API TreatPlanAttaches
Used to show Procedures attached to a TreatPlan with TPStatus of either Active or Inactive. For Saved treatment plans, use API ProcTPs. See Edit Treatment Plan for more information.
Version Added: 22.4.16
Gets a list of treatplanattaches associated to a specified treatplan. Use API TreatPlans to find the TreatPlanNum of an existing treatplan.
TreatPlanNum: Required in the URL. FK to treatplan.TreatPlanNum.
Example Request:
GET /treatplanattaches?TreatPlanNum=1845
Example Response:
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 3211,
"TreatPlanNum": 1845,
"ProcNum": 1977,
"Priority": 151,
"priority": "1"
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 3222,
"TreatPlanNum": 1845,
"ProcNum": 11018,
"Priority": 159,
"priority": "Recmend"
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 3223,
"TreatPlanNum": 1845,
"ProcNum": 11017,
"Priority": 148,
"priority": "Wait"
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 3234,
"TreatPlanNum": 1845,
"ProcNum": 11005,
"Priority": 0,
"priority": ""
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)
Version Added: 23.2.17
Creates an association between a treatment plan and a procedure.
TreatPlanNum: Required. FK to treatplan.TreatPlanNum.
ProcNum: Required. FK to procedurelog.ProcNum.
Priority: Optional. definition.DefNum where definition.Category=20. Default 0.
Example Request:
POST /treatplanattaches
"TreatPlanNum": 9,
"ProcNum": 132,
"Priority": 148
Example Response:
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 70,
"TreatPlanNum": 9,
"ProcNum": 132,
"Priority": 148,
"priority": "Wait"
201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)
Version Added: 23.2.17
Updates the Priority on a treatplanattach.
TreatPlanAttachNum: Required in the URL.
Priority: definition.DefNum where definition.Category=20.
Example Request:
PUT /treatplanattaches/70
"Priority": 149
Example Response:
"TreatPlanAttachNum": 70,
"TreatPlanNum": 9,
"ProcNum": 132,
"Priority": 149,
"priority": "Low"
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)