The Appointments Module is where patient appointments can be viewed, scheduled, and managed.
See our Appointments Module Playlist.
Appointments Toolbar
The toolbar includes various options for managing appointments.
- Print: Open the Appt Print Setup window to print appointments or Routing Slips.
- Lists: Use various appointment lists to manage existing appointments or find new appointments to be scheduled. Lists include:
- Recall List: Find patients who are due for a recall appointment that are not yet scheduled. Use the list to schedule appointments and send reminders.
- Confirmation List: A list of all patients who have upcoming appointments. Use the list to confirm appointments and track confirmation status.
- Planned Appointment Tracker: Find patients with Planned Appointments that need to be scheduled.
- Unscheduled List: A list of appointments that were cancelled or missed and need to be rescheduled.
- ASAP List: A list of appointments for patients who wish to come in if an opening becomes available sooner than their scheduled date.
- Insurance Verification List: A list of patients with upcoming appointments whose insurance eligibility or benefits need to be verified.
- Pat Appts: Open a list of the selected patient's appointment history. This window also shows a quick reference of family Recall information.
- Make Appt: Create a new appointment. See Edit Appointment for details.
- Make Recall: Create an appointment on the Pinboard to schedule the patient's recall. See Appointment Pinboard and Search for details on the search feature. Procedures due at the next recall date are automatically attached to the appointment and the the schedule is moved to the first available date after recall is due.
- Unsched: Send the selected appointment to the Unscheduled List.
- Break: Mark an appointment as broken and choose to keep it on the schedule, move it to the unscheduled list, or delete it.
- Complete: Mark the selected appointment as complete. This also marks an attached procedures as complete.
Use the calendar to quickly switch days to view past or future appointments or toggle between a day or week view of the schedule.
Pinboard and Searching for Openings
The Pinboard can be used for easy scheduling between various dates. See Appointment Pinboard and Search for details.
Appointment Views
Appointment Views determine the Operatories and providers that show and the information that shows in an appointment. These views are entirely customizable.
Lab Cases and Production
Track the status of Lab Cases and view estimated production.
Lab Cases: See a quick overview of outstanding lab cases for the selected date. Open the Lab Cases list to view more details or create new lab cases.
Daily Prod: View Production Totals for appointments in the selected appointment view.
Daily Goal: View the total daily production goal for all scheduled providers in the appointment view.
Confirmation Status and Other Tabs
Change the confirmation status of an appointment, and use tabs to track various information.
Confirmation Status: Select an appointment and click an option to quickly update the confirmation status.
- Waiting Room: Displays patients who have arrived but not been seated.
- Emp: View scheduled hours for employees for the selected day.
- Prov: View scheduled hours for providers for the selected day.
- Reminders: View all Task Reminders for the logged-on user that are due for the current day.