Use the Computers window to view computers that have logged into Open Dental and resolve workstation problems as needed.
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Advanced Setup, Computers.

Database Server: View information for the server that Open Dental is installed to.
- Server Name: The name of the Open Dental server computer.
- Service Name: The name of the MySQL service.
- Service Version: The version of MySQL that is installed.
- Service Comment: Informational comments about the MySQL version.
Current Computer: The computer name that is currently connected.
Computer Name: Any computer that has used Open Dental. Unused computers can be deleted to speed up messaging. Double-click a computer name to edit the graphics preferences for that computer. This is not recommended.
Note: Client/Thin client computer names show in this list when using
RDP/terminal services.
Fix a Workstation: Set graphics settings for other computers.
- Use Simple Graphics: Set another computer's Graphics Preferences to simple. This is useful as a fix for machines that do not have DirectX or OpenGL installed or working properly. On these machines, sometimes Open Dental closes unexpectedly when a user chooses a database. To fix this, from another computer, click on the computer name, then click Use Simple Graphics. This is the same as selecting the Simple Tooth Chart in Graphics.
- Reset Zoom: Reset another computer's Zoom settings to default.
Note: After changing settings for another workstation, users logged into the affected workstation must log off and log back into Open Dental for changes to take effect.