Edit Appointment

Create, edit, or update appointment details from the Edit Appointment window.

View a summary of patient information, including contact and insurance information, enter details for customizable appointment fields, and customize appointment details.

Title and Time Bar

Title Bar: Shows the patient name, appointment day, date, and time, and the scheduled Operatory.

Time Bar: Displays the length of the appointment and can be adjusted. Colored boxes indicate provider time, which can be set for both primary and secondary providers.

Appointment Settings

From this area, set various appointment settings, including provider, Appointment Type, and more.

Procedures on the Appointment

View the patient's treatment planned procedures and easily attach treatment to the appointment.

Single Click List: This is a customizable list of commonly-used procedure groupings. You can quickly click an option to treatment plan new procedures and attach them to the appointment.

Procedures on this Appointment: This area lists the patient's treatment planned procedures, along with any completed procedures that have the same date as the appointment. Click a procedure to highlight it and attach it to the appointment.

Appointment Note

Appointment Note: Add additional appointment details here that can be displayed from the schedule.

Commlogs and Additional Options

From this area, view a log of all scheduling-related communication that has been logged (calls, texts, sent eReminder emails, and sent eConfirmation emails, etc.) Use the buttons to create a new Commlog, send a text to the patient, view an Audit Trail for the appointment, or attach the appointment to a Task.