Recall List

Use the Recall List to send and track recall appointment reminders.

In the Appointments Module, click Lists, Recall.

The Recall List includes patients who need to be scheduled for a recall (e.g., prophy or perio) appointment. Reminders can be easily generated and appointments quickly scheduled from the list.

Once a reminder is sent, patients can be optionally hidden from the list until it's time for another reminder.

Also see our Recall Video Playlist

Filters and More

Use the filters to determine which patients are included on the list. Easily filter by recall due date, recall type, provider, and more to find the patients you want to schedule.

Use the Set Status feature to quickly set the recall status of one or more patients. This is helpful to indicate how a patient was contacted, can't be reached, etc.

Recall List Grid

The interactive Recall List grid, shows patients due for a recall appointment along with their preferred contact information and applicable notes. The available columns are customizable.

Additional Options

Generate postcards, mailing labels, emails, and more from this area. If you have a patient ready to schedule, use the Sched buttons to quickly create appointments.

Automatic Reminders

The Web Sched Recall feature can be used to send automated text message or email recall reminders. For users signed up for Web Sched Recall, reminders include a link to schedule appointments online. For users not signed up for Web Sched Recall, automated reminders can still be sent, but do not include a scheduling link.