EHR Clinical Summary

On the EHR Dashboard, click Send clinical summary to Pt.

Clinical summaries are after-visit summaries that provide relevant and actionable information and instructions to a patient. This was a measure in stage 1 and stage 2 of EHR, but is no longer a reporting requirement for EHR Modified Stage 2.

The Clinical Summaries Sent to Patient grid lists dated log entries of clinical summaries that have been provided to the patient. To preview an xml version of the CCD file, click Show xml.

To provide the clinical summary, you have three options:

  1. (recommended) Click To Portal to automatically send the clinical summary to Patient Portal.
  2. Click Export to save two clinical summary files (the document and a stylesheet) to a location on your computer.
  3. Click Show xhtml to preview the clinical summary in a web browser. You can then Print it to paper or as a PDF file to provide to a patient.

Select and enter the information to include in the clinical summary, then click OK.

Select method:

When a clinical summary is sent to the patient portal, there is no verification that the Patient Portal has been set up or that a patient has been granted access. See Patient Portal Access. The clinical summary is sent to the portal regardless. Once the patient can access the portal, the clinical summary will be available for viewing.