API TreatPlans

See API Specification

Treatment Plans are designed to track treatment the patient has accepted, display treatment charted for the patient that has not been completed, or keep a record of treatment the patient denied.

treatplans with a TPStatus of "Active" or "Inactive" use treatplanattach to reference attached procedures. treatplans with a TPStatus of "Saved" use proctp which are copies of the procedure, and will not change after being saved.

TreatPlans GET

Version Added: 22.4.16

Get a list of treatplans that meet a set of search criteria.

Parameters: All optional.

PatNum: patient.PatNum.
SecDateTEdit : Only include treatplans with a SecDateTEdit altered after the specified date and time. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format.
TPStatus : Either "Saved", "Active", or "Inactive". Default all.

Example Requests:
GET /treatplans?PatNum=1897&TPStatus=Saved
GET /treatplans?SecDateTEdit=2022-07-01%2005%3A30%3A00

Example Response:
"TreatPlanNum": 1786,
"PatNum": 1897,
"DateTP": "0001-01-01",
"Heading": "Active Treatment Plan",
"Note": "Please read this carefully:\nIf you have insurance, THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Insurance might not pay what we expect.\nEven if you pay your estimate ahead of time, you will still be responsible for any portion that insurance does not pay.",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 0,
"DocNum": 0,
"TPStatus": "Active",
"SecUserNumEntry": 12,
"SecDateEntry": "2022-07-02",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-07-02 09:39:54",
"UserNumPresenter": 0,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"SignatureText": "",
"SignaturePracticeText": "",
"isSigned": "false",
"isSignedPractice": "false"
"TreatPlanNum": 1787,
"PatNum": 1901,
"DateTP": "0001-01-01",
"Heading": "Active Treatment Plan",
"Note": "Please read this carefully:\nIf you have insurance, THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Insurance might not pay what we expect.\nEven if you pay your estimate ahead of time, you will still be responsible for any portion that insurance does not pay.",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 0,
"DocNum": 0,
"TPStatus": "Active",
"SecUserNumEntry": 12,
"SecDateEntry": "2022-07-02",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-07-02 10:32:51",
"UserNumPresenter": 0,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"SignatureText": "",
"SignaturePracticeText": "",
"isSigned": "false",
"isSignedPractice": "false"
"TreatPlanNum": 1788,
"PatNum": 1906,
"DateTP": "0001-01-01",
"Heading": "Saved Treatment Plan",
"Note": "Please read this carefully:\nIf you have insurance, THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Insurance might not pay what we expect.\nEven if you pay your estimate ahead of time, you will still be responsible for any portion that insurance does not pay.",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 0,
"DocNum": 0,
"TPStatus": "Saved",
"SecUserNumEntry": 13,
"SecDateEntry": "2022-07-02",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-07-02 11:39:54",
"UserNumPresenter": 0,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "2022-07-02 11:39:54",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "2022-07-02 11:39:54",
"SignatureText": "Brandon Booter",
"SignaturePracticeText": "Dr. Carl Moore",
"isSigned": "true",
"isSignedPractice": "true"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

TreatPlans POST (create)

Version Added: 23.2.13

Creates an inactive treatplan for a patient.


PatNum: Required.
Heading: Optional. Default "Inactive Treatment Plan".
Note: Optional. Defaults to the TreatmentPlanNote preference.
TPType: Optional. Either "Insurance" or "Discount". If the patient is subscribed to a Discount Plan, this will default to "Discount". Otherwise, defaults to "Insurance".

Example Request:
POST /treatplans

"PatNum": 31,
"Heading": "Fillings",
"TPType": "Insurance"

Example Response:
"TreatPlanNum": 18,
"PatNum": 31,
"DateTP": "0001-01-01",
"Heading": "Fillings",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 0,
"DocNum": 0,
"TPStatus": "Inactive",
"SecUserNumEntry": 0,
"SecDateEntry": "2023-08-10",
"SecDateTEdit": "2023-08-10 12:18:12",
"UserNumPresenter": 0,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"SignatureText": "",
"SignaturePracticeText": "",
"isSigned": "false",
"isSignedPractice": "false"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

TreatPlans POST Saved

Version Added: 23.2.22

Creates an unsigned Saved treatplan from an existing Active or Inactive treatplan.


TreatPlanNum: Required.
Heading: Optional. Defaults to the heading of the supplied Treatment Plan.
UserNumPresenter: Optional. FK to userod.UserNum. Default 0.

Example Request:
POST /treatplans/Saved

"TreatPlanNum": 138,
"Heading": "Saved Plan",
"UserNumPresenter": 5

Example Response:
"TreatPlanNum": 138,
"PatNum": 15,
"DateTP": "2023-09-22",
"Heading": "Saved Plan",
"Note": "If you have dental insurance, please be aware that THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Coverage may be different if your deductible has not been met, annual maximum has been met, or if your coverage table is lower than average.",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 0,
"DocNum": 0,
"TPStatus": "Saved",
"SecUserNumEntry": 0,
"SecDateEntry": "2023-09-22",
"SecDateTEdit": "2023-09-22 14:45:35",
"UserNumPresenter": 5,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"SignatureText": "",
"SignaturePracticeText": "",
"isSigned": "false",
"isSignedPractice": "false"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

TreatPlans PUT (update)

Version Added: 24.1.10

Updates a treatplan.

To sign a treatplan with TPStatus of "Saved", set isSigned to true for the patient, or isSignedPractice to true for the practice. The signature that appears on the treatplan will be shown as the following: "Digitally Signed by [API DeveloperName] Date Signed: ["MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt"]". Every treatplan is required to have at least one Signature box for the patient's signature. The availablity of SignatureText, SignaturePractice, and SignaturePracticeText is dependent upon the default Treatment Plan Sheet of the Clinic associated with the saved treatplan's procedures.

See API Implementation, Treatment Plan Layout, Sign Treatment Plan, and Sheet Def Defaults for more information on signing Treatment Plans.

TreatPlanNum: Required in the URL.

DateTP: The date of the treatment plan. Can only be set if TPStatus is "Saved". String in "yyyy-MM-dd" format.
Heading: The heading that shows at the top of the treatment plan.
Note: A note specific to this treatment plan that shows at the bottom. Overwrites existing note.
ResponsParty: FK to patient.PatNum. The patient responsible for approving the treatment.
TPType: Either "Insurance" or "Discount".
SignatureText: The typed name of the person who signed the patient signature.
SignaturePracticeText: The typed name of the person who signed the practice signature.
isSigned: Either "true" or "false". True updates the treatplan Signature, digitally signs for the patient, and overwrites existing signature. False clears the exisiting treatplan Signature.
isSignedPractice: Either "true" or "false". True updates the treatplan SignaturePractice, digitally signs for the practice, and overwrites existing signature. False clears the exisiting treatplan SignaturePractice.

Example Requests:
PUT /treatplans/9087

"DateTP": "2024-01-27",
"Heading": "Inactive Treatment Plan - Patient Declined"


"DateTP": "2024-01-27",
"Heading": "Saved Treatment Plan for Extractions + Implant",
"Note": "Please read this carefully: If you have insurance, THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Insurance might not pay what we expect. Even if you pay your estimate ahead of time, you will still be responsible for any portion that insurance does not pay. This Treatment Plan was selected using Amazing Smiles Dental Application.",
"ResponsParty": 712,
"SignatureText": "Pamela Hoovey",
"SignaturePracticeText": "Dr. Ben Jeong",
"isSigned": "true",
"isSignedPractice": "true"

Example Response:
"TreatPlanNum": 9087
"PatNum": 8643,
"DateTP": "2024-01-27",
"Heading": "Saved Treatment Plan for Extractions + Implant",
"Note": "Please read this carefully: If you have insurance, THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. Insurance might not pay what we expect. Even if you pay your estimate ahead of time, you will still be responsible for any portion that insurance does not pay. This Treatment Plan was selected using Amazing Smiles Dental Application..",
"SigIsTopaz": "false",
"ResponsParty": 712,
"DocNum": 476,
"TPStatus": "Saved",
"SecUserNumEntry": 0,
"SecDateEntry": "2024-01-22",
"SecDateTEdit": "2024-01-27 14:13:05",
"UserNumPresenter": 0,
"TPType": "Insurance",
"DateTSigned": "2024-01-27 14:13:05",
"DateTPracticeSigned": "2024-01-27 14:13:05",
"SignatureText": "Pamela Hoovey",
"SignaturePracticeText": "Dr. Ben Jeong",
"isSigned": "true",
"isSignedPractice": "true"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

TreatPlans DELETE

Version Added: 24.4.26

Deletes a treatplan. For treatplans with a TPStatus of "Saved", all associated proctps are also deleted.

TreatPlanNum: Required in the URL.

Example Request:
DELETE /treatplans/115

Example Responses:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)