
Each office can have their own internal wiki, similar to wikipedia.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Wiki.

Alternatively, on the keyboard, click CTRL + Shift + W. This shortcut is not available for use in Open Dental Cloud.

The Wiki Home page opens. Multiple wiki pages can be open at once. A wiki can be useful for posting employee policies, sharing troubleshooting information, keeping lists, etc. Blue text indicates a link to another page, folder, file or outside URL. Ctrl + click a link to another wiki page to open in a separate window.



If an unhandled exception occurs when trying to access a Wiki page (e.g., no ending tag), try following these steps:

  1. Search for the corrupt page.
  2. On the error, click Continue.
  3. Click OK.
  4. On the error, click Continue.
  5. Click Edit and manually fix the page, or click History and revert to a previous version of the page.

Also see: Wiki Markup