Birthday Report and Postcards

Run the Birthdays report to get a list of patients with birthdays in a specified date range and generate postcards.

In Standard Reports, in the Lists section, click Birthdays.

The Birthdays report is a list of all active patients (i.e., those with status of Patient only) who have birthdays within a specific date range. Users can also print postcards for each patient with a personalized message. There is also a birthday section in Laser Labels which prints sheets of labels.

To control user access to this report, see Report Setup: Security Permissions.

Report Customization

Date Range: Select the birthday range to include in the report.

Postcards: Customize and generate postcards for patients with birthdays in the date range.

Generate Postcards

Click Preview to generate postcard a print preview of birthday postcards. Postcards can be printed from the preview window.

Print: Click to print the generated postcards.

Left Arrow / Right Arrow: Click to view additional pages of the print preview.

Close: Click to exit the postcard preview without printing.

Generate Report Preview

Click Report to generate a list of patients with birthdays in the selected date range. Below is an explanation of the report columns. For a description of toolbar buttons, see Complex Report System.