Canada Carriers
Canadian carriers can easily be added and maintained, without manually creating each one.
For Canada users, click Lists, Insurance Carriers.
Insurance carriers marked as CDAnet are capable of sending electronic claims to ITRANS or Claimstream (TELUS).
Search criteria:
Click Refresh to update the list.
To update the Carriers list, select the criteria and click Update Carriers. This button is for ITRANS 2.0 and Claimstream users only. Carriers are updated based on the Electronic ID.
Click Add to add a new carrier. Click Combine to Combine Carriers.
Double-click on a carrier to view carrier information and CDAnet information.
The Carrier information in the top half is editable by the office.
The information under CDAnet is maintained by the CDA.
The following carriers are supported by ITRANS:
Detailed carrier information can be found on the CDA website: