Perio Chart

Use the perio chart to record perio exams.

In the Chart Module, click Perio Chart.

See our video: Perio Charting.


Setup: Click to edit default perio exam probing depths. Enter measurements in sets of three, separated by a comma (e.g., 323, 323, etc) for each tooth. Each box requires 48 digits.


Up to six of the most recent exams can show for easy comparison.

Exam Notes

Type relevant exam notes here for the current exam only. If exam notes are entered before a new exam is started, notes are erased.

Perio Chart

Data from prior exams shows in gray. Current exam data shows in dark text. Probing depths show for all exams. For other measurements only the most recent data shows.


Entering Data

Advance Sequence: Choose an option to determine how the perio chart auto advances when entering measurements.

Current Direction: The direction the Advance Sequence is currently auto advancing. This updates automatically when the perio chart advances to a new section, but can be changed toggled to manually change the Auto Advance direction.

Triplets: Check to enter three measurements or values at one time (e.g., plaque, calculus, or other values that are commonly the same for the enter tooth).

Ging Marg+: Check to enter positive values.

Microphone: Click to begin Voice Perio Charting.

Note: Open Dental Cloud users are not able to utilize Voice Perio Charting.

Number Entry: Press the numbers on screen or use the keyboard.

Plaque, Calculus, Bleeding, and Suppuration: Enter using the on-screen button, or a keyboard letter P, C, B, or S.

Calc Index %: Click to recalculate the four index percentages.

Navigation: There are multiple ways to navigate the perio chart.

Numbers in Red

Flag measurements in the grid with red text when greater than or less than a certain value.

Additional Options

Skip Teeth: Select teeth to mark as skipped when perio charting.

Graphical: See Graphical Perio Chart.

Save to Images: Save the current perio chart to the Images module, Tooth Charts folder, named by date.

Print: Print the perio chart as it appears on the screen.

Additional Details

Supernumerary Teeth / Retained Deciduous Teeth:
There is no way to note these on the perio chart. Details about these teeth can be entered as an exam note.

Primary Teeth:
Perio charting can only be done on permanent teeth.

Missing Teeth:
In Preferences, enable Perio exams always skip missing teeth, to skip missing teeth on auto advance when perio charting.

Disable the preference Perio exams treat implants as not missing, to treat implants as missing teeth on the perio exam.

If the preference Perio exams always skip missing teeth is also enabled, implants are skipped on auto advance when perio charting, just as missing teeth are.


Perio exams can be completed when utilizing ODTouch: Perio. If an exam is open for a patient in ODTouch, the Perio Chart window is locked in Open Dental.

Click Unlock to take over. This should only be done when the app is not being actively used. A warning displays to ensure taking over is intentional. Click Yes to continue.