Dental School Evaluation Setup

Set up Evaluations to track student progress.

In Dental School Setup, click Evaluations.

Setting up Dental Student Evaluations for Dental Schools includes attaching a grading scale and defining the criteria that will be evaluated. To set up evaluations, the logged-on user must have the Setup security permission. The list of evaluation definitions can be filtered by dental course.

Evaluation Definitions: Evaluations matching the selected course are listed

Course: Select a course from dropdown to filter the Evaluation Definitions list.

Duplicate: Highlight an evaluation in the grid and click to create a copy. All details are copied, but the Title is appended with -copy.

Add: Click to create a new evaluation. Opens the Evaluation Definition Edit window (see below).

Evaluation Definition Edit

From Evaluation Definitions, click Add to create a new Evaluation Definition or double-click an existing Evaluation Definition to edit. The Evaluation Definition Edit window opens.

Enter general evaluation information.

Criteria Used: Lists the any criteria currently added to the Evaluation. If using a weighted grading scale, the total points for all criteria is shown at the bottom

Evaluation Criterion Def Edit

From Evaluation Definition Edit, click Add to create new criterion or double-click an existing criterion from the list to edit.

Delete: Remove this criterion from the evaluation.

Click Save add new criterion or keep changes.