Authorized Representatives

See Patient Portal.

Authorized representatives can view another patient's health information in the Patient Portal and receive Web Sched notifications on another patient's behalf. Several settings in Open Dental control who is authorized to see a patient's health information.

Patients: Can always view their own health information.

Guarantors: By default, guarantors have access to all family member information. This is determined by the Allow guarantor access to family health information in the Patient Portal preference. If enabled, guarantors can view information for all family members. If disabled guarantors can only view their own information. This is a global setting that affects all guarantors.

Guardians: Can view health information for any patient for which they are designated as Guardian (Edit Patient Information, Family Relationships, Guardian is checked).

Responsible Party: Can view health information for any patient for which they are a responsible party (Edit Patient Information window, Responsible Party).

Authorized representatives can view:

Note: Treatments Plans cannot be viewed unless they are added to the Imaging Module.