See API Specification

ProcTPs are copies of procedures that are attached to Saved treatment plans. The ProcNumOrig points to the actual procedurelog row. For Active and Inactive treatment plans, use API TreatPlanAttaches. See Edit Treatment Plan for more information.


Version Added: 22.4.17

Get a list of ProcTPs by the TreatPlanNum. Before calling this method, use TreatPlans GET to find the TreatPlanNum of an existing TreatPlan.

TreatPlanNum: Required. FK to TreatPlan.TreatPlanNum.

Example Request:
GET /proctps?TreatPlanNum=963

Example Response:
"ProcTPNum": 976,
"TreatPlanNum": 963,
"PatNum": 722,
"ProcNumOrig": 1154,
"ItemOrder": 0,
"Priority": 0,
"priority": "",
"ToothNumTP": "13",
"Surf": "MOD",
"ProcCode": "D2393",
"Descript": "resin-based composite - three surfaces, posterior",
"FeeAmt": 204.0,
"PriInsAmt": 80.0,
"SecInsAmt": 0.0,
"PatAmt": 70.0,
"Discount": 54.0,
"Prognosis": "",
"Dx": "",
"ProcAbbr": "C3 (P)",
"SecUserNumEntry": 12,
"SecDateEntry": "2023-01-24",
"SecDateTEdit": "2023-01-24 09:33:46",
"FeeAllowed": 0.0,
"TaxAmt": 0.0,
"ProvNum": 11,
"DateTP": "2022-12-19",
"ClinicNum": 3,
"CatPercUCR": 204.0
"ProcTPNum": 977,
"TreatPlanNum": 963,
"PatNum": 722,
"ProcNumOrig": 1167,
"ItemOrder": 1,
"Priority": 0,
"priority": "",
"ToothNumTP": "",
"Surf": "",
"ProcCode": "D0140",
"Descript": "Limited Exam",
"FeeAmt": 57.0,
"PriInsAmt": 57.0,
"SecInsAmt": 0.0,
"PatAmt": 0.0,
"Discount": 0.0,
"Prognosis": "",
"Dx": "",
"ProcAbbr": "LimEx",
"SecUserNumEntry": 12,
"SecDateEntry": "2023-01-24",
"SecDateTEdit": "2023-01-24 09:33:46",
"FeeAllowed": 0.0,
"TaxAmt": 0.0,
"ProvNum": 11,
"DateTP": "2022-12-19",
"ClinicNum": 3,
"CatPercUCR": 57.0

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)


Version Added: 23.3.10

Deletes a ProcTp. Only ProcTPs associated with an unsigned treatment plan can be deleted.

ProcTPNum: Required in the URL.

Example Request:
DELETE /proctps/293

Example Responses:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)