CDA Digital IDs

Digital ID's are certificates installed to the server that allow claim submission.

For Canada users, both ITRANS and ITRANS 2.0 require digital IDs.

Install Provider Certificates

Each dentist sending claims must have a CDA Digital ID (certificate) installed. These certificates should be installed to the server hosting ITRANS 2.0


Obtain a login and password from the CDA.

CDA Digital ID installation:.

  1. Sign in to the CDA Practices Supports Services website
  2. Click on MY CDA Digital ID.
  3. If linked to multiple offices, find the row with the office in question. Click Download Digital ID.
  4. Confirm the listed CDA Digital ID. Read the CDA Digital ID Subscriber Agreement and click the confirmation checkbox.
  5. Click Install with CDA Digital ID Installer.
  6. If not already installed, install the CDA Digital ID Installer. Follow the instructions.
  7. Copy the secure code listed on the website.
  8. Start the CDA Digital ID Installer software. Click Paste to paste the secure code in the window. The CDA Digital ID installer software should not be run as administrator.
  9. Click Submit to install the CDA Digital ID and other required items.

Note: If logged in as the owner of the practice, click the Administration tab at the top to download Digital IDs for all providers.


Hygiene offices no longer need provider certificates to send claims.

Hygiene only offices can send claims directly to TELUS using the Claimstream clearinghouse.

Certificate Verification

To verify a provider has certificates installed:

  1. On the Claims Server, log into the Windows account where certificates are installed.
  2. In Windows, open Internet Options.
  3. Click Content, Certificates.
  4. Each provider lists with their expiration date.