Version 15.3

See Versions.

Version 15.3 was released on 11/18/2015.

Integrated Texting: A two-way text messaging service hosted by Open Dental. This is a paid service. Integrated Texting Feature

Fee Schedules:

Web SchedEnhancements:Web Sched Feature

Central Enterprise Management Tool: Central Enterprise Management Tool ( CEMT )

Payment Plan: Recalculate amortization schedules for prepayments or payments to principal while preserving historical payments. Old Payment Plan

Non-Dental Practices or Clinics: Set a practice or clinic as "non-dental". Clinic ListPractice Setup
If set as non-dental, most tooth and surface references are removed from the interface. Non-Dental

ICD-10 Codes: New preference to use ICD-10 instead of ICD-9 diagnosis codes on procedures. ICD-10 Codes

Minor Changes:
Podium program link. Automates patient review generation. Podium OD
Dental Intel button added to reports window. Business intelligence dashboards. Dental Intel
DentalTek program link. VOIP phone integration with Open Dental. DentalTek Info
Indicate late patients in the appointment schedule using color or by showing (L). Appointment View Edit
Show birthdate in the appointment schedule. Appointment View Edit, Appointment View Setup
Set the default start time in the appointment schedule by appointment view. Appointment View Edit, Appointment View Setup
Preference to limit the number of electronic billing statements sent per batch. Manage Module Preferences
Preference to open patient address in Google Maps. Family Module Preferences
Preference to set a default stop/start date for patient medications. Chart Module Preferences
Preference to set the insurance writeoff description. Account Module Preferences
Preference to use clinic billing address on claims. Clinic List
When using patient clone, view sheets in both the original patient account and the clone account. Clone
eCW: CDT codes longer than five characters allowed in outbound DFT messages. eCW HL7 Message Structure
eCW: Option to verify that all procedure notes are complete upon Finish and Send. eCW Installation
eCW: Option to verify that all procedure notes are signed upon Finish and Send. eCW Installation
Patient address information uses different 'Same for entire family' checkbox than provider and billing information. Edit Patient Information
New status options for sent prescriptions (Faxed, CalledIn, GaveScript, Pending). Rx / Prescription
Update window indicates the date and time a user updated Open Dental. Update
eServices menu item turns yellow to indicate errors connecting to the listener service.
Phone numbers in text boxes automatically formatted. Select Patient
Daily and Monthly Production and Income report use Complex Report system. Production and Income Reports
Zoom in button added to reports using the Complex Report system. Complex Report System
Annual Production and Income Report displays multiple years. Production and Income Reports
Procedure Code report can be filtered by clinic or provider. Uses Complex Report system. Procedure Codes - Fee Schedules Report
New Active Patients Report that uses Complex Report system.Active Patients ReportChoose Payment Plan Report start/end dates from dropdown calendar. Payment Plans Report
New command line arguments: Module and Show. Command Line Arguments
Enhancements to Update in Progress window. Update
Hiding an operatory is not allowed if future appointments are scheduled in it. Operatories
New automation available when insurance plan effective date ends. Automation
EHR dashboard shows line items for all core and menu measures and allows entry of notes for yes/no measures. EHR Dashboard
Note field on edit laboratory window lengthened to allow up to 30,000 characters. Laboratories
Change column width, order and description in StatementMainGrid when using sheets for statements. Display Fields
Images sort by date and time in Images Module. Imaging Module
Birth dates entered on select patient window carry over when adding new patient(s). Select Patient
Reorder or hide Patient Field Defs. Patient Fields
Display fields added for PatientSelect (Next Visit, Last Visit, Cell Phone, Sec Prov). Display Fields
TaskEdit permission. Permissions
Changes to the behavior of TaskNoteEdit permission. Permissions
Audit trail for tasks. Task
Confirmation list is non-modal. Right-click to select patient, open a chart, or send to pinboard. Confirmation List
ASAP list is non-modal. Right-click to select patient, open the chart, send to pinboard or remove from the list. ASAP List
Appointments can no longer be deleted from the ASAP or Confirmation list. ASAP List, Unscheduled ListConfirmation List
Entry is added to the audit trail when an appointment is confirmed or appointment length is changed. Audit Trail
Clinics show billing and pay-to addresses. Clinic List
Procedures in the treatment plan module show an X when using substitution codes. Treatment Plan Module
Generate CQM encounters based on completed procedures in a date range. EHR Generate Encounter Codes
Ortho Chart date entries sorted oldest to newest, automatically scroll to most recent dates. Ortho Chart
Non-billing entity override can be associated to a provider. Providers
Customize provider specialties. Definitions: Provider Specialties
Changed the tab order on Adjustments window. Cursor defaults to Amount field when window opens. Adjustment
Show Shopping List and OnHandQty added to Supply Inventory. Supplies
Status field added to Equipment. Equipment
UpdateFiles folder stored inside database instead of AtoZ folders. Install on Workstation Topaz model BSB signature pad supported. Electronic Signatures
Broken Appointment Procedure window automatically opens when an appointment is broken using code D9986. Break Appointment
Broken appointment procedures and adjustments display in the same text color in the Account Module. Break Appointment
New preference to automatically open the Adjustment window when an appointment is broken using code D9986. Appointment Module Preferences
Time card rules can be defined for everyone and specific employees. Time Card Setup
"Provider" replaces "dentist" throughout software.