Account Module

The Account Module is where a patient's financial information and claim history is viewed.

See our Account Module Playlist.

Account Toolbar

Payment: Process Patient Payments.

Adjustment: Add positive or negative adjustments, like discounts or billing charges, to the patient's account. Single or multiple adjustments can be created, and adjustments can be attached to procedures.

New Claim: Create an insurance claim. If the patient has multiple insurance plans, claims are created for for up to 3 dental plans at once. Other claims, like medical, can be created from the dropdown.

See Claim Types for additional details on how claims are created.

Payment Plan: Create patient or insurance repayment agreements.

Add Proc: Quickly chart a procedure to the account by typing in a code or selecting from a customizable dropdown list.

Repeating Charge: Add Repeating Charges to the patient's balance at a set interval.

Statement: Generate a statement for the patient or entire family.

Third-Party Integrations: Other third-party integrations and Program Links (i.e., bridges) may show a button in the toolbar, depending on setup. The following buttons show by default, but can be hidden from Program Links:

Aging and Balance Due

Aging for the family balance is displayed in the grid. A breakdown of the total balance is listed next to the aging grid.

Payment Plans

If a patient has an existing repayment agreement, a summary is shown in this area.

Patient Account Tab

The Patient Account tab displays line item details of the patient's account history. This includes all procedures, grouped by date with related claims, insurance payments, patient payments , adjustments, statements, invoices, and receipts.

Hidden Splits Tab

View a breakdown of hidden prepayments on the account. These can be used to allocate treatment to specific procedures when they are prepaid. Payments are automatically moved the the account grid when an attached procedure is set complete

Communications Log (Commlog)

The Communications Log shows all Commlog entries and forms for the family.

Main Tab

Quickly switch between family members and add account notes.

Service Date View: Click to open Service Date View.

Credit Card Manage: Manage stored patient credit cards.

Show Tab

Quickly filter what information is dislayed in the Account Module.

Patient Information

View patient information. Displayed fields are customizable and users can double-click to edit information.