iCat Bridge
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double-click on iCat.
iCat is an imaging software. Website: https://www.kavo.com/en-us/i-cat
To enable the bridge:
In the Additional Properties grid, set the following properties:
XML output file path: This is a file that is created and managed by Open Dental. Every time this bridge is used from the acquisition computer, the current patient is added to the file. From within the iCat software, set this same path for the PM.XML file. The patients in this file show on a list to select from in iCat when acquiring an image.
Return folder path: After a patient is selected in the iCat software, it generates a response file in the specified folder. Open Dental processes this file to remove that patient from the PM.XML file.
Acquisition computer name: The name of the computer where the iCat acquisitions take place. The descriptions above all pertain to the acquisition computer. If using a different computer and using the iCat bridge, it instead tries to launch iCat software using a command line argument.
In the iCat software, turn off the option to have iCat return thumbnail images. Open Dental disregards such images if they are created.
iCat returns an XML file with a small amount of information. The name of the return file is in the following format: PatID_yyyymmddhhmmss.xml
Open Dental is not interested in any of the information within the file, but only in the filename itself. Open Dental extracts the PatID from the filename, removes the corresponding entry in PM.XML, and then deletes the file. If there is an error processing the return file from iCat, Open Dental fails silently. The return file does not get deleted, and the patient entry is not removed from the PM.XML file. If this happens, look at the PM.XML file as well as the return file. It is also safe to delete the entire PM.XML file at any time. This completely clears the list of patients that show on the list to select from in iCat when acquiring an image.