The ODTouch Take Payment eRouting action, allows users to process a patient payment from the app.
From the ODTouch: eRouting, tap Take Payment.

The eRouting action can only be used by XCharge (OpenEdge), Edge Express, or PayConnect 1.0 users.
Last Statement Balance: The patient estimated balance as of the last Statement on the account.
Payments Since Last Statement: The total of all payments made to the patient's account since the last statement date.
Statements and Payments
A list of payments and statements for the patient is listed.

Select a statement or payment to see additional details.
- Tap Open Statement to see a full PDF of the associated statement.
Make Payment
To make a payment:
- Tap the caret menu at the top of screen for additional options.
- Tap Make Payment.

- Payment Options are displayed on screen. Enter payment details.
- Enter an optional Note that will display in the Payment Note area.
- Enter the payment Amount. Reference the Last Statement Balance and Payments Since Last Statement to determine the amount.
- Choose the credit card to use in the Select Card area.
- If a credit card is already saved to ODTouch, the last four digits of the card are displayed. Tap here to choose a different card. Select a different saved card or Add New Card... to process the transaction with a different credit card.
- If Select Card is set to Add New Card, card information is added in the next step.
- Check Save New Card to save card information to ODTouch for later use if adding a new card.
- Tap Make Payment to process the transaction.
- If a saved card was selected, the transaction is immediately processed.
- If Add New Card was selected, the payment processor's interface is opened. Add card details here. The transaction is processed after details are saved.
Manage Cards
Credit cards can be added or deleted from ODTouch as needed.
Open the caret menu at the top of screen for additional options and tap Manage Cards.
- Any card information saved from ODTouch for the patient is listed.
- Tap Add Card to add a new credit card to the patient's account. Cards can only be added if using XCharge. Enter a new card during a transaction and check Save New Card to save card details when using another processor.
- Select an existing card and tap Delete to remove the card from ODTouch. Follow the prompt to delete the card.