Repeating Charges

Repeating Charges can be set up to automatically bill fees to bill periodically (e.g., monthly membership plan fees).

Information for active Repeating Charges is displayed in the Account Module.

Repeating Charges can be used in conjunction with Recurring Charges to automatically process a credit card payment.

Repeat Charge Setup

In the Account Module toolbar, click Repeating Charge to add a new repeating procedure or double-click an existing charge to edit.

Repeating Charges are set up to bill a specific procedure code and charge amount at a set interval.

Calculate Charge Amount: Auto-calculate the repeating charge amount by entering a the total amount of all charges and the total number of charges.

Charge Amount: The amount the patient will be billed each interval.

Frequency: Choose the interval at which the repeating charge will be posted to the patient's account. Options are:

Date Start/Date Stop: Determine the dates the repeating charge is active. Enter the dates the first and last procedure will be posted.

Creates Claim: Automatically create a claim for the repeating charge procedure when it is posted.

Use Unearned: Automatically allocate an Unearned / Prepayments to the procedure as it is posted.

Note: Add a note that will appear in the Repeat Charges grid in the patient's account.

Manual: Click to post a repeating charge immediately.

Posting Repeating Charges

Repeating Charges can be configured to post automatically at a set time or can be posted manually from the Repeating Charges tool.

A charge is posted to any account where repeating charges are set up and due.