERAs window, received ERA, or ERA window closed. |
InsPayEdit | Edited received procedures, finalized payments, and payment details on a batch insurance payment. |
InsPlanAddPat | Patient was added to an insurance plan. |
InsPlanChangeAssign | Changed the Assignment of Benefits setting on the Edit Insurance Plan window. Changed Insurance plans default to assignment of benefits preference. |
InsPlanChangeCarrierName | Changed insurance carrier name via the Edit Insurance Plan window. |
InsPlanChangeSubsc | Changed the subscriber on the Edit Insurance Plan window or used the Move Subscribers tool. |
InsPlanCreate | Insurance plan was created during import of an 834. |
InsPlanCreateSub | Insurance plan subscriber was created during import of an 834. |
InsPlanDropPat | Patient was dropped from an insurance plan during import of an 834. |
InsPlanEdit | Edited Insurance Plan information, Benefit Information, and Discount Plans. Logs an entry when insurance plan information is edited during import of an 834. Logs an entry when insurance is dropped. |
InsPlanEditSub | Insurance plan subscriber was edited during import of an 834. |
InsPlanMerge | Combine Insurance Plans |
InsWriteOffEdit | |
LicenseAccept | User accepted a license agreement. |
LogDoseSpotMedicationNoteEdit | Medication notes for a patient were automatically reduced in order to send the note to DoseSpot eRx. |
LogFeeEdit | Fees edited. |
LogSubscriberEdit | |
ManageHighSecurityProgProp | |
MedicalInfoViewed | Medical Window was viewed. |
MedicationMerge | Accessed the Merge Medications tool. |
MobileNotification | Action was taken in the Kiosk for a patient using an eClipboard device. |
MobileWeb | |
OrthoChartEditFull | Edited any Ortho Chart dated entry. |
PatAllergyListEdit | Allergies were added, changed or removed. |
PatientApptRestrict |
PatientBillingEdit | Changed a patient's Billing Type on the Edit Patient Information. |
PatientCreate | New patient was added. |
PatientDOBView | Viewed full patient birthdate in the Family Module, Select Patient window, and Edit Patient Information window. Only logged when the Mask patient date of birth preference is enabled. |
PatientEdit | Patient information was edited during import of an 834, when patient was moved to a different family, when a patient is moved to or from a Super Family, when a patient opts in or out of text messaging, or when patient information (patient name, status, address, or state) was changed and saved. See also ERAs. |
PatientFieldEdit | Patient Fields were edited. |
PatientMerge | Accessed the Merge Patients tool. |
PatientPortalLogin | |
PatientSSNView | Viewed full patient SSN number in the Family Module, Select Patient window, and Edit Patient Information window. Only logged when the Mask Patient Social Security Numbers preference is enabled. |
PatMedicationListEdit | Medications are added, changed, or removed. |
PatPlanCreate | Patient insurance plan was created. |
PatPriProvEdit | Changed a patient's primary provider on the Edit Patient Information window or via the Provider List. |
PatProblemListEdit | Problems are added, changed, or removed. |
PaymentCreate | Entered patient payment, created an Income Transfer, a Payment Portal payment was processed, or Payment Plan Balancer was automatically run when creating a payment plan overpayment. |
PaymentEdit | Edited patient payment. |
PayPlanChargeDateEdit | Viewed a Payment Plan, Insurance Payment Plan, or an Old Payment Plan charge on plans with APR. Logs an entry if the user has the Pay Plan Charge Date Edit security permission. |
PayPlanChargeEdit | Edited or deleted a Payment Plan or Old Payment Plan charge |
PayPlanEdit | Created, edited, closed, or deleted a Payment Plan, Insurance Payment Plan, or Old Payment Plan. |
PerioEdit | Perio Exam was added, deleted, or copied. |
Printer Setup | |
Printing | Report, Progress Notes, Sheet, List, etc. was printed. |
ProblemDefEdit | Added, edited, or deleted a problem in the Problem List. |
ProcCodeEdit | Added or edited procedure codes from Lists, Procedure Codes. |
ProcComplCreate | Appointments or individual procedures complete set complete. Set Appointment Complete. |
ProcComplEdit | Prior to Version 20.1 - Edited procedures with a status of complete (C), existing - other provider (EO), or existing - current provider (EC). |
ProcComplEditLimited | Prior to Version 20.1 - Edited notes, signature, or information in the Procedure - Misc tab, or changed Hide Graphics or Do Not Bill Ins checkbox on a procedure with a status of complete (C), existing - other provider (EO), or existing - current provider (EC). |
ProcCompleteAddAdj | Not used. |
ProcCompleteEdit | Edited procedures with a status of complete (C), existing - other provider (EO), or existing - current provider (EC). |
ProcCompleteEditMisc | Not used. |
ProcCompleteNote | Not used. |
ProcCompleteStatusEdit | Deleted or changed the status of a procedure with the status of complete (C), existing - other provider (EO), or existing - current provider (EC). |
ProcDelete | Deleted non-completed procedures and edit attached Procedure Notes and Procedure Group Note. |
ProcEdit | Procedure was flagged as CPOE. |
ProcExistingEdit | Edited a procedure with a status of Existing Other (EO) or Existing Current (EC). |
ProcFeeEdit | Changes made to Procedure Code fees. |
ProtectedLeaveAdjustmentEdit | A timecard adjustment marked as Protected Leave was created, edited, or deleted. |
ProviderAdd | A provider was added. |
ProviderEdit | The Provider Setup window was opened or provider information was edited. |
ProviderMerge | Accessed the Merge Providers tool. |
QueryMonitor | The Query Monitor was opened. |
RecallEdit | Recall type was created, edited, or deleted. Tracks when Undo tool is used in the Recall List. |
RefAttachAdd | Attached Referrals to patients. |
RefAttachDelete | Detached Referrals from patients. |
ReferralAdd | Added a referral to the main Referrals List. |
ReferralEdit | Edited or deleted a referral in the main Referral List. |
ReferralMerge | Accessed the Merge Referrals tool. |
RegistrationKeyCreate | Used by Open Dental HQ Only. |
RegistrationKeyEdit | Used by Open Dental HQ Only. |
RepeatChargeCreate | A Repeating Charge was created. |
RepeatChargeDelete | A Repeating Charge was deleted. |
RepeatChargeTool | Repeating Charges was run. |
RepeatChargeUpdate | A Repeating Charge was updated. |
ReplicationSetup | Accessed Replication setup. |
ReportDaily | |
ReportProdInc | |
Reports | Accessed Standard Reports. |
RequiredFields | Information was not completed in a Required Field and the user clicks OK. |
RxCreate | Created prescriptions. |
RxEdit | Edited or deleted prescriptions, synced changes with eRx, or printed prescriptions from Chart Module. |
RxMerge | Merge duplicate prescriptions. |
SalesTaxAdjEdit | Sales Tax Adjustment edited. |
Schedules | Provider and employee Schedules edited. |
SecurityAdmin | Changes made to security permissions. |
SecurityGlobal | Changes made to the Global Lock Dates in Global Security Settings. |
Setup | "Setup" Permission. |
SheetEdit |
ShowFeatures | Show Features. |
SplitCreatePastLockDate | Added new Pay Splits for payments created before the Global Lock Date. Does not allow editing or deleting of existing payments. The sum of all splits must equal the payment amount. |
StatementCSV | |
StatementPatNumMismatch | |
SuperFamilyDisband | Disbanded a Super Family from the Family Module. |
SupplementalBackup | A supplemental backup was created. |
SupplyPurchases | A Supply Order was added, placed, or deleted. |
TaskDelete | Deleted a task or task note. |
TaskEdit | Edited Task description. |
TaskListCreate | Created a Task List. |
TaskNoteEdit | Edited or deleted task notes. |
TaskReminderPopup | A reminder task popped up for a user. |
TimeAdjustEdit | A time card adjustment was added, edited, or deleted. |
TimeCardDeleteEntry | Deleted a time card entry. |
TPModule | Accessed the Treatment Plan Module. Logged as TreatmentPlanModuleViewed in the Audit Trail. |
TreatPlanDiscountEdit | Created or changed a procedure Discount in the Treatment Plan module or Procedure. |
TreatPlanEdit | Edited a saved Treatment Plan. |
TreatPlanPresenterEdit | Changed the presenter when Editing a Saved Treatment Plan. |
UpdateInstall | User checked for software updates from the Update window. |
UserLogOnOff | Users log on, log off, clock in, clock out, or close Open Dental or log on or log off the ODTouch or ODMobile apps. |
UserQuery | Run and change variables in released User Query. |
WebChatEdit | Used by Open Dental HQ Only. |
WebMailDelete | WebMail message deleted. |
WebMailSend | WebMail. |
WebSchedRecallManualSend | WebSchedRecall sent manually. |