API Subscriptions

See API Specification

Subscriptions allow you to receive API Events about database changes or UI actions. Each event is a REST style call to an endpoint of your choice.

See API Guide - Subscriptions and Events.

Subscriptions POST

Version Added: 22.1

Creates a subscription. Subscriptions are specific to the Customer's API Key specified in the API request header. Each subscription is for either a database event or for a UI event. You may choose to append "/patientevent" or "?type=patientevent" if you use the same EndPointUrl in multiple subscriptions.

EndPointUrl: Required. This is the URL endpoint to which events will be sent. Examples of endpoints that you might choose include:
Workstation: Required unless you want all workstations to be firing events. Only leave this blank if your endpoint is localhost. If you don't specify a workstation for the other scenarios, your endpoint will get the same event from multiple workstations, which is very undesirable.
PollingSeconds: Required for database events. Frequency of database polling, in seconds.
WatchTable: Required for database events. The name of the database table to monitor. List of types is in API Events. Example: "Patient".
UiEventType: Required for UI Events. List of types is in API Events. Example: "PatientSelected".
DateTimeStart: Optional. When to start monitoring the table for changes. Default Now.
DateTimeStop: Optional. When the subscriptions expires. Default 01-01-0001 to represent no expiration.
Note: Optional.

Example Requests:
POST /subscriptions
"EndPointUrl": "https://myserver/apievents/",
"Workstation": "MOLLYR",
"WatchTable": "Appointment",
"PollingSeconds": 5,
"DateTimeStart": "2022-01-31"


"EndPointUrl": "http://localhost:2097/",
"UiEventType": "PatientSelected"

Example Response:
"SubscriptionNum": 14,
"EndPointUrl": "https://myserver/apievents/",
"Workstation": "MOLLYR",
"CustomerKey": "VzkmZEaUWOjnQX2z",
"WatchTable": "Appointment",
"PollingSeconds": 5,
"UiEventType": "",
"DateTimeStart": "2022-01-31 00:00:00",
"DateTimeStop": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"Note": ""

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound

Subscriptions GET

Version Added: 22.1

Gets a list of all subscriptions for the Customer's API Key specified in the API request header.

Example Request:
GET /subscriptions

Example Response:
"SubscriptionNum": 14,
"EndPointUrl": "https://myserver/apievents/",
"Workstation": "MOLLYR",
"CustomerKey": "VzkmZEaUWOjnQX2z",
"WatchTable": "Appointment",
"PollingSeconds": 5,
"UiEventType": "",
"DateTimeStart": "2022-01-31 00:00:00",
"DateTimeStop": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"Note": ""
"SubscriptionNum": 18,
"EndPointUrl": "http://localhost:2097/",
"Workstation": "",
"CustomerKey": "VzkmZEaUWOjnQX2z",
"WatchTable": "",
"PollingSeconds": 0,
"UiEventType": "PatientSelected",
"DateTimeStart": "2022-02-02 08:12:15",
"DateTimeStop": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"Note": ""

Subscriptions PUT

Version Added: 22.1

Updates an existing Subscription.

SubscriptionNum: Required in the URL.
EndPointUrl: This is the URL endpoint to which events will be sent.
Workstation: Name of the workstation that will fire events. Blank if you want all workstations to fire events.
PollingSeconds: Frequency of database polling, in seconds. Can only be set for WatchTable subscriptions.
DateTimeStart: When the subscription started. This gets updated each time database is polled so that it represents the start of the date range for the next polling.
DateTimeStop: When the subscription will expire.
Note: Optional.

Example Request:
PUT /subscriptions/14

"PollingSeconds": 30,
"Note": "Decreased polling rate."


"EndPointUrl": "https://myserver2/apievents/",
"Workstation": "BETTYC",
"DateTimeStop": "2022-12-31",

Example Response:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (Invalid fields)
404 NotFound (Subscription not found)

Subscriptions DELETE

Version Added: 22.1

Deletes a Subscription.

SubscriptionNum: Required in the URL.

Example Request:
DELETE /subscriptions/14

Example Response:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (Invalid fields)
404 NotFound (SubscriptionNum not found)