Merge Patients

The Merge Patients tool can be used to merge duplicate patient accounts into one.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Misc Tools, Merge Patients.

Patient merges are permanent and cannot be undone.

To merge duplicate patients:

  1. Select the Patient to merge into. Click Change to select the patient account to keep. If an imaging software is bridged to Open Dental, the patient account linked to the images should be selected.
  2. Select the Patient to merge from. Click Change to select the patient account that will be merged into the patient selected in Step 1 (Patient to merge into).
  3. Click Merge.
  4. One of two prompts are shown:
    • If any patient fields (first name, last name, and birthdate) do not match, the warning displays these details from each account. Confirm the patient details before proceeding.
    • If patient fields (first name, last name, and birthdate) are an exact match, there is a prompt to continue.
  5. Click Yes to proceed with the merge or No to cancel the merge.
    • Patient first name, last name, and birthdate do not need to match in order to proceed with merging patients.
  6. A confirmation message is shown once the merge is successful.

After the merge is successfully completed: