Imaging Module

The Imaging Module is a place to scan and store most images, radiographs, forms, and letters that are traditionally stored in a paper chart.

When scanning a single image or file, it is saved as a JPEG. Saving a multi-page document (from a document feeder) saves as a PDF. Additionally, other file types, including Word, PDF, and Excel formats can be imported into the Imaging Module.

External Software versus Open Dental

For many years, Open Dental focused on building Program Bridges to other imaging software. We have now added enough features that practices should not need any separate imaging software. Users can take radiographs directly in Open Dental. See Sensor Compatibility

Images Toolbar

Print: Prints to the Default printer in Printer Setup. The image is automatically resized to fit the printed page.

Delete: Remove the selected file from Open Dental and delete it from the A to Z Folder (OpenDentImages).

Info: Open Item Info window to view or edit image or document information (e.g., category, name, date, etc.)

Sign: Open the Signature window to add or edit a notes on the selected image and electronically sign it. Electronic Signatures are supported. Once notes or a signature are saved, they are visible in the bottom-left of the image preview.

Scan Document: Scan a single-page document as a JPEG file using a connected flatbed scanner. Document is automatically selected as the file Type.

Scan Multi-Page Document: Scan a multi-page document as a PDF using a connected scanner with an automatic document feeder (ADF). Document is automatically selected as the file Type.

Scan Radiograph: Scan a radiograph using a connected flatbed scanner. The pixel windowing settings set in Imaging Setup are used as the default. Radiograph is automatically selected as the Type. Radiograph scans save as a JPEG file. Also see Enhancing Radiograph Images.

Scan Photo: Scan a photo as a JPEG using a connected flatbed scanner. Photo is automatically selected as the Type.

Note: Scanning steps may vary from workstation to workstation depending on settings selected in Imaging Quality and the selected scanner.

Mount / Acquire: Click to take images using an imaging device. See Select Mount and Acquire. To utilize imaging in Open Dental, first set up Imaging Devices and Mount Definitions.

Video: Click to open the Video Capture window. Use the live feed to take images and intraoral photos.

Note: An active registration key is required to utilize the Mount/Acquire and Video capture features to take images. The trial version, which does not use a registration key, can still be used to test these features as needed.

Import: Add an existing file from the current computer or network to Open Dental. Set a default path to open when clicking Import by entering the Default import folder in Preferences. When an image is imported, the Item Info window opens to enter notes and information.

Note: Import Logic:
  1. If an Image Category is selected, the imports go to the selected folder.
  2. If no Image Category is selected, and there is a Default Image Category set in Preferences, imports go to the default category.
  3. If no Image Category is selected, and there no default Image Category set in Preferences, imports go to the first folder in the Image Categories.

Export: Export the selected file to another location on the computer or network. If an image is selected on a mount, only the selected image is exported. If the image is a TIFF file, it is exported as a JPEG. Other files are exported in their original file format.

Copy: Copy the selected image to the clipboard.

Paste: Paste files or bitmaps from the clipboard into the selected mount position or image folder.

Forms: Click the dropdown to quickly add frequently used PDF files or images (e.g., surveys, after care instructions, brochures) to the selected image category. Once added to a patient, click Sign to add notes or an electronic signature. To add forms to the dropdown, navigate to Forms in the OpenDentImages folder. Paste any documents or images into this folder. Restart Open Dental to view newly added templates.

The options below only work with image files, not PDFs or other documents.

Image Categories

Files are organized in tree view by categories (folders). The documents within a folder/category are based on files stored in the patient's A to Z Folder. See Definitions: Image Categories to customize folders/categories.

Collapse All: Click to collapse all folders. Use the +/- symbols on a folder to expand and collapse as needed.
Expand All: Click to expand all folders. Use the +/- symbols on a folder to expand and collapse as needed.

Additional Details:

Viewing Images

To view multiple images at once, select the first image, drag the image to the side using the title bar. This undocks the image and another image can be selected to display.

Note: The Unmounted area does not display when an image is undocked.

To move an image to a specific spot on the screen, click Windows in the image preview toolbar.

Note: If an image is minimized or maximized, the image is undocked when it is restored.

Right-click options: Right-click options differ for PDFs, right-click an image preview to see the following options.

Add Files into the Imaging Module

To add files into the Imaging Module, there are several options.

PDF Files

PDF files viewed in Open Dental use WebView2. If WebView2 is not installed, users are prompted to download the installation. This only needs to be done once on each workstation.

Double-click a PDF from the image category to launch it outside of Open Dental, using the workstation's default PDF viewer.

To always view PDFs outside of Open Dental, enable the preference, PDF files always launch in a separate window. Users will be required to double-click a PDF to view it.

Some toolbar options do not work with PDFs and are disabled when a PDF is selected. Use the options in the WebView2 interface instead.